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They say in their own terrorist handbooks to lie about human and civl rights abuses. So we are supposed to believe all these stories? More importantly, how on God's Earth can Islamic Jihad cry about a Koran being torn, when their members carry out homicide bombings in pizza parlors and school buses?


Disengagement might be the only option left for the rest of the world to rid themselves of the violent hypocrisy of the islamic world....


AP: The militant Islamic Jihad on Wednesday presented pictures of torn copies of the Islamic holy book, the Koran, claimed they were taken inside an Israeli prison and said soldiers were responsible for the desecration. Israel denied the charge and said the pictures were a fabrication.


The Islamic Jihad transmitted the pictures by e-mail to a reporter in the West Bank. They show two Korans with torn pages. The militants said prisoners took the pictures with cellular telephones sent them electronically to militant leaders.

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