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Pedo Peter / Rapist POTUS: Ashley Biden's Diary & Tara Reade's Allegation

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26 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

Another person checked into a halfway house that Ashley Biden had previously checked into.  She found it in the room Ashley Biden was assigned before her, under the mattress.  She didn't steal it.  She then put it into the hands of Project Veritas who then had their doors kicked in by the feds.


And Finding Qanon wants to hand wave all that away.  Shocking!

In keeping with my theme, why is the FBI involved?  Its hard to accept that losing, stealing, selling a diary falls within the jurisdiction of the FBI.  And certainly not a situation where armed SWAT teams are dispatched. 

Its a case of a powerful political figure abusing their power and using Federal law enforcement assets as a personal bodyguard team.  For personal reasons and not official government business.  

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Finding Q:


On the Ashley Biden diary: Gets the basic facts wrong, then twists and hand waves around erroneous facts to make the whole situation conveniently innocuous for his guy.  All based on reporting from a lying media that he claims he doesn't rely on to form his opinions anyway.


On Trump using the term bloodbath:  Where we have actual video and context of the usage of that term.  Tells you how Trump clearly meant a bloodbath among US citizens when any sane native english speaker clearly understands he was talking about a bloodbath in the US automotive industry.


This is why nobody should take you morons seriously.

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11 hours ago, BillStime said:

It's a hoax - that's all the cult has. One psyop after another.


Calling it a "hoax" is all you have.  And it's not working.

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2 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


Meanwhile, the US media that would jump on this story in a millisecond of it was somebody else besides Biden (can you imagine the 24/7 non-stop coverage if it involved Trump?), will ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist.  They and the corrupt politicians and system they protect are forcing us to live in their alternative reality where mental patients run the country.  Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?

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If this was about Ivanka's diary and her dad, of course the media would be going apeshit, as they should if it was verified as authentic, but we all know they wouldn't waste time bothering to verify anything.


The other difference would be that Ivanka couldn't possibly be treated as a victim here. They'd roast her for not reporting the allegations to the authorities on her own years ago.

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It's like Hunter's laptop.  Claimed to be fake but gotta sue the people who got/found it and showed it to the world.  And ultimately verified to be true.

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1 hour ago, Doc said:

It's like Hunter's laptop.  Claimed to be fake but gotta sue the people who got/found it and showed it to the world.  And ultimately verified to be true.

Who claimed that the diary was fake? 

I first heard of it - probably here - maybe a couple years ago. And I remember commenting that it seems real.

And that it also seems really low and sick for someone to steal it and sell it to anti-Joe Biden people for the purposes of publicizing it.

Now we know who these people were, and it's good that they are being given sharp slaps on their wrists for doing it.

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Not sure what's worse Billsfuk.c claiming it's fake or Finding saying he always knew it was real and doesn't care.


I also read a quoted Finding post comparing this to Blasey-Ford, that he also claims he never believed.




We all witnessed the media ***** storm that those outlandish allegations set forth.


Yet allegations in writing from a daughter regarding her own father, who happens to be the friggin President?




And these morons will continue to insist that there's absolutely no such thing as media bias.


I wonder did Finding believe E. Jean Carroll?

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2 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:

I wonder did Finding believe E. Jean Carroll?

I believe this fool is referring to me. So I'll oblige him by doing his childish game-of-telephone dialog (but I'm IGNORING you!)


No. From what I've seen of the evidence, I don't believe E. Jean Carroll's allegations. But no one cares what I believe. A jury believed her. Done.


I'll also note that Carroll told a friend (that old Prep School Handbook writer) that Trump had done something like this around the time that it happened. Ashley Biden apparently didn't tell anyone about something untoward happening with her dad until some three decades had passed.


And the key distinction: Ashley Biden is not now accusing her dad of doing anything illegal or that would amount to sexual assault. I only saw those two diary pages, in which she doesn't talk about her age at the time of those showers with dad, and ponders whether, in retrospect, there was something inappropriate (not immoral or illegal) about it. It reads like she was a little kid at the time and that the "memory" was only "recovered" upon prompting from her therapists.


In other words: keep trying. It ain't sticking because, well, it's a stupid "My guy may be a creep but your guy is worse" right-wing talking point.


There. It's called a rational response. Quote me and maybe Tarheel will learn a thing or two about the art of argument.


[Yeah, right.]

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1 minute ago, The Frankish Reich said:

I believe this fool is referring to me. So I'll oblige him by doing his childish game-of-telephone dialog (but I'm IGNORING you!)


No. From what I've seen of the evidence, I don't believe E. Jean Carroll's allegations. But no one cares what I believe. A jury believed her. Done.


I'll also note that Carroll told a friend (that old Prep School Handbook writer) that Trump had done something like this around the time that it happened. Ashley Biden apparently didn't tell anyone about something untoward happening with her dad until some three decades had passed.


