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This guy is on patsfans.com and he'll make even the most hard core liberal here look like Ronald Reagan.



posted on 6-1-2005 at 09:06 AM     


We ALL learn a lot from our grandparents....




...Grandparents can have a big influence on their grandchildren, especially if the grandfather is a powerful, wealthy man.


Such, apparently is the case with both George W. Bush and Karl Rove.


GWB's grandfather, Prescott Bush was a huge financial backer of Adolph Hitler and his Fascist, Nazi regime. In fact, the United States Government froze many of Bush's assets because of his relationship with Hitler.


Karl Rove'[s grandfather, Karl Heinz Roverer, was a wealthy German who was very instrumental in the financing, and the building, of Hitler's concentration camps.


Now, knowing this, it is easy to see how the current administration has so many fascist leanings...and how , if we do not remove them from power, history has a way of repeating itself.


Bush and Rove both, apparently, learned very well.


BUSH LIED TO CONGRESS, lied to All Americans, Lied to the world, Lied to the UN....or at the least, deceived and misled....and becasue of that, THOUSANDS of Americans are either dead, or maimed for life, and TENS OF THOUSANDS of innocent Iraqis are dead, or maimed for life.


Bush has manipulated our congress, has manipulated ALL Americans, and has manipulated most of the bodies of the world to fulfill his personal vendetta.


This is far worse than impeachable, IMO, it is cause for imprisonment, perhaps even trial and execution.


Impeachment will be letting him off easy.


I will NEVER lay off of anything. I will continue to post all, and anything that I can find, in the newspapers, in the media, on the internet, etc...ANYTHING at all that goes to expose Bush and his fascist bastards in Washington for what they are...no matter how long it takes.


He is an interloper that did not win the election in 2000 and an evil, vengeful, vindictive son of a [Censored] that deserves to be taken down and exposed...and he will be...very soon....and it will be because of people like me that wont sit back and take it.....


Bush will get his just due, when it comes.... And I, for one, will smile when it happens...


Ihave never, in my entire life, despised a political person, hated a man as much, for what he has done to help destroy this country and what it took over 225 years of hard work, loyalty, passion, and many deaths, to develop in the world community..and this man has destoyed most of it inb four short years.


I am an American who, passionately, loves my country, and I will do whatever it takes to destroy, legally, this son of a [Censored] in the White House.

I am not ashamed to say how much I hate, and despise this bastard, this no good, evil lying bastard by the name of Bush.



Its like literally watching a man descend into the depths of mental illness.

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This guy is on patsfans.com and he'll make even the most hard core liberal here look like Ronald Reagan.

Its like literally watching a man descend into the depths of mental illness.



I could send some of the new Bush SA brownshirts to rough him up, or maybe just make him go away.


Have we finally found RCow? I have heard that some guys who can't get a woman will turn to other men, and vice versa...perhaps ostracized Bills fans go to the Patsy board for acceptance? They'll accept anyone until their team loses a game and something that makes noise and is shiny goes on sale at the Mall.

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This guy is on patsfans.com and he'll make even the most hard core liberal here look like Ronald Reagan.

Its like literally watching a man descend into the depths of mental illness.



Well, there's no accounting for mental retardation. Obviously this buffoon has no historical perspective.

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This guy is on patsfans.com and he'll make even the most hard core liberal here look like Ronald Reagan.

Its like literally watching a man descend into the depths of mental illness.



I have to disagree with you- it sounds like someone programmed by the media

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I have to disagree with you- it sounds like someone programmed by the media



I was thinking the same thing as I read that. He sounds like someone who reads the NY Times Op Ed page every day (and nothing else) and thinks that because it's in print, it must all be true.

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How you doin? :blink:



Still alive...........I think. Wife and I made our fist solo sail from Dana Point to Catalina west end this past weekend. About 50 miles in some pretty dangerous seas. So I guess I am alive.

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I wonder if Alex Jones is a Pats fan.


Alex Jones could show this guy a thing or two. Where is the mention of the Illuminati? What about Skull and Crossbones? And what about the planes that flew into WTC being controlled by remote??


No, AJ could run "crazy" circles around this guy.

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Alex Jones could show this guy a thing or two.  Where is the mention of the Illuminati?  What about Skull and Crossbones?  And what about the planes that flew into WTC being controlled by remote?? 


No, AJ could run "crazy" circles around this guy.




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