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Gov Rick Perry is a deuchebag

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He signed a bill into law this past weekend to make parents consent in order for a child to have an abortion. I like the bill, I think its a good idea.


But good lord, did you HAVE to sign it in a church? Yes, its reelection bull sh--, but please, don't give opposition to this bill anymore support. Its a necessary and good bill, way to !@#$ it up!

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He signed a bill into law this past weekend to make parents consent in order for a child to have an abortion.  I like the bill, I think its a good idea.


But good lord, did you HAVE to sign it in a church?  Yes, its reelection bull sh--, but please, don't give opposition to this bill anymore support.  Its a necessary and good bill, way to !@#$ it up!


He's learned from the best

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A republican signs a bill at a church and the sky is falling, but Al Sharpton, Jessie jackson, Al Gore, and countless other dems CAMPAIGN from the pulpit of churches and it is perfectly fine?

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Funny.....every church I've been to since moving to Texas seems to have political statements coming from their pulpits. But is that any different from the College professors in the 60s?

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A republican signs a bill at a church and the sky is falling, but Al Sharpton, Jessie jackson, Al Gore, and countless other dems CAMPAIGN from the pulpit of churches and it is perfectly fine?



You are beyond help if you can't see the distinction between signing a law in a church which pertains to everyone in your state and campaigning to a specific group.

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churches don't get public funding


colleges do



Funny...you'd think that would be the case.




"To Charles Clingman, church groups' increased ability to compete for tax dollars could help restore them to their historic role in their communities. His Jireh Development Corp. in Bond Hill has received millions in public funding for programs such as job-training for welfare recipients, homebuilding for low-income families and playground maintenance."



"...Lutheran Services in America, which annually receives more than one third of its $7 billion budget from government funding.."



...Maryland has instituted a program that allows churches to "adopt" willing welfare recipients and assume control of their benefits..."



..."Pat Robertson's Operation Blessing-...-was one of the first organizations to receive a faith-based grant. Robertson scored $500,000, renewable for three years, for a total of $1.5 million...Also, Chuck Colson--who had legal troubles of his own stemming from Watergate--was another significant beneficiary, through his evangelical organization Prison Fellowship Ministries, which was chosen by the faith-based office as one of only four national partners for a $22.5 million workplace re-entry program for ex-offenders..."

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...Maryland has instituted a program that allows churches to "adopt" willing welfare recipients and assume control of their benefits..."



"Assume control of their benefits"? That's just f'in scary. First thing I thought of when I read that is the old Nazi trick of "paying" the concentration camp inmates for their work...with the money going straight to the SS, since that's who owned the inmates.


(Yeah, I know it's a grossly warped and unfair comparison. But it's still the first thing that came to me.)

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