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So my girlfriend dumped me....

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Dude, your first order of business is to not listen to half of these people.


Follow your heart. Only you know the entire situation. I hope it all works out for ya.



Before you even think of listening to this advice, first consider the source...

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Dude, your first order of business is to not listen to half of these people.


Follow your heart. Only you know the entire situation. I hope it all works out for ya.





No, S%R doesn't need advice from Ed, whose girlfriend is most likely swapping fluids with other dudes behind his back.


"Following your heart" is probably the root cause of virtually all ruined relationships/marriages. I would recommend using the brain first to logically analyze the circumstances of a relationship. Only after your brain gives you the green light should you "follow your heart."


It sounds like S&R's girl wasn't all that great a match for him to begin with, so I'd recommend he forget her altogether and move on by searching for girls who are more compatible with his interests. And in the midst of his search for "The One," it doesn't hurt to pass the time with some good old-fashioned "hogging!" Yee-haw!!!

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If you don't think she found another guy, you are as clueless as Eric from Enterage on HBO. "She wouldn't do it with me because she had her period." " She couldn't see me because she got food poisoning". Funny episode you should catch it, I think you could relate.

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Riiiiight...and you're arguing with a feces tossing primate.  So what kind of a buffoon does that make you?  :lol:



I'm not arguing, I'm trying to help you evolve more quickly. I'd say that makes me a Good Samaritan. Besides, there's nothing worse than a monkey sitting behind a monitor and jabbing away at a keyboard.

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:D  :lol:

And in the midst of his search for "The One," it doesn't hurt to pass the time with some good old-fashioned "hogging!" Yee-haw!!!


Fat chicks try harder and blow.


So I've been told.



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I have never had a girl bang another guy while I was with her as far as I know, but I doubt being dumped for that reason is better.


Probably not, but it'd be easier to understand than the vague "Something's wrong and I need some time to myself and I'm not ready for this right now and and and and and....." thing that she hit me with a couple days back. I still have no idea what the hell her problem is and it sounds like neither does she. She's friggin nuts.


Whatever you do, do not talk to this succubus or say anything you will later regret. She will act all upset and turn the tables and make you look like the bad guy for being so cruel. It is a standard trick that women use in order to escape guilt for a breakup, which is their number one goal. She will do whatever she can to manipulate you into the bad guy.


Too many here have ignored this advice and repeated my mistake.

Tell me about it.


She turned on the waterworks on Sunday before I even had a chance to say anything. So I get my arm around her because I can't stand seeing her upset and a few minutes later I realize it's impossible to go from there to telling her to "!@#$ off." I basically ended up shell-shocked until she left....and I started drinking.


It's the weirdest thing. We always had a great time together. Her friends were all enamored with me (I know this for a fact because one called her an hour after I met her (the friend) to tell my ex how great she thought I was and I heard her jabbering away on the phone until my ex interrupted with "uh, yeah, he's here now."). But maybe something was missing. I never daydreamed about or projected any big future with her but I figured that was because I was getting too old for that puppy love, high school infatuation stuff. I just looked forward to seeing her day to day (and not just for physical reasons).


I really doubt she was banging some other dude, but I could see her wanting someone else. Also, like I mentioned 100 posts ago, she was real religious so maybe her spending Thursday night at Bible Study and Friday night with me (obviously not studying the Bible) was a little too weird for her. Beats me.....

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People cannot vent a little bit when something like this happens? I would recommend he not obsess about this too much and do constructive things to move on, but saying that this half-serious thread just "legitimizes" his anger is rather patronizing.


I don't understand the concept of "legitimizing" my anger, but I can confirm I am angry. Even from a practical standpoint, it's going to be such a pain in the ass to find someone new that I actually get along with. Especially now that it's the middle of June here in Austin and UT is empty.
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Dude, your first order of business is to not listen to half of these people.


Follow your heart. Only you know the entire situation. I hope it all works out for ya.


My heart (or my gut or whatever it is) is telling me not to do a damn thing. I know I could go convince her to recant on her goofy decision but what's the point? If she wants someone else, nothing I can do will help. If her brain is really just scrambled and she really does need time to herself, then I'd get into a situation where I'd have to convince her to stay the course on a weekly basis.


And I know for a fact I don't want to be her friend while she's figuring out what to do with her love life. F that.


For now it's time to re-enter the crappy singles scene. If that's a disaster, maybe I'll check in with the ex (who apparently needed "time") in a couple months or something. Worst case scenario is I find out who I lost out to. :lol:

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I don't understand the concept of "legitimizing" my anger, but I can confirm I am angry.  Even from a practical standpoint, it's going to be such a pain in the ass to find someone new that I actually get along with.  Especially now that it's the middle of June here in Austin and UT is empty.


No better time to take up a new hobby. Any feral cats running around near you? They cartwheel like a cheerleader on crack when you lead them just right.

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I don't understand the concept of "legitimizing" my anger, but I can confirm I am angry.  Even from a practical standpoint, it's going to be such a pain in the ass to find someone new that I actually get along with.  Especially now that it's the middle of June here in Austin and UT is empty.


I recommend meting people online at a site like match.com. That's how I met my wife, and I'm now a huge proponent of this approach. Sorry if this has been mentioned before. I admittedly only read page #1, and now #7....


Take some time to mourn (drink), but then snap yourself out of it and don't get too down on yourself. Life's too short....

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Send your Ex a "Thank You" note for giving you the wake up call, and then move on! :D



My heart (or my gut or whatever it is) is telling me not to do a damn thing. I know I could go convince her to recant on her goofy decision but what's the point?  If she wants someone else, nothing I can do will help.  If her brain is really just scrambled and she really does need time to herself, then I'd get into a situation where I'd have to convince her to stay the course on a weekly basis. 


And I know for a fact I don't want to be her friend while she's figuring out what to do with her love life.  F that.


For now it's time to re-enter the crappy singles scene.  If that's a disaster, maybe I'll check in with the ex (who apparently needed "time") in a couple months or something.  Worst case scenario is I find out who I lost out to.  :lol:


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I recommend meting people online at a site like match.com.  That's how I met my wife, and I'm now a huge proponent of this approach. Sorry if this has been mentioned before.  I admittedly only read page #1, and now #7....


Take some time to mourn (drink), but then snap yourself out of it and don't get too down on yourself.  Life's too short....




Before I met the little woman, I tried one of these and I found two things out very quickly...


1. There are alot of porn scams out there....


2. Most of those girls are flaky as hell, and never get back to you.


However, I am glad it worked out for you...

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Before I met the little woman, I tried one of these and I found two things out very quickly...


2. Most of those girls are flaky as hell, and never get back to you.


However, I am glad it worked out for you...


Perhaps you should try to send a more flattering picture next time? Something with you fully clothed would be a start.

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Send your Ex a "Thank You" note for giving you the wake up call, and then move on!  :P


If you would like, I could pay her a visit, I can give her something Ajax won't take off. I'll even infect the cats for you!

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