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This is def happening. 24 years after they last played together, Pink Floyd shall unite again on July 2.


One can only hope that things work out well and they tour together one last time.

This is def happening.  24 years after they last played together, Pink Floyd shall unite again on July 2.


One can only hope that things work out well and they tour together one last time.



That would defintely be cool!!!


"It’s crazy that America gives such a paltry percentage of its GNP to the starving nations."


Kiss my ashe!

This country supports half the fricken earth.

PLEASE DO ONE MORE TOUR!!!!  NOW THAT is a band I'd pay 500 dollars to see.



Damn straight! I was just telling the same thing to my wife! :doh:

"It’s crazy that America gives such a paltry percentage of its GNP to the starving nations."


Kiss my ashe!

This country supports half the fricken earth.




What he doesn't realize is how much the citzens of America give to charity, in addition to the government. Plus, we have 3 million illegals a year coming here we have to support. No other country in the world has that type of problem.


Pink Floyd with Roger Waters would indeed be a thing of beauty. It is about the only rock band I would go see now (the other exception being the Dead re-uniting with J. Garcia!).

...and donate a large percentage of the "gross product" to the needy. :doh:



Actually...that would be the only incentive for them to tour again. Stranger things have happened. I'm just hoping that they get along well enough to even consider such a thing.


Thumbs way up from this guy.


I heard that they might only play 4 songs. I just hope there is a tour in the works! And if we are REALLY lucky, an album as well.


I am the biggest Floyd fan out there. Saw the Division Bell tour in Toronto where they played the whole Dark Side of the Moon albulm! Pink Floyd concerts are another world! Anyone go to that concert? The mirrored ball rising from the floor was incredible!


I am VERY VERY surprised by this reunion since Roger hates Dave so much. He may hate Wright even more.

I am VERY VERY surprised by this reunion since Roger hates Dave so much. He may hate Wright even more.



He pretty much hates everyone, doesn't he? Self-righteous narcissistic git, he is.


That said, the Gilmour-led Floyd really bit.

That said, the Gilmour-led Floyd really bit.


But they'll always have that great album, "Permanent Total Full-Force Abandonment Of All Sensibility."

He pretty much hates everyone, doesn't he? Self-righteous narcissistic git, he is.


That said, the Gilmour-led Floyd really bit.



Roger Waters gets a bad rap. To create an album like the Wall you are going to have to create friction along the way with your bandmates. That's where things really went downhill. Roger was the brains behind Floyd. Gilmour, Wright, and Mason have proven that with their futile efforts to continue under the name.

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