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So my girlfriend dumped me....

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Sorry to hear that dude. Give her some time, and I'm SURE she'll realize how good you made her feel. Women are a strange, hormonal bunch.


I didn't want to start a separate thread about this (because I'm sure I'll get flamed), but me and the ex got back together this past weekend. We TALKED about things, and our lack of communication.


My advice? Give her some time to cool off, then TALK (and listen) about things. It's not about what you buy her, it's about what you SHOW her.



I really dont know what to say except that those who dont learn from the past are doomed to repeat it...

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you never have to worry about being whipped because your leash is 10 times longer than the normal guy.


Your leash? Yeah, you're not whupped..... ;)

I don't care how long it is, if you're wearing a leash, you're a pet.

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Congratulations on figuring that out Ed.


You know, if our Austin neighbor was looking for a female perspective he would have gone to a patsie board.


Our Bills brother has been wronged by a cat loving Cowboy ;) cheering (just a guess) boot wearing woman. He doesn't need common sense answers. He can get those from Dr. Phil and Ellen. He has come to us to be ridiculed, and to have the female persuasion generally bashed. Your truth has no place here. ;)


Congratulating Ed is not what this thread is about. What's next, asking BF for relationship advice? :huh:

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Time for me to join the "Ed" club.  This is a TSW tradition so let's have at it.


So my girlfriend dumped me tonight.  Was she cheating on me?  No.  Was I cheating on her?  No.  Were there bedroom problems?  No.  Was I a jerk?  No.  Did her friends not like me?  No.


So why?  She said she didn't think we had a spark anymore.  Read that again slowly and try to take it all in.  No spark?  That doesn't even !@#$ing mean anything.  That's woman gibberish!  There was enough spark for her to let me buy her stuff and let me screw her but not enough to let me keep doing that.  How GD wonderful is that?  Her problem is that she didn't daydream about me and I, in what later turned out to be a mortal sin, admitted that I really didn't daydream about her too much either.  Yeah, I said I just looked forward to seeing her because I liked spending time with her (even when she was fully clothed, if you're wondering).  How awful of me.


I'm trying to figure out how much money and stupid crap I had to put up with during this relationship.  I mean, I put up with her cats.  Yes, that's CATS.  She had two, and the little bastards jumped on my nuts more than once when I was over there.


Please feel free to tell me how much I suck, how much women suck, and mainly how much I suck.  Help me understand why I would date a woman who lived with multiple cats.  Also, does anyone know how long I have to wait before I inquire about her single friends (many of whom thought I was cool and that she was an idiot)? 


This probably won't be a TSW classic because I'm not into the self-loathing thing (I'm an anger man, myself) but at least we can turn this into a friar's club roast of sorts.  We can all share in that fact that I am the latest victim of "girl logic" (the opposite of regular logic).


If you are bitter, do whatever you can to screw (sleep with) one of her friends. There is no better cure for your pain than that. Better yet, screw her sister, but that's usually really tough to pull off.


I'm telling ya, nail one of her friends. You don't need Dr. Phil to tell you how good that would make you feel.

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Time for me to join the "Ed" club.  This is a TSW tradition so let's have at it.


So my girlfriend dumped me tonight.  Was she cheating on me?  No.  Was I cheating on her?  No.  Were there bedroom problems?  No.  Was I a jerk?  No.  Did her friends not like me?  No.


So why?  She said she didn't think we had a spark anymore.  Read that again slowly and try to take it all in.  No spark?  That doesn't even !@#$ing mean anything.  That's woman gibberish!  There was enough spark for her to let me buy her stuff and let me screw her but not enough to let me keep doing that.  How GD wonderful is that?  Her problem is that she didn't daydream about me and I, in what later turned out to be a mortal sin, admitted that I really didn't daydream about her too much either.  Yeah, I said I just looked forward to seeing her because I liked spending time with her (even when she was fully clothed, if you're wondering).  How awful of me.


