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Trump Urging Republicans To Reject Border Security Deal-Keep the invasion going! 300,000 last month!

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25 minutes ago, Biden is Mentally Fit said:

Why is it not as bad? You equate Trump’s actions with allowing people to be slaughtered as a result of dawdling? How, in your mind, does that work? I’m eager to hear your thoughts on this. 

1. So extorting an ally (who was already at war with Russia as they invaded in 2014 not 2022, that was an escalation) So yea that was bad and may and you know lead to his FIRST of two impeachments in ONE term. Slow rolling delivery of weapons is bad but it's not like holding Ukraine hostage to do your personal political bidding. Also he will in his "deal" give away Ukrainian lands dooming those people to torture and death. 


2. The old one ear felon (tRump) ALSO forced his GOP house minions to withhold support for Ukraine for 6 months, timed exactly when Russia was making it's all or noting push. So not sure the felon has much of a leg to stand on for protecting Ukrainian lives. Image the difference if instead of holding up congress at the felons bidding but passing the Ukraine aid (and Israel, Taiwan and the boarder deal) back in December of 2023, does Russia make the advances they did, do as many Ukrainians die?


3. Again I would have given Ukraine all our old / expiring equipment day one, but also everyone is worried about WWIII (Putin's talking point) to try and slow aid to Ukraine. Additionally the problem with allies is you don't always get top move at the speed you's want. Biden has done pretty go at getting NATO unified, and expanding it. Note Finland and Sweden resisted joining for 70+ years until this active part of the invasion in 2022. AND having Hungry actively working against NATO interests and Turkey playing both sides agains the middle have complicated things, and the saber rattling in the pacific from China Also bodes caution/conservation of long range weapons, so it's complex. 


Finally this is not all or nothing. Trumps policies would have been much much worse and his solution is also terrible. Biden could have done more I wish he had and with Harris and Blue congress I hope (with reason) Ukraine will get more of what they need. I bet there would be a boarder.



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4 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

1. So extorting an ally (who was already at war with Russia as they invaded in 2014 not 2022, that was an escalation) So yea that was bad and may and you know lead to his FIRST of two impeachments in ONE term. Slow rolling delivery of weapons is bad but it's not like holding Ukraine hostage to do your personal political bidding. Also he will in his "deal" give away Ukrainian lands dooming those people to torture and death. 


2. The old one ear felon (tRump) ALSO forced his GOP house minions to withhold support for Ukraine for 6 months, timed exactly when Russia was making it's all or noting push. So not sure the felon has much of a leg to stand on for protecting Ukrainian lives. Image the difference if instead of holding up congress at the felons bidding but passing the Ukraine aid (and Israel, Taiwan and the boarder deal) back in December of 2023, does Russia make the advances they did, do as many Ukrainians die?


3. Again I would have given Ukraine all our old / expiring equipment day one, but also everyone is worried about WWIII (Putin's talking point) to try and slow aid to Ukraine. Additionally the problem with allies is you don't always get top move at the speed you's want. Biden has done pretty go at getting NATO unified, and expanding it. Note Finland and Sweden resisted joining for 70+ years until this active part of the invasion in 2022. AND having Hungry actively working against NATO interests and Turkey playing both sides agains the middle have complicated things, and the saber rattling in the pacific from China Also bodes caution/conservation of long range weapons, so it's complex. 


Finally this is not all or nothing. Trumps policies would have been much much worse and his solution is also terrible. Biden could have done more I wish he had and with Harris and Blue congress I hope (with reason) Ukraine will get more of what they need. I bet there would be a boarder.



Pretty tortured explanation to minimize the slaughter of tens of thousands on Biden’s watch because the orange man is bad. Whatever you have to tell yourself in service to your political preferences. 

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4 hours ago, Starr-Bills said:

1. You’re not the arbiter of this discussion. 2. Too many Ukrainians. 3. It Russia who is the aggressor and who is destroying Ukraine, like they did in Chechnya and Georgia, stop blaming the victim. 4. Russia had murdered several hundred thousand of their own soldiers. Russia is the problem, Russia attacks hospitals, and schools and malls. Russia should withdraw. Period.

how I see it is if someone moved into your house took over a few of your bedrooms and shot your dog, you would not negotiate to keep them from shooting your cat by giving them the kitchen, you would (at least I would) ask your neighbor for help with evicting them from your house. 


This false concern for how many Ukrainians have been killed and not for stopping Russian aggression is disappointing and seems to miss the point in my opinion. We should be arguing with how can we give Ukraine more tools to not just defend themselves but to push the Russians out of their country. More AD, more long range missiles, more F-16s and more armor. How we can punish Russia for their aggression.

Your goal is to punish Russia, mine to get to peace. Also to label my concern "false" is very sad for you since clearly you are someone who does not reassess their beliefs when new info comes in. I am glad we helped them stem the Russians but to not have a plan to end this 2+ years later is an indictment of our leaders. 

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12 minutes ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

Your goal is to punish Russia, mine to get to peace. Also to label my concern "false" is very sad for you since clearly you are someone who does not reassess their beliefs when new info comes in. I am glad we helped them stem the Russians but to not have a plan to end this 2+ years later is an indictment of our leaders. 

Our leaders? There you weirdos go again blaming our leaders for Putin's war. 



