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OT: Just moved in with my girlfriend

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Im a 22 year old guy and i just moved in with my girlfriend (who by the way is just as big a bills fan as I am).  We have an apartment together for the first time and I was wondering from the brilliant people on this board, how to keep this good thing going as long as possible.


(BTW I would appreciate all the pessamists with your dissenting views of marriage and living with the opposite sex to not be a buzz kill and sit this post out)


Forgive me if and when I iterate what has probably been said once or twice, because I didn't read the thread, but for what it's worth...you're way too fuggin' young to be moving in with some chick. Sorry. Yeah, I know...you dig her, she's a bills fan, she tolerates your madness (NFL and otherwise)...but you're crazy. At 22, if you're satisfied getting just one of them, then you haven't tried hard enough to get two. Hopefully at the same time. And hopefully they're college roomates or something.


Now, get back in there son because otherwise you'll be wasting valuable time and you'll wake up and realize that too much time went by before you realized this fact.

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Forgive me if and when I iterate what has probably been said once or twice, because I didn't read the thread, but for what it's worth...you're way too fuggin' young to be moving in with some chick. Sorry. Yeah, I know...you dig her, she's a bills fan, she tolerates your madness (NFL and otherwise)...but you're crazy. At 22, if you're satisfied getting just one of them, then you haven't tried hard enough to get two. Hopefully at the same time. And hopefully they're college roomates or something.


Now, get back in there son because otherwise you'll be wasting valuable time and you'll wake up and realize that too much time went by before you realized this fact.



You've been watching American Idol, a lot, haven't you?

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It's never to early to plan for a break up.


Sexpert Trooper's checklist for breaking up.


1) Have a place where you can stay temporary. (someone she will never expect!)

2) Have a credit card so you can rent a u-haul truck.

3) Have an emergency callout roster. Your GF will be at work for only 8 hours. You need a crew to empty that place in a hurry.

4) Pepper spray, so you can spray the toilet seat and her bra and panties.

5) Have a few vacations days handy, because she will be looking for you!

6) Post your success story on TBD :flirt:

7) Have a freedom party at the local strip club and/or hooters.

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I hope the place has 2 bathrooms. If it does have her pick one exclusively for herself. ONLY she gets to use it. That will make her happy.


Always keep your pubes well trimmed. Always.


Split the household chores 50/50.


If her parents are alive get a reading on how long they will put up with this arrangement. You're on their radar now bub.


If you go to get married remember the MOST important person will be her mom. It will be her Mom's chance to redo her own wedding, so deal with it AND be real nice about it.

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Dude, don't do it. You are much too young. The next thing you know, she's pregnant with your second or third kid, you can't afford a haircut so you start wearing a mullet, and you're driving a rusted out 1984 Chevy station wagon. That's a damn ugly picture!


Now go ask her if she would mind you sleeping with her sister or best friend. Either you get the boot, or a very good time. :doh:

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Good.... Very good.... too many people think moving in with a lover is going to be some casual thing. It scared the hell out of me at first, but now I'm happy and comfortable.



Yes, I mean, that first leap into living with Ramius must have been...


oops, did I say that?


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Dude, don't do it.  You are much too young.  The next thing you know, she's pregnant with your second or third kid, you can't afford a haircut so you start wearing a mullet, and you're driving a rusted out 1984 Chevy station wagon.  That's a damn ugly picture!




I work with this guy.......

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It's never to early to plan for a break up.


Sexpert Trooper's checklist for breaking up.


1) Have a place where you can stay temporary. (someone she will never expect!)

2) Have a credit card so you can rent a u-haul truck.

3) Have an emergency callout roster.  Your GF will be at work for only 8 hours.  You need a crew to empty that place in a hurry.

4) Pepper spray, so you can spray the toilet seat and her bra and panties.

5) Have a few vacations days handy, because she will be looking for you!

6) Post your success story on TBD  ;)

7) Have a freedom party at the local strip club and/or hooters.



They should teach this stuff in HS or freshman year of college. Real Life 101: How To Bail on a Bad Situation.

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Not I, I'm still not happy nor comfortable with Ramius.



Good i'm not comfortable with you or your attempted advances at me either. Just one of the reasons why i stated earlier in here that i'm moving in with the girl in august. (see, something relevant to this thread)

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