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Rd 5, Pick 141: C Sedrick Van Pran-Granger

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Assuming Van Pran-Granger doesn't win a starting spot, does position inflexibility create a numbers crunch for backup spots? Of course the team is saying they are going to work him at guard as well, but I haven't heard anyone outside of the team say anything that makes that seem likely. Could the Bills have to look at keeping an extra O-lineman in that case?

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15 minutes ago, MRW said:

Assuming Van Pran-Granger doesn't win a starting spot, does position inflexibility create a numbers crunch for backup spots? Of course the team is saying they are going to work him at guard as well, but I haven't heard anyone outside of the team say anything that makes that seem likely. Could the Bills have to look at keeping an extra O-lineman in that case?


Not necessarily.  Morse was pretty much just a center so VPG would just replace him in that regard.  There are other guys with positional flex.

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On 4/30/2024 at 11:00 AM, Logic said:

I just wanted to point out that Sed has the same arm length as Ryan Kalil, who was a 3 time All-Pro and 5 time Pro Bowler, and was drafted by a Panthers team that employed Brandon Beane in its personnel department.

I'm not saying Sed will be Ryan Kalil (31.50"), but the short arms don't need to mean that his career is doomed before it begins.


In addition to the mention of Jeff Saturday (31.50") here are the arm lengths compared to the last 4 All Pro Centers:


SVPG: 31.375"

Jason Kelce: 32.50"

Frank Ragnow 33.125"

Creed Humphrey 32.25"

Corey Linsley 32"


Also keep in mind that the top center prospect in the 2022 draft, Tyler Linderbaum of the Ravens, has played up to expectations (2023 Pro Bowl) and should have a long and decorated career. Linderbaum has an arm length of 31.125"


If SVPG doesn't succeed as an NFL center, it won't be because of his arm length.


19 hours ago, Doc said:

Another thing to consider is that, while McGovern has more professional experience, Van Pran has spent the last 8 years playing only center, and the last 3 years on the premier college football program that finished 1st, 1st and 5th in the nation, often times going up against future NFL players.  McGovern OTOH hasn't played center since his sophomore season in college and 1 game as a junior. (That was in 2017)


Now I agree that Van Pran likely won't win the starting job because I don't see the Bills taking a chance like the Chiefs did.  But you never know.


Also SVPG was First Team All-SEC center and won the award for best blocker in the SEC.


6 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

I have to agree.  Guy's started at center in a big-time college program, so it's practically a given that he has the mental skills to play the position now.   Given that, it's telling that he fell to the fifth round.   It must be clear to the scouts and GMs that his physical limitations raise real questions about whether he ever can succeed in the NFL, let alone start as a rookie.  


If he wins the starting job as a rookie, he will be the steal of the draft.  


I'm no O-line expert but it looks like it's not far-fetched that he have a good NFL career. Here is a nice All-22 breakdown of SVPG:





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9 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

Fifth round picks usually are projects of some sort.  This is no exception.


Have the Bills invested in an arm-stretching machine yet?   

That's in "The Pit" of Despair.

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19 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

I have to agree.  Guy's started at center in a big-time college program, so it's practically a given that he has the mental skills to play the position now.   Given that, it's telling that he fell to the fifth round.   It must be clear to the scouts and GMs that his physical limitations raise real questions about whether he ever can succeed in the NFL, let alone start as a rookie.  


If he wins the starting job as a rookie, he will be the steal of the draft.  

I don't think he wins the starting job in TC. I do think he's got some work ahead of him to get to that point.


However, he's the kind of guy that if he's forced into the lineup due to injury ahead of him will be very difficult to send back to the bench IMO. I think he's the guy by the end of the season.

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13 hours ago, Warcodered said:

That's in "The Pit" of Despair.

Where the Albino?

asking for a friend 

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21 hours ago, MRW said:

Assuming Van Pran-Granger doesn't win a starting spot, does position inflexibility create a numbers crunch for backup spots? Of course the team is saying they are going to work him at guard as well, but I haven't heard anyone outside of the team say anything that makes that seem likely. Could the Bills have to look at keeping an extra O-lineman in that case?


This "position-flexibility" is always better but not mandatory.  VPG is a Center and camp will show if he is the "heir apparent" Center in

the coaches mind, even if it takes another year to get there.  VPG could be the guy not dressing on game-day to start the season.

If a IOL goes down with a major injury they have options to move up a G from the PS.  The "flexibility" issue could be addressed by

dressing a player with both T and G depth.  That way VPG hones his skills until he starts.


If the coaches like VPG in camp, then they will know that McGovern is eventually moving back to G.  Of course, having him excel quickly

to take the starting C role is by far the best scenario.  

