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Yeah because some mentally imbalanced, drug addicted, star searching, money grubbing, eh....female said he did something bad huh?


I mean...somebody accused him of it even though she wouldn't get on the stand so what she said had to be true right?



I didn't say he raped her did I?

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Then we better start making a list of scumbags out of most of your favorite sports athletes.....


Because MOST of them commit adultery on a regular basis.....


Any Michael Jordan fans in here?  That would make him a scumbag also......



Come on John, you're better than the 'well everybody else does it' excuse. Just because Kobe plays for your Lakers doesn't mean you should blindly sniff his jock.


I've never heard proof that Michael did it, but if he did then yes, he's a scumbag too.

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I just dont like the double standard talk when it comes to Kobe Bryant.....it doesn't make any sense to me.....


We have  lot of Shaq lovers on this board who talk about the wonderful person he is.....if you are looking for a scumbag THERE is a scumbag


Based on what is Shaq a scumbag?


Leaving the Lakers does not count.


We know why Reggie Theus, er I mean Kobe is a dirt ball, What is it with Shaq fu?

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He is a womaniser as well......which seems to be the basis of scumbag around her.....remember how PO'd he was when Kobe broke the code and ratted him out?


On top of all that....who is doing the talking regarding the situation between Shaq and Kobe Bryant


Bryant isnt saying ANYTHING

Anybody see the ESPN thing last night? Shaq is like a girl that got stood up at the prom.....vindictive...cant keep his mouth shut....talking about how much he wanted to hurt Kobe at times.....bla bla bla


Kobe has moved on and Shaq cant do it

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He is a womaniser as well......which seems to be the basis of scumbag around her.....remember how PO'd he was when Kobe broke the code and ratted him out?


On top of all that....who is doing the talking regarding the situation between Shaq and Kobe Bryant


Bryant isnt saying ANYTHING

Anybody see the ESPN thing last night?  Shaq is like a girl that got stood up at the prom.....vindictive...cant keep his mouth shut....talking about how much he wanted to hurt Kobe at times.....bla bla bla


Kobe has moved on and Shaq cant do it


So you're saying Kobe cheats on his wife (at best) and then rats out other guys that do the same thing?


If you're talking about the POLICE REPORT in which Kobe implies Shaq had to pay off women (still unproven and always irreleavent to KB's case), would you have been mad if you were Shaq?

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I could take the time to explain it....but it isn't worth it.


Go ahead and keep thinking Shaq is the great caring sensitive guy who goes home to the missus every night.....


Kobe Bryant is a scumbag that eats kittens


I never gave any indication about what I think of Shaq at all.


I know you like Kobe. I assume that is because he plays for your team (that's cool). I assume his basketball skills are what made you like him. Over these past months your posts about him border on worship. That's ok I guess but don't start getting mad at others who see him as a dirt ball.


When I was growing up I had 3 sports heroes: Bobby Murcer (average), Thurman Munson (dead) and OJ (murderer). I still have favorite players but no more sports heroes. A scum bag is a scum bag.

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True enough...if he wasn't on my team I wouldnt follow him....


But I see SO much bagging on him on this board....and I sit there and think to myself "these athletes are ALL doing these things...why single one guy out"


Truth be told.....most on this board didn't like Kobe Bryant before the whole alleged rape fiasco

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Truth be told.....most on this board didn't like Kobe Bryant before the whole alleged rape fiasco




Well, he does come off as an arrogant prick. And before you start saying "they all do" he is in the top percentile group. Even before.

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By the way....I haven't mentioned it but being here in Southern California I have had the opportunity to meet and talk to Kobe Bryant....


He was under no obligation to say anything to me....but I found him to be a very personable guy


If you are looking for an arrogant p*&k.......I have also met and spoke to Robert Horry (when he was a laker)

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