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The Reliable Mainstream Media vs. The Alternative Scum

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On 7/5/2024 at 1:24 PM, BillsFanNC said:



The Media is Not Doing its Job

@chamath breaks down the viral "sharp as a tack" clip:


"Six minutes of 100 spokespeople and proxies, and they all had the same thing to say about President Biden, which is, 'He is sharp as a tack.'"


"If I asked 100 people on the street, 'What do you think of @elonmusk?' You'd have 100 different statements. There be a general theme, but you would not have even 50 people repeat the exact same words."


"You have this funny situation where 100 different people were basically saying the exact same talking point.


So it's not even a point of view. It was just something that they were told to say by somebody else."


"And that is the real issue: you don't really have an honest media here. So there is no check and balance on power right now."





Hopefully all the events of these past couple of weeks will get people to realize it isn't that the MSM is truthful or not and that it isn't whether the "alternative" media is truthful or not.  It's that this isn't Walter Cronkite's media or even Tim Russert's media anymore.  None of them see themselves as needing to speak hard truth and ask hard questions of ALL politicians.  (Well, almost none of them.  Catherine Herridge and a few others will investigate a story regardless of where it takes them, but those are few and far between.)  They now have their own favorite politicians and they will try to carry water for them and they'll be tough on politicians that are opponents of their favorites.  (And this goes for bureaucrats as well.)  


You just have to understand who each is running interference for:  FOX - RNC; CNN - DNC; MSNBC - progressive D's; OAN - Trump wing of R's; NYT - State Department; WAPO - IC; WSJ - RNC.  Etc, etc.


Listen to whomever you want, but understand they're going to slant the news to best serve their OWN interests.  If the reporters of today were around in biblical times, when Jesus hopped out of the fishing boat and walked to shore there would've been 2 primary stories: 1.  Jesus walks on water; and 2.  Jesus can't swim.  They're both ostensibly true, but the reader of one's reporting gets a better understanding of the event than the reader of the other's reporting.


And, a LOT of times, you can find the primary sources that were the basis of the articles.  Track them down yourself and reach your own conclusion of what just happened.


And when you catch them in a lie, ask yourself, what else might they have been lying about.  Check out the stories from multiple angles and realize sometimes one or the other is telling the truth and the other is lying; but a lot of the time, the truth lies somewhere inbetween.  Except of course when 90% of them are all using the EXACT SAME WORDS, it which case you have a pretty good idea of what ISN'T the truth.

Edited by Taro T
Added 1 final point.
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30 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Wow, pretty damning there Mr. "DC Draino" A news outlet reminding it's reporters to follow what they learned in Journalism 101.



No real response.


Just attack a DC insider who has been posting for over seven years.


Hey maybe you could refer to those you don't agree with as "SCUM" again.


That seems to be your level of discourse.




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1 minute ago, B-Man said:



No real response.


Just attack a DC insider who has been posting for over seven years.


Hey maybe you could refer to those you don't agree with as "SCUM" again.


That seems to be your level of discourse.




Do you see anything wrong in the "explosive" memory Mr. Draino is citing?

It reminds that media company's reporters (Fox News?) to report that facts and not to speculate in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. I thought that was good journalism.

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Finding getting fully behind those media instructions.  


That's how you get headlines like this.


Trump fell. Really? He didn't go to the ground after ducking and getting tackled by secret service because they all perceived an actual threat?


Finding you are a clown if epic proportions. 




Edited by BillsFanNC
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Meanwhile, over at the MSM, a really good report by the NYT today on China's military base in Cambodia. It's fine and wonderful and all First Amendment-y to have all these Twitter hot take monkeys ready to comment on a story, but first someone has to unearth the story. Which is what that pinnacle of the MSM does here in a way that calls out China for its lies and military ambitions.



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1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said:



***** off.

Idiot who will wait for Jack Posobiec's two-sentence take on a well-researched and corroborated story. Which will no doubt pick on some phrase in the story that he can claim shows some kind of pro-China bias. In a story that is 100% anti-China.

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