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Kamala, After Bloodless Dem Party Coup, Afraid To Debate Trump

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14 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


Yep, keep scrounging for all the white folks with MAGA hats who have already pledged undying fealty. If you judge by his crowd sizes, he's going to win bigly. I'm sure the fraudster from Manhattan cares deeply about these folks and isn't running his campaign solely for himself. He is greatly expanding his base and winning so many independents right now.

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QUESTION ASKED: Is the Debate To Be Biden’s Last Stand?

By Steve Huntley


It’s so strange, so unprecedented and so bizarre that no one is talking about it being so strange, so unprecedented and so bizarre.


That it is the debate scheduled for next Thursday, June 27, between President Biden and former President Trump.


June 27 — that’s more than two weeks before the Republican National Convention, more than seven weeks before the Democratic National Convention. And almost 10 weeks before Labor Day, the traditional date for the start of a general election presidential campaign.


And summer is a time when America is mostly on vacation. Folks are thinking more about beach time, airline schedules and the next hot travel destination. Politics is mostly shoved into the mental attic until the fall.


A debate between the two parties’ presidential candidates this early has never happened before. Never.


The explanation is that the Biden campaign, worried about his sagging poll ratings, wants to reassure voters about his age and mental acuity, contrast himself with Trump, and remind Americans that the stakes have never been higher. Meaning the evil orange man might get returned to the White House, and America needs to know how awful he is.


Really ? the country needs to hear more Democrat reasons to hate Trump ?


Already the legacy media daily sound the alarms about Trump’s supposed threat to democracy, mom and apple pie.


But that’s what Democrats are selling — an early debate exposé of the manifest danger of a second Trump term.


Let’s consider another possible motive, one perhaps animating Democrat leaders and party faithful who behind the scenes must be verging on panic over the increasing public perception of Biden as a senile old fool, an 81-year-old man who’s doddering, decrepit, feeble in mind and body.






Read the whole thing.


As with Biden’s SOTU speech in March, the late-era Soviet spin from the DNC-MSM will be amazing to watch.





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10 minutes ago, B-Man said:

As with Biden’s SOTU speech in March, the late-era Soviet spin from the DNC-MSM will be amazing to watch.


The post-debate analysis has already been written and is being rehearsed. The only thing that will change the headline and chatter from “Biden Answers the Age Question” is if he keels over mid-debate. 

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On 6/21/2024 at 9:25 PM, SCBills said:

The fact our President needs to hide away for a week to prepare for a debate is embarrassing in itself.




The questions he will get asked will be softball type questions. Imagine if he was asked the hard questions like defending his economy or the number of illegals coming here or inflation. I don't know who the real President is, but I doubt the drooling vegetable is calling the shots.

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Voters Skeptical Of CNN, Anchors Tapper And Bash, Heading Into Trump/Biden Debate



The first 2024 presidential debate is on the way, but already controversy has emerged over the television network that will conduct the presidential face-off and those selected to ask the questions. Some Americans, it turns out, aren’t exactly thrilled about CNN anchors serving as moderators for the debate, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.


The national online poll, taken from May 29-31, included 1,675 registered voters who were asked the following: “CNN will host the first general election presidential debate on June 27, 2024, moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. What is your opinion of the debate moderators and the host?”


The possible answers, given for CNN, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, were “very favorable,” “somewhat favorable,” “not very favorable,” “not at all favorable,” and “not sure.” The poll has a +/-2.5 percentage-point margin of error.




Will the debate be a debacle for one candidate or the other? Will one candidate clearly prevail over the other, or will it be a wash?


It’s not yet all clear. But one thing we know: CNN, Tapper and Bash will all be carefully scrutinized for fairness and balance in their questioning of Biden and Trump.

And not without reason.


CNN has a well-founded reputation for left-leaning bias, as reflected in recent assessments of its coverage.






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Make No Mistake, Trump Won't Be Debating Biden Even If Biden Is There

By Brandon Morse


The debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is swiftly approaching and while everyone is making their predictions and placing their bets, it should be understood that Biden isn't actually Trump's opponent. At least not in reality. 


As Eric Trump told Maria Bartiromo on Fox News, this debate will be hosted by CNN, and it won't just be Trump against Biden, it'll be Trump vs. Biden and CNN. 

“This is Jake Tapper,” Trump told Bartiromo. “Jake Tapper has compared my father to Hitler before, right? Jake Tapper’s the guy who will yell at his control room, saying, ‘Turn this man off! I don’t want to hear what he has to say.'”


“So understand that he’s not just going to be debating Joe Biden, he’s going to be debating CNN,” he added. 




Biden is an empty suit. We all know it. Whatever is said by Biden up on that stage will be the result of a lot of practice and no small measure of luck. As such, Trump's real opponent won't be Biden, it'll be the media. The same media that Trump has been facing down since before his election in 2016. The same media that's been generating hoax after hoax, lie after lie, and destroyed its own reputation in order to make his life as miserable as possible. 


It'll be the same media that Trump will still be having to deal with if he wins the election. The same media that will do its best to make mountains out of molehills and misrepresent everything Trump says and does in order to make his presidency a failure, even if it's a striking and noticeable success. 


The good news is that one thing the media hasn't learned yet is that it's no longer in sole control of the narrative. While the media might believe it's them and the DNC vs Trump, what it actually is, is the DNC and the media against Trump and you. The American people have never been more of a danger to the corporate media's narrative than they are today, and it shows. The media is consistently embarrassed by citizen journalists and meme creators on the internet, who don't have even a quarter of the budget. 






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23 hours ago, B-Man said:

Biden is an empty suit. We all know it. Whatever is said by Biden up on that stage will be the result of a lot of practice and no small measure of luck.

Ooh, look at the Loser, he's practicing.

We used to think that was a good thing.

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12 hours ago, JDHillFan said:

Trump accepted the terms of the debate. Likely to be a mistake. 



Trump on how this debate came about: 'What they did,

I’m pretty sure, is that they approached me with a debate

that I couldn’t take. Dana Bash, Jake Tapper [Trump

referred to the CNN anchor/commentator as 'Fake Tapper'

throughout], no audience, sitting down, originally sitting down,

a dead debate, turn off the mikes when you’re not speaking

so I can’t interrupt him....


They knew I wouldn’t accept that because it was CNN,

Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, and I like an audience and

probably he doesn’t, who knows?


So they thought they would present it, I would say no,

and they would say we can’t debate because Trump said no.

So I said yes before they even gave me the terms. So he got roped into it.'









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1 hour ago, B-Man said:





Trump on how this debate came about: 'What they did,

I’m pretty sure, is that they approached me with a debate

that I couldn’t take. Dana Bash, Jake Tapper [Trump

referred to the CNN anchor/commentator as 'Fake Tapper'

throughout], no audience, sitting down, originally sitting down,

a dead debate, turn off the mikes when you’re not speaking

so I can’t interrupt him....


They knew I wouldn’t accept that because it was CNN,

Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, and I like an audience and

probably he doesn’t, who knows?


So they thought they would present it, I would say no,

and they would say we can’t debate because Trump said no.

So I said yes before they even gave me the terms. So he got roped into it.'









Ooh, someone is sounding scared of the Dead Man Standing (for 90 minutes). I got tricked!!


Meanwhile, noted Dr. Feelgood Ronny Johnson (sic) shares with  Biden his pre-debate pharmaceutical protocols.


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