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Any White Stripes fans?

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1.5-2 hours.  But I have an anti-Ed device installed on my vehicles and house. 


Is this for your bare naked ladies concert?  Why don't you go to concerts closer to home?  You seem to travel to them? 


BTW, have you considered taking your GF and hoping on a cheap airline and going to a future concert elsewhere?  Might be cheaper then a ticket agent.



No, we're going to the Inner Harbor and stuff.


BNL is only playing this one show this summer (they're writing and recording their next album).

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I'm a white strips fans, specially the Crest Premium White Strips. I've seen some great results with those, while the other ones didn't really do much to my teeth.



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Anyone had the opportunity to check out the White Stripes' new album, "Get Behind Me Satan"??  I've had it for a week now and I think I can officially say it's the best stuff they've put out yet.  There aren't as many power-chord/driving rock tunes as on "White Blood Cells" or "Elephant"...well there is one.  The opening track, "Blue Orchid" has power-chords that will make your bones vibrate. 


Other than that, the album has a very unique sound to it.  Piano, bells, marimbas, tambourine...it's very different from anything the duo has done so far and I love it. 


Another new album I just picked is "Songs for Silverman", by Ben Folds.  Also very good, if you're a fan of his.  I'm also looking forward to picking up the new Foo Fighters one...some good music coming out this summer.



I would be willing to bet cold hard cash that you are rocking one hell of a mullet.

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Than quit telling people how to live.


What???? You drinking at work? I think you may have hit your head too. Or are you always this way?


Or is reading comprehension just way too difficult for you?


Maybe you feel federal laws don't apply to you either?

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What????  You drinking at work?    I think you may have hit your head too.  Or are you always this way? 


Or is reading comprehension just way too difficult for you? 


Maybe you feel federal laws don't apply to you either?



If I choose to break the law that's up to me. I don't have to listen to you tell me how to conduct myself on an internet message board. What makes you better than me? I'm sure you have broken a law in your lifetime too.


Comprehend that.

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If I choose to break the law that's up to me.  I don't have to listen to you tell me how to conduct myself on an internet message board.  What makes you better than me?  I'm sure you have broken a law in your lifetime too.


Comprehend that.


No I haven't, and as a citizen of the United States I have a right and a duty to uphold the laws of the land.

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I loved Songs for Silverman. I'm a huge Ben Folds fan. I saw him about a month ago at The Electric Factory in Philly, and I have tickets to see him in Atlantic City in August.




Funniest review I have read of a record, recently, can't remember where, short and simple:


"I don't know who Silverman is, but surely he deserves better than this..."

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You have NEVER EVER broken a law?  Any law?  At any time?


The White House is blue.


Way to ignore the whole second part of that. Again reading is not your strong point is it? Just making up sh-- as you go don't you?

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Way to ignore the whole second part of that.  Again reading is not your strong point is it?  Just making up sh-- as you go don't you?



Yeah I read the second part. You are supposed to uphold the laws of the land like a good Marine would. That's fine. You obviously have better morals than me. Good for you.


As I said, you are full of sh-- if you expect me to believe you have never broken any sort of law at any time in your life.


And what's funny is that I own the cd that I downloaded.

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Yeah I read the second part.  You are supposed to uphold the laws of the land like a good Marine would.  That's fine.  You obviously have better morals than me.  Good for you.


As I said, you are full of sh-- if you expect me to believe you have never broken any sort of law at any time in your life.



I have not commited a felony. You have however and openly admitted it on a public board.

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You didn't.  Grand theft. Receipt of stolen goods.  Copyright infringement.  I am sure there are several other.



Stolen goods? I own the cd. Infringement? How so? I still own the cd.


Grand Theft? I walked right out of the store with my receipt for the cd.

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