T master Posted March 19, 2024 Posted March 19, 2024 At the beginning of the Pandemic when NO ONE knew how, what, where, or Why about this virus & everyone was trying to get a handle on how to treat it, stop the spread, and come up with a response the gov't gave money to the science community in the bill which i believe was named Warp Speed which i've heard was about $10 Billion . Then when they finally did come up with the vaccine we were told that the vaccine would be made available to anyone that wanted it by going to hospital parking lots set up to give the vaccination & i understand from a friend that told me they were "Free to the public" in some cases . I have read that some companies like Phizer had made some where in the vicinity after the first year alone of the vaccine being available $93 Billion . I'm just wondering if the gov't allotted the money for these companies to do the research for the vaccine in the beginning was paid back ? Was big pharma obligated in any way to pay back any of the initial monies given for research from the gov't seeing as they made so much profit after it's production & how much more they are still making from it ? I would think that should be what should happen but i'm probably thinking that all of that money & more would be just pushed onto the deficit so we could pay it rather than these big corporations giving at least the initial money back to the gov't so it wouldn't be paid for once again by we the people . Do any of y'all have any type of insight to how something such as this should or does work ??
B-Man Posted March 19, 2024 Posted March 19, 2024 It does not appear that there is any "pay back" planned. U.S. Government Invested $31.9 Billion in mRNA Vaccine Research and Procurement by Stefan Anderson https://healthpolicy-watch.news/u-s-government-invested-31-9-billion-in-mrna-vaccine-research-and-procurement/ What the hell, it's not like the money would get back to the taxpayers anyway. ..
Big Blitz Posted April 29, 2024 Posted April 29, 2024 You were arrested for suggesting this 2 years ago and fired from your job AstraZeneca has admitted that its COVID-19 vaccine could cause a rare but deadly blood-clotting condition, potentially exposing the UK pharmaceutical giant to tens of millions in lawsuits brought by loved ones of those injured or killed as a result of the jab, according to court documents. https://nypost.com/2024/04/29/world-news/astrazeneca-cops-to-rare-deadly-side-effect-of-covid-jab-as-lawsuits-mount/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app
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