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Things Lawfare Victim Trump "Did" or "Said" That Never Happened.

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1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

No, in reality


Well if we are talking about reality then i am truly the one in charge of me !! When they came out vaccine which was VERY questionable so called cure as they put it at the time & my work had those that the tour was completely vaccinated i told them if they needed me to be vaccinated then get someone else because your not telling me what to put in my body .


Then when they thought about making it mandatory once again i would have told Fauci & Biden to their face to stick it in their a** sideways because they don't control me & i would have told Trump the same thing but i bet yo drank the kool aid & ran right out & got you one didn't you ?


Because your a puss & you are scared and co tow to what ever they want you to believe . But i on the other hand will stand up & fight for my freedoms and have wide shoulders to accept my fate what ever it may be from my personal decisions . Which last i checked that's what most true Americans do .


So there's your reality check F Tard .

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14 hours ago, Tiberius said:

He said he would kill Obamacare, but it has actually expanded since then. 




Well that's what you get when you have people that can't stand on their own 2 feet & are depending on the gov't to take care of them & some being just to lazy to go to work and make a living  .


Although there are those that do work for a living but can't afford health care which is understandable due to their personal situation but there are many more out there fleecing the system which i have personally seen .


I even have a 2 family members and some friends that do that exact thing because they are to lazy (entitled) to earn a living & feel because they are entitled Americans they deserve to be taken care of by the gov't .


I have 1 friend that only works a couple or 3 days a week to make enough to afford his gym membership & claims he has a bad back so he can get gov't assistance to still get his Obama phone, & other gov't assistance like health care but he can still go 3 days a week but will still complain about the gov't and those that take advantage of such things - Go figure  !! 


Then i would imagine there are some of those in this country illegally that have signed up for the free bees while they wait for 4 or 5 years to see if they can stay too which could be another reason for it's inception & why it has increased .


But Obama care was a well thought out plan had a great coming out didn't it ? Almost resembles some of Joes plans or almost as if a 3rd grader had put the plan together ...

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12 minutes ago, T master said:


Well that's what you get when you have people that can't stand on their own 2 feet & are depending on the gov't to take care of them & some being just to lazy to go to work and make a living  .


Although there are those that do work for a living but can't afford health care which is understandable due to their personal situation but there are many more out there fleecing the system which i have personally seen .


I even have a 2 family members and some friends that do that exact thing because they are to lazy (entitled) to earn a living & feel because they are entitled Americans they deserve to be taken care of by the gov't .


I have 1 friend that only works a couple or 3 days a week to make enough to afford his gym membership & claims he has a bad back so he can get gov't assistance to still get his Obama phone, & other gov't assistance like health care but he can still go 3 days a week but will still complain about the gov't and those that take advantage of such things - Go figure  !! 


Then i would imagine there are some of those in this country illegally that have signed up for the free bees while they wait for 4 or 5 years to see if they can stay too which could be another reason for it's inception & why it has increased .


But Obama care was a well thought out plan had a great coming out didn't it ? Almost resembles some of Joes plans or almost as if a 3rd grader had put the plan together ...

Health care is a human right

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2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Health care is a human right


For those that are unable to because of their situation to work for a living or have became unable because while defending their country became disabled but for the lazy that just think like you that its a right NOT..


Tell us where it says in the constitution that it's a right ! I would guess that you are one that sits home all day  & expects that right too correct ? 

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1 minute ago, T master said:


For those that are unable to because of their situation to work for a living or have became unable because while defending their country became disabled but for the lazy that just think like you that its a right NOT..


Tell us where it says in the constitution that it's a right ! I would guess that you are one that sits home all day  & expects that right too correct ? 

"Promote the general welfare..."


And no child or mother should ever be denied health care, or injured workers who can't work. Ya, lazy people suck, but would rather they get covered if it means the real people in need get help

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3 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

"Promote the general welfare..."


And no child or mother should ever be denied health care, or injured workers who can't work. Ya, lazy people suck, but would rather they get covered if it means the real people in need get help


Surprise but i will agree to a point . No mother that doesn't just become a baby factory to get gov't assistance and there should be some kind of checks and balances to make sure those that have those benefits truly need them & aren't just fleecing the system .


With all the money the gov't wastes on things such as people that are illegally in the country, putting other countries people before our own, policing the world rather than taking care of our own, giving money by the pallet load to countries like Iran rather than paying for our own, those types of things could help those here on American soil but the agenda's of politicians comes first and that's not right in any way ...

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There they go again.



The Biden-Harris campaign put out a statement Monday calling Trump "feeble, confused, and tired." Rupar says that Trump is so confused that he thinks Andrew Cuomo is the current governor of New York, even though the clip he posted never mentions the name Cuomo.




No.  He didn't.


He said that James ran against the current governor. . . . . . . . . . which she did.



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1 hour ago, The Frankish Reich said:

That really is nicely done. You gotta stick with it for a while ...

Yes I stopped watching at first but then it kept coming up on my Twitter feed so I watched it again all the way through.

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