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CNN never ceases to amaze


Nothing like following up with some statistics, costs, etc on the "assault weapons" ban. Instead, they go outside the headline and start an entirely new topic on health care. Very competent journalists.


As an aside: I thought only the right used fear mongering to limit liberty? Sure looked on 9/11 like they didn't need semi-automatic weapons to kill 3000 people. Something like boxcutters?

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Holy crap...What a crock...FBI statistics before the ban where that only 8% of all shootings happened with an assualt weapon. After the LA robbery..which were machine guns obtained illegially...(most people fail to understand a semi-automatic weapon is not the same as a fully auto machine gun) Did the politicians go nuts...Oh my we need to ban these type weapons..I own 2 "Assault" weapons. I have not been involved in any crimes ever. Gun control does not work...Fully enforce the laws we have.

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And most interestingly...most guns used in crime are stolen...Kerry is preying on your fear...Here is the Dept. of Justice report.




In the 1991 BJS Survey of State

Inmates, about 8% of the inmates

reported that they had owned a

military-type weapon, such as an Uzi,

AK-47, AR-15, or M-16. Less than

1% said that they carried such a

weapon when they committed the

incident for which they were incarcerated.

A Virginia inmate survey conducted

between November 1992 and

May 1993 found similar results:

About 10% of the adult inmates reported

that they had ever possessed

an assault rifle, but none had carried

it at the scene of a crime.

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Oh and 1 more thing...Anything made pre-ban is still available for sale...So this whole thing is pretty useless. And after ban weapons are just as deadly.....Enforce the laws we have......Cases in point:









These are but a few that are legally available....yet don't meet the rewuiremnet s of the ban...The ban is worthless...THE 2ND AMENDENDMENT guarantees our rights.......If you want to curb illegal gun violence...make mandatory jail sentances and stick to them

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
(most people fail to understand a semi-automatic weapon is not the same as a fully auto machine gun)



I fully agree on that point... who needs a machine gun ANYWAYS? That's one thing that I've never quite understood, why anyone would defend being against the banning of machine guns.... As for semi-automatic weapons, there really is no need TO ban any IMO. It's funny few actually believe in enforcement of existing laws in the government.


I just wish the NRA did not represent gun owners in Washington... they are far too extreme in my eyes, and they are a lightning rod for controversy. My father was an NRA member, and their propaganda and mailings just turned me off, so I never joined.

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If you want to curb illegal gun violence...make mandatory jail sentances and stick to them


If someone uses an offensive assault weapon, which these are, to kill a number of people, putting them in jail after the fact doesn't bring the victims back. If you make it illegal to possess such weapons and large clips, then they couldn't commit the widespread assault in the first place. Then if anyone uses an assault weapon that kills anyone, give them the death penalty. If the law has too many loopholes, then don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, close the loopholes. I would never own a gun, but I also recognize that we all have to compromise, so I would not call for a ban of shotguns or pistols with small clips, but in my opinion there is no good reason for a civilian to own an offensive assault weapon.

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If someone uses an offensive assault weapon, which these are, to kill a number of people, putting them in jail after the fact doesn't bring the victims back.  If you make it illegal to possess such weapons and large clips, then they couldn't commit the widespread assault in the first place.  Then if anyone uses an assault weapon that kills anyone, give them the death penalty.  If the law has too many loopholes, then don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, close the loopholes.  I would never own a gun, but I also recognize that we all have to compromise, so I would not call for a ban of shotguns or pistols with small clips, but in my opinion there is no good reason for a civilian to own an offensive assault weapon.


What is an assault weapon? When was the last time someone used one that was legally acquired to commit a crime as you are contending?

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I own 2......I use them for target shooting. They are also intimidating for home defense and to the occasional Woodchuck. Again if you read the DOJ report...Less than 1% are used in actual crimes commited and guns overall accounted for only 29% of all violent crime. With or with out guns some people will still find a way to be criminals. What's next ban knives?

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If someone uses an offensive assault weapon, which these are, to kill a number of people, putting them in jail after the fact doesn't bring the victims back.  If you make it illegal to possess such weapons and large clips, then they couldn't commit the widespread assault in the first place. 



You're operating under the assumption that an individual who would ignore a homicide law would suddenly adhere to a gun law and NOT obtain an "assault weapon"?

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
I own 2......I use them for target shooting.  They are also intimidating for home defense and to the occasional Woodchuck.  Again if you read the DOJ report...Less than 1% are used in actual crimes commited and guns overall accounted for only 29% of all violent crime. With or with out guns some people will still find a way to be criminals. What's next ban knives?



I own several different types of guns, and I have no problem with some gun control, to keep at least some semblance of order and discipline when it comes to making it harder for criminals to get guns easily. When the gun control goes too far and makes it very difficult on everyone, then I have a real problem with that.

I love my Ruger Anniversary; it's my favorite gun of all, and after that a US WWI infantry rifle. I wish I could have gotten a derringer like my sister has. It's cool!

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Rabid...We have enough gun control.......I have no problem with the 2 day wait and background checks..check away. I don't even mind NY's pistol permit policy...just it should take a hell of a lot quicker than 6+ months. In NY you can't buy a pistol w/o a Permit but if you wanted on of these...http://www.olyarms.com/usa.html...Pony up the $1300 ...It's assinine......Gun control does not work. People will be people....Their has been violence against each other since the beginning of time...Whether it be rocks, spears, arrows, or guns...Certain people will find away to kill.....I have no answer for that.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Rabid...We have enough gun control.......I have no problem with the 2 day wait and background checks..check away. I don't even mind NY's pistol permit policy...just it should take a hell of a lot quicker than 6+ months. In NY you can't buy a pistol w/o a Permit but if you wanted on of these...http://www.olyarms.com/usa.html...Pony up the $1300 ...It's assinine......Gun control does not work.  People will be people....Their has been violence against each other since the beginning of time...Whether it be rocks, spears, arrows, or guns...Certain people will find away to kill.....I have no answer for that.



When the gun control goes too far and makes it very difficult on everyone, then I have a real problem with that.


I said that already... that kind of crap goes too far, as you gave an example of an asinine policy.


I also have a problem with people who want to legalize marijuana, saying that it is 'going to be used anyway'... YES, that is true, but by legalizing it, you are telling all the kids out there it is ok, and it's NOT... drugs are addicting, no matter how much of a harmless face you may put on it. These topics go into the conservative nature of my being... :doh:

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