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On 5/1/2024 at 3:22 PM, MRW said:

Assuming Van Pran-Granger doesn't win a starting spot, does position inflexibility create a numbers crunch for backup spots? Of course the team is saying they are going to work him at guard as well, but I haven't heard anyone outside of the team say anything that makes that seem likely. Could the Bills have to look at keeping an extra O-lineman in that case?

The position “inflexibility” is not going to impact the Bills much because McGovern can flex out to guard so having a “pure” backup center is fine as it’s not severely impacting the bench. As if there a center or guard injury then Van Pran steps in.


Right now with the addition of Van Pran and Grabel in the draft and the addition of Collin’s in free agency the depth along the offensive line looks better.


I think the projected top 9 is pretty set. 

The starting 5 is




Then the bench is likely 4 out of the following 5.


Van Pran, Van Denmark, Alec Anderson, Collin’s and Grabel


I think barring injury I think they carry 9 and unless Grabel shows out fantastically I think they maybe put Grabel on IR and “red-shirt” him like they did Shorter.

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His Power and nastiness would be a welcome addition from the C spot.   


I'm rooting big time for him to win the spot as a rookie. I'd rather keep McGovern at Guard


But I won't be surprised if they put Van at LG and move McGovern to C

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5 hours ago, Warriorspikes51 said:

His Power and nastiness would be a welcome addition from the C spot.   


I'm rooting big time for him to win the spot as a rookie. I'd rather keep McGovern at Guard


But I won't be surprised if they put Van at LG and move McGovern to C


Of all the scenarios, I can't see them starting VPG at LG.  IMHO if he starts anywhere on the OL, it's center.

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On 5/1/2024 at 7:07 PM, Sierra Foothills said:


In addition to the mention of Jeff Saturday (31.50") here are the arm lengths compared to the last 4 All Pro Centers:


SVPG: 31.375"

Jason Kelce: 32.50"

Frank Ragnow 33.125"

Creed Humphrey 32.25"

Corey Linsley 32"


Also keep in mind that the top center prospect in the 2022 draft, Tyler Linderbaum of the Ravens, has played up to expectations (2023 Pro Bowl) and should have a long and decorated career. Linderbaum has an arm length of 31.125"


If SVPG doesn't succeed as an NFL center, it won't be because of his arm length.



Also SVPG was First Team All-SEC center and won the award for best blocker in the SEC.



I'm no O-line expert but it looks like it's not far-fetched that he have a good NFL career. Here is a nice All-22 breakdown of SVPG:





I really would like to see the rookie win the job. Mcgovern is back to starting LG.  But if not let him learn this year and McGovern csn hold down the fort

7 hours ago, Doc said:


Of all the scenarios, I can't see them starting VPG at LG.  IMHO if he starts anywhere on the OL, it's center.

He is 100% pure center

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Weird Buffalo sports trivia...


When did a major league Buffalo sports team have three Macs (actually: "Mc")?


The current Bills have two Vans and a Von which is not as unique maybe but still unusual:   Van Prang-Granger, and Van Denmark, Von Miller.

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On 5/1/2024 at 6:22 PM, MRW said:

Assuming Van Pran-Granger doesn't win a starting spot, does position inflexibility create a numbers crunch for backup spots? Of course the team is saying they are going to work him at guard as well, but I haven't heard anyone outside of the team say anything that makes that seem likely. Could the Bills have to look at keeping an extra O-lineman in that case?

I would expect if  VPG is worthy of a roster spot, even though he is only a center, that if a guard was injured they may move McGovern to guard and play VPG at center 

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In a weird way, I think I'm more comfortable with the idea of this 5th round rookie starting at C instead of McGovern. And that's not a knock against McGovern because I do like him a lot. But he hasn't been working at C much since what...high school? Meanwhile, VPG has been the starter at a major college in a major conference and on National Championship teams. He's battle tested and used to setting protections and playing the position.


I think McGovern at LG, VPG at C and Edwards back at that "6th OL" position gives this group the strongest potential. 

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22 hours ago, hondo in seattle said:

Weird Buffalo sports trivia...


When did a major league Buffalo sports team have three Macs (actually: "Mc")?


The current Bills have two Vans and a Von which is not as unique maybe but still unusual:   Van Prang-Granger, and Van Denmark, Von Miller.

82 Sabres?

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34 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

I think VPG is going to win the starting C job personally.  


That certainly would not shock me. 


I know some people have reservations about Keon being able to separate adequately, but I think he will concentrate and work hard on route running. I like his potential, and I love the value in the rest of the draft. I’m usually optimistic, but I really am eager to see some of these later guys and how they perform. 

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