And the key distinction: Ashley Biden is not now accusing her dad of doing anything illegal or that would amount to sexual assault. I only saw those two diary pages, in which she doesn't talk about her age at the time of those showers with dad, and ponders whether, in retrospect, there was something inappropriate (not immoral or illegal) about it. It reads like she was a little kid at the time and that the "memory" was only "recovered" upon prompting from her therapists.


In other words: keep trying. It ain't sticking because, well, it's a stupid "My guy may be a creep but your guy is worse" right-wing talking point.


There. It's called a rational response. Quote me and maybe Tarheel will learn a thing or two about the art of argument.


[Yeah, right.]


How do we know EJC told her friend when it happened?  Did she, say, put in a diary?  Or was it just her/their word?  We know they both hate Trump.


OTOH, you think a teenage Ashley Biden was going to tell someone about her (then) Senator father showering with her?  What motivation do you think she had in making up a lie about her own father that she had hidden (for decades) in her diary?

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11 minutes ago, Doc said:

you think a teenage Ashley Biden

OK, people are just making this up.

I've seen people say she said she was 11 when this happened, 8 when this happened, 13 when this happened, whatever.

If she meant that she was 11 or 13, she wouldn't be saying "possibly inappropriate." Wishful thinking. Some people so desperately want to cancel out Trump's obvious creepery ...

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This is actually an interesting dynamic here that I want put to a test- what percent are you sure he is a pedophile? If you say 100% either way you are being a political hack. I am about 30% there but this diary alone is not enough but it does look bad. It also looks worse that  they treated this the same way as hunter laptop, first it is fake, then it is real, then you should not believe it. I ask this of @BillStime @The Frankish Reich @BillsFanNC @Doc most pointedly.

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Just now, The Frankish Reich said:

OK, people are just making this up.

I've seen people say she said she was 11 when this happened, 8 when this happened, 13 when this happened, whatever.

If she meant that she was 11 or 13, she wouldn't be saying "possibly inappropriate." Wishful thinking. Some people so desperately want to cancel out Trump's obvious creepery ...


So your issue is with her choice of words?  What if he said "probably not appropriate" and she were 15 or 16? 


And again, what does she gain lying about her father in a diary no one was supposed to see?  It wasn't she who leaked the diary.  It somehow "got out."  Kind of like the Steele dossier did...


But showering with your daughter at any time except for up to toddler age is creepy AF.  And let's be honest here, Biden has lots of legit video of him being creepy with girls and women, while again, Jon Stewart made mention of it on TDS over a decade ago.


And then there's the monumentally tone deaf decision to bring Slick out to campaign for him.  Again moral high ground gone.

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1 minute ago, Orlando Tim said:

This is actually an interesting dynamic here that I want put to a test- what percent are you sure he is a pedophile? If you say 100% either way you are being a political hack. I am about 30% there but this diary alone is not enough but it does look bad. It also looks worse that  they treated this the same way as hunter laptop, first it is fake, then it is real, then you should not believe it. I ask this of @BillStime @The Frankish Reich @BillsFanNC @Doc most pointedly.

I'd say next to zero percent. Dude is 81 years old. For the first 79 or so years of his life nobody ever said anything about him being a pedophile or being sexually attracted to children. And now we have only ambiguous ponderings by a grown woman in drug rehab in response to questions about any childhood trauma that might explain those addictions. And even then she's clearly thinking that in retrospect maybe something was inappropriate. So if 1% of the adult male population is sexually attracted to children, then ... 1%

Just now, Doc said:


So your issue is with her choice of words?  What if he said "probably not appropriate" and she were 15 or 16? 


And again, what does she gain lying about her father in a diary no one was supposed to see?  It wasn't she who leaked the diary.  It somehow "got out."  Kind of like the Steele dossier did...


But showering with your daughter at any time except for up to toddler age is creepy AF.  And let's be honest here, Biden has lots of legit video of him being creepy with girls and women, while again, Jon Stewart made mention of it on TDS over a decade ago.


And then there's the monumentally tone deaf decision to bring Slick out to campaign for him.  Again moral high ground gone.

I sincerely hope and pray that you don't have a drug-addicted adult daughter in therapy sessions being pressed to think of anything in her childhood that could have caused her to grow into an addict ...

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4 minutes ago, Orlando Tim said:

This is actually an interesting dynamic here that I want put to a test- what percent are you sure he is a pedophile? If you say 100% either way you are being a political hack. I am about 30% there but this diary alone is not enough but it does look bad. It also looks worse that  they treated this the same way as hunter laptop, first it is fake, then it is real, then you should not believe it. I ask this of @BillStime @The Frankish Reich @BillsFanNC @Doc most pointedly.


I can't say he's a pedo.  Showering with your teenage daughter is sick in its own right, but there's no evidence he molested her.  Again I don't know why she'd lie about something like that in a diary no one was meant to see and she didn't let/mean to get out.


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