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The Reliable Mainstream Media vs. The Alternative Scum

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2 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Notice the biggest liars on here (and trolls that keep getting banned but make new accounts)

100% support the corporate media .  



The big liars like this lady?


Edited by Starr-Bills
You will also notice the chumps here who think I’m someone I’m not and can’t be proven otherwise like I said chumps
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In her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Harris said, “My entire career, I’ve only had once client: the people.”


Is it a good idea to keep your client in the dark about not only how you got your job but also what your plans are for leading them, given that they ultimately decide whether you get that job and pay your salary?


Harris is betting that it is. And given the media’s incuriosity about her résumé and rise to power, it’s a clever gamble. For the ever-more distrusted and increasingly unpopular and unprofitable mainstream press, however, it’s just another path of indignity leading to the industry’s grave.




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