I'm trying to figure out how much money and stupid crap I had to put up with during this relationship.  I mean, I put up with her cats.  Yes, that's CATS.  She had two, and the little bastards jumped on my nuts more than once when I was over there.


Please feel free to tell me how much I suck, how much women suck, and mainly how much I suck.  Help me understand why I would date a woman who lived with multiple cats.  Also, does anyone know how long I have to wait before I inquire about her single friends (many of whom thought I was cool and that she was an idiot)? 


This probably won't be a TSW classic because I'm not into the self-loathing thing (I'm an anger man, myself) but at least we can turn this into a friar's club roast of sorts.  We can all share in that fact that I am the latest victim of "girl logic" (the opposite of regular logic).




Sorry to hear it, but there are plenty of other fish in the sea, so my advice to you is: Feel bad about it for a while and then move on. Go fishing. Have fun.


My guess is you were too "nice" for her. Women might whine about guys that treat them like crap, but if someone treats her with respect and as an equal, than she's not "challenged" enough. Going overboard with attention, spending, etc. on women is often a turn off for many of them.


The answer to your question about how long you have to wait to move on one of her friends is: a) if you just want a rebound lay, wait a week. of course, if you do this, you are done with that group of women. Or b) if you want a relationship with one of them, wait a month.


On a personal aside, I bumped into my ex from two years ago this weekend. She and her boyfriend of 8 months had broken up the night before. Surprise, surprise, all she wanted to talk about was what happened to us, and I ended up back at her place. What a tangled web we weave! ;)

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Sorry to hear that dude. Give her some time, and I'm SURE she'll realize how good you made her feel. Women are a strange, hormonal bunch.


I didn't want to start a separate thread about this (because I'm sure I'll get flamed), but me and the ex got back together this past weekend. We TALKED about things, and our lack of communication.


My advice? Give her some time to cool off, then TALK (and listen) about things. It's not about what you buy her, it's about what you SHOW her.



Wow, I used to THINK you were a knucklehead. Now I KNOW you are.




all that for a piece of poon pie?

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On a personal aside, I bumped into my ex from two years ago this weekend.  She and her boyfriend of 8 months had broken up the night before.  Surprise, surprise, all she wanted to talk about was what happened to us, and I ended up back at her place.  What a tangled web we weave!  ;)





:huh:;) You're looking for trouble, arent you? :P:doh:

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Sorry to hear that dude. Give her some time, and I'm SURE she'll realize how good you made her feel. Women are a strange, hormonal bunch.


I didn't want to start a separate thread about this (because I'm sure I'll get flamed), but me and the ex got back together this past weekend. We TALKED about things, and our lack of communication.


My advice? Give her some time to cool off, then TALK (and listen) about things. It's not about what you buy her, it's about what you SHOW her.



T-minus 6 weeks until another Ed classic.

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Sorry to hear it, but there are plenty of other fish in the sea, so my advice to you is:  Feel bad about it for a while and then move on.  Go fishing.  Have fun.


My guess is you were too "nice" for her.  Women might whine about guys that treat them like crap, but if someone treats her with respect and as an equal, than she's not "challenged" enough.  Going overboard with attention, spending, etc. on women is often a turn off for many of them.


The answer to your question about how long you have to wait to move on one of her friends is:  a) if you just want a rebound lay, wait a week.  of course, if you do this, you are done with that group of women.  Or b) if you want a relationship with one of them, wait a month.


On a personal aside, I bumped into my ex from two years ago this weekend.  She and her boyfriend of 8 months had broken up the night before.  Surprise, surprise, all she wanted to talk about was what happened to us, and I ended up back at her place.  What a tangled web we weave!  ;)



Nice work KD! Are you gonna dump her now? :huh:

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;)  :huh:  You're looking for trouble, arent you? :lol:  :doh:




I never have to look far.....it always seems to find me! ;)





Nice work KD! Are you gonna dump her now?  :P




Of course! ;)

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