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41 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Southwest keys still isn't in the cycle. 


Trump will bring it up during the debate.  If Harris isn't too scared to accept.

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4 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Our leaders? There you weirdos go again blaming our leaders for Putin's war. 



And now we've got bigger problems with Iran/Hezbollah.

Take the loss here and move on.



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4 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

Hoax.  He’s a washed up weirdo.  

Could just read the doj report on Southwest keys.  


It's crazy how you guys raged about kids in cages when it's turned into a damn industry that is ripe with predators.  It's chirps 






Southwest Key operates 29 shelters that provide temporary housing for unaccompanied children in Texas, Arizona and California, and is the largest housing provider for unaccompanied children in the United States. Southwest Key receives grants from the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to provide housing and other care for unaccompanied children at these shelters.

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On 8/3/2024 at 10:17 AM, Tommy Callahan said:


Right wing hack job site. Note they don’t provide any context for their ownership or funding.  

also just like right wing media they claim they are the leading source of breaking news but no proof of said claim, because the MSM is mean. 😭 

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23 hours ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

Your goal is to punish Russia, mine to get to peace. Also to label my concern "false" is very sad for you since clearly you are someone who does not reassess their beliefs when new info comes in. I am glad we helped them stem the Russians but to not have a plan to end this 2+ years later is an indictment of our leaders. 

Damn right look at what this country (RU) promotes. What about the millions displaced, what about the 100,000’s killed the cities destroyed and the murder torture and rape that is current on going in the occupied territories.  

you can negotiate with Putin. He will break every deal when he has the chance. He attacks this country and you all eat it up and regurgitate his talking points. 

so yea I want to punish Russia for attacking the us and for attacking Ukraine and being a generally malignant force in the world. 


Edited by Starr-Bills
Typos are a constant problem. Sigh.
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30 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

Damn right look at what this country (RU) promotes. What about the millions displaced, what about the 100,000’s killed the cities destroyed and the murder torture and rape that is current on going in the occupied territories.  

you can negotiate with Putin. He will break every deal when he has the chance. He attacks this country and you all eat it up and regurgitate his talking points. 

so yea I want to punish Russia for attacking the us and for attacking Ukraine and being a generally malignant force in the world. 


You seem to think you can right the wrongs through revenge, I will point out to you if we had a peace treaty in early 2023 we would have had 18 months less of all those actions that bother you so much. Your plan will extend what is happening and just spread it out more, mine will end it. As for Putin, he did not seem to eager to invade places when Trump was president 

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21 minutes ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

You seem to think you can right the wrongs through revenge, I will point out to you if we had a peace treaty in early 2023 we would have had 18 months less of all those actions that bother you so much. Your plan will extend what is happening and just spread it out more, mine will end it. As for Putin, he did not seem to eager to invade places when Trump was president 

Sure thing chamberlain. 

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15 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

Sure thing chamberlain. 

I appreciate you openly letting everyone know how historically ignorant you are, I guess I could call you Hitler since he was driven by revenge, and I would be much more accurate.

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24 minutes ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

I appreciate you openly letting everyone know how historically ignorant you are, I guess I could call you Hitler since he was driven by revenge, and I would be much more accurate.

We have learned (should have) that appeasement is not peace. Simple lesson.


i am motivated by what is right, Russia has no claim on Ukraine, they signed papers to that effect. We should have done more in 2014, or the 8 years in between. 

you have fair points on how to procure the war, and the struggles Ukraine is working under. But there is no reasoning with Putin. He is brutal mobster. Look at what he did in Chechnya. Signed a deal the. Four years later after rebuilding his forces attacked again.

how about the constant attacks on this country. Taking hostages. The murders in Europe and his own country. I am no hitler and it’s an asinine statement to make. I’m not motivated by power. I am not motivated by some weird race superiority bull#### if you’ve seen any of my posts, you realize that I want diversity equity and inclusion I want people to have a fair shot. I want people to be able to pursue happiness, I don’t see how you can pursue happiness when you have a international mobster monster, who has no regard for anyone who is destroying a country that he has no claim to, attacking other democracy, and trying to overthrow them with his migrant games, dividing this country with active measures.

It’s exactly what Chamberlain said. ‘Peace for our time’ and the peace you’re talking about now would lead to more and more death. Better to finish the fight now better to finish it quickly, mercifully and save many more lives in the future.


and as far as revenge goes, yes I want everyone of these criminals held to account by justice. How can you not?


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Joe Biden not only reversed Trump's executive orders that defended the southern border... 

he also literally sued Texas to stop them from defending the border...

But the left still claims it's Republicans who kept the border wide open.

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15 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Joe Biden not only reversed Trump's executive orders that defended the southern border... 

he also literally sued Texas to stop them from defending the border...

But the left still claims it's Republicans who kept the border wide open.


What else can they do?  But it didn't work, judging by the fact that Biden had to issue EOs.

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6 minutes ago, Doc said:


What else can they do?  But it didn't work, judging by the fact that Biden had to issue EOs.


22 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Joe Biden not only reversed Trump's executive orders that defended the southern border... 

he also literally sued Texas to stop them from defending the border...

But the left still claims it's Republicans who kept the border wide open.

Oh right these foaties…

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