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Dems Claiming to Save Democracy

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6 minutes ago, B-Man said:






BS. Kind of incomprehensible BS.

"I've always voted in New York even though I haven't lived there is decades" is really his defense? He had claimed that a room in Katonah was his residence.

If NY were a battleground state you'd be calling his NYS votes "voter fraud."

Dude is a lawyer. He knows better. He shouldn't have picked a Californian as his running mate.

You know, the Constitution and all that.

Edited by The Frankish Reich
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1 hour ago, The Frankish Reich said:

BS. Kind of incomprehensible BS.

"I've always voted in New York even though I haven't lived there is decades" is really his defense? He had claimed that a room in Katonah was his residence.

If NY were a battleground state you'd be calling his NYS votes "voter fraud."

Dude is a lawyer. He knows better. He shouldn't have picked a Californian as his running mate.

You know, the Constitution and all that.

You think this whacko will take more votes from Trump or Kammy?  I think Trump tbh.

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Listen to this woman hating man’s club member. JFC. We had to listen to Glenn beck whine about Shriya law, and then this American Taliban want to do it as ‘Christians’.

no matter you position on taxes, or spending this ***** is straight up unAmerican and weird.

women get their say by their husband, father or brother’s vote. He says with no irony. Masking  it in this talk of families as molecules as opposed to individual atoms. Um, the us constitution literally doesn’t even mention families it mentions individual liberty. 

So when ‘dems’ say they are protecting democracy this is what they mean, crazy men who want to keep ‘everyone’ from voting, so they can be the ruling class and tell everyone what and how to live their lives. 


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18 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

Listen to this woman hating man’s club member. JFC. We had to listen to Glenn beck whine about Shriya law, and then this American Taliban want to do it as ‘Christians’.

no matter you position on taxes, or spending this ***** is straight up unAmerican and weird.

women get their say by their husband, father or brother’s vote. He says with no irony. Masking  it in this talk of families as molecules as opposed to individual atoms. Um, the us constitution literally doesn’t even mention families it mentions individual liberty. 

So when ‘dems’ say they are protecting democracy this is what they mean, crazy men who want to keep ‘everyone’ from voting, so they can be the ruling class and tell everyone what and how to live their lives. 


Religion is a ***** plague…to be honest, if Trump didn’t feel the need to capitulate to the religious nuts (all GOP candidates have to) he’d actually be an attractive candidate to me. He can keep his foreign policy, border, and economic policies…but cut the social issue bull#### that the religious whackos make part of his agenda.


dude has probably never seen a church service in his life but the evangelicals have such a big voice (and $$$s) that he needs them to win. Ugh, religion sucks.

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22 hours ago, GMB 8888 said:

Religion is a ***** plague…to be honest, if Trump didn’t feel the need to capitulate to the religious nuts (all GOP candidates have to) he’d actually be an attractive candidate to me. He can keep his foreign policy, border, and economic policies…but cut the social issue bull#### that the religious whackos make part of his agenda.


dude has probably never seen a church service in his life but the evangelicals have such a big voice (and $$$s) that he needs them to win. Ugh, religion sucks.


Beyond abortion, which Trump and Repubs are now saying they'll accept until about 15 weeks, what else?

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On 8/15/2024 at 4:53 PM, GMB 8888 said:

Religion is a ***** plague…to be honest, if Trump didn’t feel the need to capitulate to the religious nuts (all GOP candidates have to) he’d actually be an attractive candidate to me. He can keep his foreign policy, border, and economic policies…but cut the social issue bull#### that the religious whackos make part of his agenda.


dude has probably never seen a church service in his life but the evangelicals have such a big voice (and $$$s) that he needs them to win. Ugh, religion sucks.

I don't pay too much attention to these religious fanatics and I think you're assigning them way too much influence over policy and agenda. They might be annoying but they're not murdering people and blowing up stuff. From my perspective they're the same as the far-left woke cult. Workism meets the criteria for being a religion. If you want social BS, look no further than the far-left. They win the battle hands down. Both extremes have a faith based belief system that I don't buy into at all. On the left because I know what a woman is and when they say they don't they're lying and I don't support a dogma you have to accept lies to believe in along with their obsession with grouping people. We're all individuals to me. And the fundamentalists are always praying for something or another. I think its a bit presumptuous to keep asking God for favors. "He" has a lot on his plate without having to grant peoples wishes.


How many of these Christian fundamentalists had influence in Trump's first term? I'll give you Mike Pence who could qualify as somebody championing those causes but when the chips were down, according to the 1/6 story, Mike bailed on Trump. Which made him a hero for the left and no longer a far right nut job. Most of the people Trump surrounding himself with while in office were never Trumpers, swamp creatures, and establishment regulars. For example, he choose the FBI director and what did he do? Investigate the swamp? No. He investigated Trump supporters. Figure that! But if he wins he's going to declare himself dictator! What a joke anyone that believes that is, a total fool. What they're really saying is 80 million people want a dictator. They believe that? Come on..



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