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Allergy Sufferers


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I had really bad hay fever for years and resisted getting a script for it. But I am telling you, go to your doctor and ask for a perscription for Rhinochord (nasal spray).


Stuff works better than anything over the counter by leaps and bounds (and I tried them all).

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Some people (like me) are subject to strong side effects (drowsiness and lethargy) from some over the counter antihistamines. I would only ever take diphenhydramine (Benadryl) at bedtime. Otherwise I can't function. Other people are fine with it. Try it. Claritin is supposed to be a non-drowsy OTC antihistamine. I can't vouch for its effectiveness as I've never taken it. I'm taking Chlor Trimeton, but only at bedtime. But when I do take it in the daytime, the side effects aren't bad. It's also cheap, the main reason I picked it over Claritin. One tip: go to Walmart and get their house brand (Equate). You'll save a lot of money. Walmart has house brand versions of Chlor Trimeton (chlorpheniramine maleate), Benadryl, and Claritin.


Another option is a nasal spray called Nasalcrom. It works on an entirely different principle, and is more effective if you start befor your symptoms begin. As far as I know no one makes a generic/house brand for that yet. It is supposed to be quite effective. It's a bit pricey though.


I use Flonase, a prescription steroid based nasal spray not only to control allergic symptoms but to treat a complication of my allergies, a tendency to develop nasal polyps. If I don't use it, eventually my nasal passages get completely blocked by polyps and I have to have surgery to remove them. I also use at night, one spray in each nostril of an OTC decongestant nasal spray, the 12 hour kind. You're not supposed to use that for more than three days. You can develop a rebound effect where it actually makes your symptoms worse, but since I use only one spray in each nostril per day, as opposed to the maximum six, the rebound effect doesn't seem to be an issue.


BTW, I have had allergies for better than 45 years. I have tried most things including shots. I can tell you authoritatively what works for me, but since everyone is different, you might have better luck with something else.

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Rhinocort, Flonase, Beconase, and Vancenase (sp) are all chemically related steroid based nasal sprays. Because they are made by different drug companies the chemical formula is a little different in each one, but they are all pretty similar in their effectiveness as far as I know. I've used three of them.


If you worry about liver damage and other issues connected with steroids like Prednisone, don't. A nasal spray is a non systemic use. It's not going to hurt you.

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Rhinocort aq (a good nasal spray) every day, and zyrtec pill maybe 1-2 times/week... I have found this combination to be effective for years, as I have had chronic year round allergis since I was a child. I also invested in two ionic breezes for the apt., one in the bedroom, and one in the living room.

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I also use at night, one spray in each nostril of an OTC decongestant nasal spray, the 12 hour kind.  You're not supposed to use that for more than three days. You can develop a rebound effect where it actually makes your symptoms worse, but since I use only one spray in each nostril per day, as opposed to the maximum six, the rebound effect doesn't seem to be an issue.




The fact that you need to use it everyday could be a sign you're "hooked"... I would try getting off of it for a few weeks, which will suck if you are hooked i.e rebound effect. In addition i would use 1-2 times/day a saline nasal wash Ayr. i usually use it in the shower in the morning.

Also, one of the worst things for allergy sufferers is to sleep with the windows open at night, due to he fact that pollution and pollen counts are at their highest overnight.

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I get itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose and I use Aerius. I'm Canadian so perhaps Aerius does not exist where you are at. It works reasonably well, however the more I use it the less helpful it is to me allergies. Also I use tears naturelle for the itchy eyes and find them to be helpful.

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Right now, I am in hell, allergy-wise.


I use Allegra now. I was taking Claritin, but that did nothing for me, so the doctor switched me to Allegra. That's not much better. I've been congested in my sinuses for the better part of a month now. My eyes were really itchy, but that's lessened in the past week or so. I can't stand this time of year.

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Get the generic version of Allegra D 24 hr.  Loratadine D.  It will cost you half of what you pay for Allegra.  30 tabs are $15 at Sam's.



there currently is no generic for allegra ie fexofenadine. What you are refering to in loratadine ie Claritin which is offered generically over the counter.

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Bayer Aspirin works well for me. My brain doesn't like the allergy meds.


But it's interesting that I only have a problem in Texas.


It was so cool last weekend in Orchard Park to sleep with the windows open.

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