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Proof of Trolling, ***t posting, and having no purpose here

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2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Don't need it buddy, you do. you support a person that waged a coup against our constitutional republic because you lost. 









Will do Alan….will do





And that was the only coup of 2020-22.  

You are currently paying 50% more for everything because of it.  

Carry on

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2 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:



2 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:







Will do Alan….will do





And that was the only coup of 2020-22.  

You are currently paying 50% more for everything because of it.  

Carry on

Ha!  So you admit it's not Bidens fault!   Excellent we have a starting point for real discussion on inflation. 

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8 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:







Will do Alan….will do





And that was the only coup of 2020-22.  

You are currently paying 50% more for everything because of it.  

Carry on

On look, the little stupid coup supporter is making excuses for the coup. 


That's what sore losers do 

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

On look, the little stupid coup supporter is making excuses for the coup. 


That's what sore losers do 


It’s in the Declaration.  It's what you’re supposed to do when your government is usurped by a virus and tells you to stay home and 6 feet apart in an election year.  And get 7 boosters.  

Unfortunately we didn’t do that.  Worst “coup” of all times.  

Edited by Big Blitz
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Just now, Big Blitz said:


It’s in the Declaration.  It's what you’re supposed to do when your government is usurped by a virus and tells you to stay home and 6 feet apart in an election year.  And get 7 boosters.  

Unfortunately we didn’t do that.  Worst “coup” of all times.  

The Declaration, you moron, was against a foreign power. You lost an election and tried to ILLEGALLY steal the government. What a clown you are 


Go live in Russia, its the place you belong. Treason, you admit. Un-American you are


You are a traitor 

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7 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

The Declaration, you moron, was against a foreign power. You lost an election and tried to ILLEGALLY steal the government. What a clown you are 


Go live in Russia, its the place you belong. Treason, you admit. Un-American you are


You are a traitor 





“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”




I have a link if you’d like:


https://portal.ct.gov/sots/register-manual/section-i/declaration-of-independence-us-constitution#:~:text=But when a long train,guards for their future security.


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7 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:





“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”




I have a link if you’d like:


https://portal.ct.gov/sots/register-manual/section-i/declaration-of-independence-us-constitution#:~:text=But when a long train,guards for their future security.



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22 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:





“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”




I have a link if you’d like:


https://portal.ct.gov/sots/register-manual/section-i/declaration-of-independence-us-constitution#:~:text=But when a long train,guards for their future security.


A foreign government and a King. You are really stupid. 


You lost a free and fair election. You are a sore loser. Go live in Russia

13 minutes ago, BillStime said:


Oh, but the Declaration of Independence! He wants to be free of everyone else's voting choice. A complete clown


Literally arguing that **because, because** His class of sh it heads should be able to overturn the will of the people


I hope after they lose again a lot more of them are put in jail. 

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

Oh, but the Declaration of Independence! He wants to be free of everyone else's voting choice. A complete clown


Literally arguing that **because, because** His class of sh it heads should be able to overturn the will of the people


I hope after they lose again a lot more of them are put in jail. 



No matter how hard they try, they cannot whitewash their association with the most corrupt politician in our lifetime.


They cannot stand being reminded about their bad choices and desperately try to silence those on the right side of history.


Thats why @BillsFanNChas created a record number of threads pointing fingers at everyone else and not one highlighting Conald's accomplishments.





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2 minutes ago, BillStime said:



No matter how hard they try, they cannot whitewash their association with the most corrupt politician in our lifetime.


They cannot stand being reminded about their bad choices and desperately try to silence those on the right side of history.


Thats why @BillsFanNChas created a record number of threads pointing fingers at everyone else and not one highlighting Conald's accomplishments.






They should technically hate him more than we do.  Dead serious.  He completely f'd them.  He'll be dead soon, let's be real.  The civil war that's going to happen in their party is going to be an absolute riot to watch.  The semi human R's trying to normalize the party vs those that try their best to emulate our country's biggest embarrassment (and we've had more than a few) are going to fight worse than r's and d's.  He broke a political party and we've just seen the start.


They deserve it.  For having such a high population willing to believe the absurd constantly, they deserve it.

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3 minutes ago, BillStime said:





Meanwhile - this snowflake has time for this,


LMAO - you have no idea what my workout regiment is.. but something tells me you are full of ***** - and everyone knows it.


And he’s got the top 10!!!!!

Wut a guy!!

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13 hours ago, Tiberius said:

The Declaration, you moron, was against a foreign power. 


For historical accuracy purposes, it was not a "foreign" power at the time'

Thus, our forefathers realized that they were committing treason.

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In continuing the efforts to combat commie trolling and shi.t posting, please remember..


The absolute best practice is to put them on your ignore list and keep them there.


If you don't put them on ignore, please consider not quoting them. Ever. Thanks.


Also, as has been noted in this thread, a common tactic is for commie troll A#1 to consistently bump its own commie threads. 


Please do not participate in these threads. Chances are there is already another thread covering the same topic NOT started by a commie. If there isn't, then please create your own and discuss the topic there, preferably while ignoring the commies who will surely follow.

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3 hours ago, sherpa said:


For historical accuracy purposes, it was not a "foreign" power at the time'

Thus, our forefathers realized that they were committing treason.

It was a Declaration of Independence. Independence, you understand that?


Jan 6 was an insurrection against the established order because you guys lost 


I quote, for historical accuracy from the declaration:


Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.


Losing elections is simply a suffeable evil we all deal with, not a cause to destroy this republic


But keep making excuses for these insurrectionists

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