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Conservatives, Not Progressives, Are Freedom’s Champions

by Alexander Salter


Credit where it’s due: It takes serious chutzpah to gaslight an entire nation. That’s what progressives did last week at the Democratic National Convention when they tried to seize the mantle of freedom.


A political movement that has, for more than a century, been explicitly devoted to taxing, regulating, mandating, and surveilling is making a big push to rebrand.


Don’t fall for it. Progressivism remains as wedded as ever to empowering bureaucrats to control countless aspects of everyday life, unhindered by democratic accountability.


Conservatives, not progressives, are the true defenders of freedom. While conservatism is a much more intellectually diverse movement than progressivism, there is one thing American conservatives have in common: They seek to uphold America’s cherished traditions of ordered liberty. Rather than the merely instrumental “positive freedoms” championed by progressives – paid for by forcibly seizing the wealth created by hard-working Americans – conservatives defend the transcendent moral principles of the Founding: the natural rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” 








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20 minutes ago, B-Man said:


Conservatives, Not Progressives, Are Freedom’s Champions

by Alexander Salter


Credit where it’s due: It takes serious chutzpah to gaslight an entire nation. That’s what progressives did last week at the Democratic National Convention when they tried to seize the mantle of freedom.


A political movement that has, for more than a century, been explicitly devoted to taxing, regulating, mandating, and surveilling is making a big push to rebrand.


Don’t fall for it. Progressivism remains as wedded as ever to empowering bureaucrats to control countless aspects of everyday life, unhindered by democratic accountability.


Conservatives, not progressives, are the true defenders of freedom. While conservatism is a much more intellectually diverse movement than progressivism, there is one thing American conservatives have in common: They seek to uphold America’s cherished traditions of ordered liberty. Rather than the merely instrumental “positive freedoms” championed by progressives – paid for by forcibly seizing the wealth created by hard-working Americans – conservatives defend the transcendent moral principles of the Founding: the natural rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” 








I mean how intellectually dishonest. 


Conserve - to protect or maintain. Progress to move forward.


Conservatives are much more "intellectually diverse" / ordered liberty / traditions (you know like slavery, women unable to vote or hold property) e.g. you are free to agree with us or you are dumb commie libtard soy boy.  Cool keep telling yourself that.


Straight up, the big conservative fear, "seizing the wealth created by hard working Americans" the old "redistribution of wealth"  this really means I have mine because the system favored me, and I must protect the rules that led to this otherwise I might have to compete with others if they have fair shot. 


so tired, so small minded, so selfish. pathetic really. 

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1 hour ago, Starr-Bills said:


so tired, so small minded, so selfish. pathetic really. 



So predictable.


Didn't open up the link, but 'feels' that spouting his biases is an argument 


Oh well, meanwhile.



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