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What NFL rules changes would you like to see?

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3 hours ago, Pine Barrens Mafia said:

Get rid of pass interference as a concept.


RETVRN to old-school football


The introduction of the penalty for the illegal use of hands on pass attempts was introduced in 1908 so that would be a return to realllllly old-school football.

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PI. incidental PI, 5 yards and a first.  Blatant mugging a spot fowl.


Overhaul instant replay, process is not only broken, but causes massive delays.  As a fan we can generally understand a call with one review of instant replay.  Why does it take 10 minutes to make the call on the field.  There should be 3 officials in the replay booth, their decision must be anonymous and made in less than a minute.  If they cannot make a decision in that time, the play on the field stands. 



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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Pine Barrens Mafia said:

Get rid of pass interference as a concept.


RETVRN to old-school football



6 hours ago, Pine Barrens Mafia said:

I'm talking NO PI at all.


bring back defense


They already did this…it’s called RUGBY.  

That’s not bringing back defense, that’s eliminating passing offense.  Defenders would just tackle all receivers before catching the ball for a 0% completion rate.  

So yeah, you need to rethink the absurdity of the extreme this suggestion is or just watch Rugby.

I get wanting defense to matter more, a concept I agree with, but it’s impossible to play football without some form of PI enforcement unless you want to get rid of QBs and just make this a run game only sport mostly - just like Rugby.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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2 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

Get rid of Sudden Death OT all together.

Give each squad the ball on the 50.  No XP allowed in OT, only 2 point conversions.  Play it like college each team gets the ball until the game is no longer tied after equal possessions.  

Agreed; especially don’t like that the OT rules currently change between the regular season and playoffs—if the current structure is not good enough for the playoffs, then why should it be good enough for the regular season? 

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Just now, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

Agreed; especially don’t like that the OT rules currently change between the regular season and playoffs—if the current structure is not good enough for the playoffs, then why should it be good enough for the regular season? 

Yes exactly.  Absurd to have 2 structures.  


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I think the rule of when a receiver has to be on the line or off the line of scrimmage is pretty arbitrary and dumb. It just wastes time getting calls for illegal formation. And it prevents offenses from being more imaginative.


I would remove some of the QB protection rules. You should be able to tackle them like any other player. Still no hitting in the head, etc, because that is illegal for any player.


Take out kneel downs and "giving yourself up" rules. You aren't down unless a defender makes contact with you.


Remove the taunting rule. Everything should be housed under "Unsportsmanlike Conduct". If a player does something bad or over the top, they can get flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct if needed. But all the taunting calls are dumb.


Get rid of "Neutral Zone Infraction". It should all be under "Offside".


Flag QB's and other players for complaining to the refs or obvious flopping. We don't want to turn into soccer. This would affect Josh Allen, but he can adjust.

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7 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

-Defensive holding and illegal contact is ten yards but not an automatic first down.

-If an offensive player fumbles the ball through the opponents end zone then the ball will be placed 10 yards behind where the fumble occurred with the offense getting to keep the ball on the next down.  If some defender pulls a Leon Lett then the offense takes over first and 10 from the opponents 11.


Also, move the Super Bowl to Saturday night or the Sunday before President's day.  

I actually like the fumble into the end zone rule. I think it makes sense. The end zone is like the defense's base. They are protecting it. It is their domain. An unclaimed ball that passes into their domain becomes theirs.


Plus, it is like one of the only rules that benefits the defense.


I kind of feel like a safety should not be a thing. It should just be a touchdown if you get tackled in your own end zone. And then you kick the extra point and kick the ball back to them, just like after a normal TD. Plus, safeties are rare enough that it wouldn't impact much and it rewards the defense more.

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5 minutes ago, SoMAn said:

Call 5 yard 'grounding' penalty along with the loss of down for clocking/spiking the ball.  Seems like a cheap way to get an extra time out.  

It should have to be within 5 yards of a receiver, at least, which most of the time it probably is because a HB is usually there.

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Get rid of illegal formations on offense

-5 down lineman and lineup as you please behind the LOS


Get rid of ineligible man downfield and intentional grounding within the pocket or hashmarks


Inside the RZ everyone is automatically an eligible receiver


Pass interference results in gain or loss of 10yds and replay of the down


No penalties on TD celebrations
















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4 hours ago, Ethan in Cleveland said:

They tried it with pass interference but the NFL killed it by not overturning calls that should have been overturned.


Yeah that's one of the more suspicious stunts the NFL has ever pulled off. Institute challenges for PI, never reverse them even in clear and obvious situations, then say "whelp we tried, it didn't work" and get rid of it immediately the following season.

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4 hours ago, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

💯 agree that DPI has morphed into a frankensteinian bloated mess where the QB seems to be rewarded a 50/50 shot at a free flag just for chucking it long—an immediate bandaid fix would seem to be limiting the penalty to 10-15 yards instead of a spot foul? 

Definitely should be nothing more than a 15 yard penalty.👍

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5 hours ago, Ethan in Cleveland said:

Allow coaches challenge via instant replay for everything. The game is too fast for the refs on the field. One bad holding call or roughing the passer call can change the outcome of the game. Everything should be reviewed. 

They tried it with pass interference but the NFL killed it by not overturning calls that should have been overturned.  The NFL would need to commit to getting the call correct or use a third party to review all challenges. 

Games would take nine hours. I would much rather they did away with challenges altogether, and just let bad calls become part of the game again. 

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CFL fans know. I will die on this hill. Nothing more aggravating than penalties like "2 players moving toward the line of scrimmage at the same time" or "the player failed to set prior to the snap of the ball". Absolutely useless.



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Draconator said:

Make roughing the passer calls an automatic video review. 


Even if they just made it reviewable it would be better.


Edited by Alphadawg7
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Not only allow touchdowns, but allow taunting, smack talk, etc.  These are grown a** men playing a game for a living.  This need to protect their feelings and egos like they are kids is ridiculous.  


Let them have fun...let someone talk smack and chirp all they want and either back it up or pay for it later like men, like all men who play any type of competition at home from all sports to dumb bets on mundane stupid things.  Its part of the male eco system and to take it out at the highest echelon of male testosterone team sports is so pathetically soft.

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3 hours ago, Process said:

Agree with Doc that defensive holding /illegal contact should not be an automatic first down. The holding calls were out of control last year, and they are significant/ game changing penalties right now with how they extend drives. Which is ridiculous for what are usually ticky tak calls that are not called consistently. 

Also agree with this, with the exception that it should still exist for egregious instances only. An o lineman wraps his arm around a guys neck, or grabs a fist full of jersey from behind etc. 



nah, let them grab the jersey too.  D-lineman has to beat that.

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