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So if GWB is SOOOO dumb as

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It is amazing how far our political system has sunk, when we need to resort to grades received about 30 years ago to discuss who is the better candidate.  :lol:



The better candidate is the one who can keep my attention for 3 minutes, while the cheese melts in my hot pocket.

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It is amazing how far our political system has sunk, when we need to resort to grades received about 30 years ago to discuss who is the better candidate.  :lol:



One has nothing to do with the other...

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What does that say about John Kerry???  I guess he was smart to NOT release all his naval records during the election or this would have come out sooner...


Maybe D's were good back then...



Last I checked, it's entirely possible that they're both idiots, as one person's stupidity does not preclude another's. For example, your insipid, moronic post here does not in any way imply that Rich in Ohio's posts are not insipid and moronic themselves...

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Last I checked, it's entirely possible that they're both idiots, as one person's stupidity does not preclude another's.  For example, your insipid, moronic post here does not in any way imply that Rich in Ohio's posts are not insipid and moronic themselves...



Quoted for truth.


When it was Gore- Bush ,the press also portrayed Gore as smarter although Gore dropped out of law AND divinity schools.



Quoted for an example.

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so i finally found the time to read the linked article


anyone else disturbed by the pictures of GWB and JK? :lol:


Bush's eyebrows are creepy, they look like they're connected


And Kerry looks like Officer Francis Muldoon taking a dump

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Emblematic as to how clueless the Democrats are. I contend that Bush' "underacheivement" was more politically wise than Kerry's assumed intellectual superiority. The Dems continue to feed the nation effete elite (Kerry, Gore, Dukakis, Mondale, McGovern et al). Clinton was the only one who could connect with the average person, and gee, he won twice!

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so i finally found the time to read the linked article


anyone else disturbed by the pictures of GWB and JK? :lol:


Bush's eyebrows are creepy, they look like they're connected


And Kerry looks like Officer Francis Muldoon taking a dump



I put that picture of Kerry as my avatar. I see my old one (Phil Spector) Do you see the Kerry picture?

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