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whatever it's called...........Did anyone else see this show lastnight (CBS)? Show pits two people going to work for the first day, different locations and they must get fired as close to 3:00pm without going over. The person who gets fired the closest to 3pm wins $25,000.00. Catch is they can't ask to be fired, do anything illegal, etc.


If you need a good laugh, this show should do it for you! LMBFAO


Thought it was pretty funny. It looks like a reality show that would actually be fun to be a contestant on. You get to act as crazy as you want.


The last chick, the one in the hat shop, had a huge disadvatage. The person show could really fire her wasn't even on location.


all you have to do is:


wait till 2:30 and walk in to the boss's office and say:

"I cant read this, is there someone here who can read it to me?"

the boss will say, "what do you mean you cant read it, its writen clearly".


you say, "i never learned to read." if you say it convincingly he will let you go right there.


I think they may be filming that show at my work. We've had a couple of employees that are naturals for that show.

It's easy to get fired at any precise moment. Just go into the boss'es office and take a dump on his desk.



yah but can you work up a dump or hold it exactly until 3pm?

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