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What's worse, a Celebrity


What's worse, A celebrity who gets off for:  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. What's worse, A celebrity who gets off for:

    • 1) Pedophile
    • 2) Double-murder

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we have all thaught about killin someone at one point or another. but i hope that none of the poster here have ever thaught about .... you know...  becoming a priest.  :lol:




That's a great point. You are right on the money and I think it goes to society's understanding of various crimes and at some level, acceptance of them. While random murder is truly henious, I think people have a slightly different attitude when killings happen among people who know each other (i.e., it was personal business, like with the mob). Whereas with child abusers, there is no room for any justification under any circumstances. That's probably why murderers are more respected in prison while child abusers are the lowest on the totem pole and treated accordingly.

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When the Smart girl was found alive in Utah, it was much better for her to be alive than dead, just think how much better that story has turned out than the ones who were murdered. While both crimes should result in similar sentences, the victim is better off alive, because they can recover over time. Once you're dead, no chance to recover

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I echo AD's sentiments on this excellent post.  You molest a child, you need to be removed from the gene pool.


If you REALLY believe tgreg's very good post, then how about re-examining the very first sentiment?


Dying is easy....living is hard.


That applies to the rapist/murderer as well. "Removing them from the gene pool" may be proper vengence, but it gives that person an easy out. Why not let them live their hard life? You would like to think that they are spending every moment thinking about their crime or regretting their actions, but even waking up every day and staring at the concrete slab below them...wandering around the same old yard....getting stabbed by a shank every now and then...that's hard. Let's not let them off easy.

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If you REALLY believe tgreg's very good post, then how about re-examining the very first sentiment?


Dying is easy....living is hard.


That applies to the rapist/murderer as well. "Removing them from the gene pool" may be proper vengence, but it gives that person an easy out. Why not let them live their hard life? You would like to think that they are spending every moment thinking about their crime or regretting their actions, but even waking up every day and staring at the concrete slab below them...wandering around the same old yard....getting stabbed by a shank every now and then...that's hard. Let's not let them off easy.




You assume that the majority of criminals regret their crimes. I would bet you are way off base on that one.

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If you REALLY believe tgreg's very good post, then how about re-examining the very first sentiment?


Dying is easy....living is hard.


That applies to the rapist/murderer as well. "Removing them from the gene pool" may be proper vengence, but it gives that person an easy out. Why not let them live their hard life? You would like to think that they are spending every moment thinking about their crime or regretting their actions, but even waking up every day and staring at the concrete slab below them...wandering around the same old yard....getting stabbed by a shank every now and then...that's hard. Let's not let them off easy.


Tell that to the people who guard them. People with nothing to live for don't care about the consequences of their actions.

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You assume that the majority of criminals regret their crimes.  I would bet you are way off base on that one.


Actually I don't. Since two people misunderstood, I obviously didn't express it clearly.


You would LIKE to think that they regret. You would LIKE to think that they feel remorse.


But even if they don't look back on their crime once until they die of natural causes....living is still harder than dying.

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Actually I don't. Since two people misunderstood, I obviously didn't express it clearly.


You would LIKE to think that they regret. You would LIKE to think that they feel remorse. 


But even if they don't look back on their crime once until they die of natural causes....living is still harder than dying.




We'd like to think they are remorseful, but we know that just isn't the case.


For victims, living might very well but harder than dying, but not for criminals. They don't give a damn. Prison is no walk in the park, but these guys have their own social structure, their own activities, access to sex, drugs and rock and roll, etc. The old "let them rot in jail" doesn't work IMO. Ever see the video of Richard Speck in prison? He was having a grand old time, yuking it up with his buddies in prison after murdering 8 nurses in cold blood. He sure wasn't rotting.

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Ever see the video of Richard Speck in prison?  He was having a grand old time, yuking it up with his buddies in prison after murdering 8 nurses in cold blood.  He sure wasn't rotting.



That's because we've removed forced labor from the penitentary system. Get them out breaking rocks in the sun and their tune will change.


Really, you have to be upset by a society that cares more for the rights of the accused than of the victim.

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We'd like to think they are remorseful, but we know that just isn't the case.


For victims, living might very well but harder than dying, but not for criminals.  They don't give a damn.  Prison is no walk in the park, but these guys have their own social structure, their own activities, access to sex, drugs and rock and roll, etc.  The old "let them rot in jail" doesn't work IMO.  Ever see the video of Richard Speck in prison?  He was having a grand old time, yuking it up with his buddies in prison after murdering 8 nurses in cold blood.  He sure wasn't rotting.


I suppose my personal beliefs have a lot to do with my standpoint. My belief is that, death is it...everything goes black and once brain activity ceases, you no longer exist...physically and spiritually.


I understand that prisoners are able to have both positive and negative experiences in jail. But, you can't tell me that prisoners are completely void of feelings. They still experience peer pressure within their social system, stub their toes, experience the loss of loved ones, get diarrhea after a bad meal, etc.


Based on what I believe, dealing with the stresses (and even pleasures) of every day life is more difficult than nothingness.

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Please allow me to spell out the difference in the 2 crimes:


I responded to the scene of an elderly "church lady" in Brooklyn who hacked her husband with a meat cleaver after catching him in her bed with a neighbor. This woman had NO police record, and was well respected in her community. In fact, she would mentor children, and imo, served as a role model.

She did not resist arrest, and was crying for hours. I actually felt sympathy for her. She was NOT a criminal.

This of course is only one type of murder, and is not to be confused with the sociopathic "Ted Bundy" thing.


Switch gears to pedophiles:


Rapists (who do adults) are said to be more about violence than sexual gratification. I have never attended nor heard of a training course that says otherwise. They want to humiliate their victims and "bring them down to their level." Often, they do not ejaculate.


Pedophiles are about sex. This is their attraction. They do know that it is not a good thing for the victim, but they do not care. This is why they often kill their victims. It is part of the thrill, and provides an avenue of escape so they can continue to fill their desires.

There is NO cure for pedophilia. It is like trying to convince me that Raquel Welsh, in her younger years, had no sexual appeal. This is impossible, because she was the best looking human I have ever met (other than of course my wife and cablelady :lol: ). Therapists try to convince them not to hurt others, etc., but remember, this is their sexual appetite. The chances for success are not good.


Btw, although more than 70% of victims are male, pedophilia is NOT to be confused with being gay.


I would not care if Michael Jackson received the death penalty. I ask God to forgive me, but I might be glad.

That said, I would like some time alone with any parent who would willingly hand over their child to that animal.


End of Rant.....Sorry guys.

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Please allow me to spell out the difference in the 2 crimes:


I responded to the scene of an elderly "church lady" in Brooklyn who hacked her husband with a meat cleaver after catching him in her bed with a neighbor. This woman had NO police record, and was well respected in her community. In fact, she would mentor children, and imo, served as a role model.

She did not resist arrest, and was crying for hours. I actually felt sympathy for her. She was NOT a criminal.

This of course is only one type of murder, and is not to be confused with the sociopathic "Ted Bundy" thing.


Switch gears to pedophiles:


Rapists (who do adults) are said to be more about violence than sexual gratification. I have never attended nor heard of a training course that says otherwise. They want to humiliate their victims and "bring them down to their level." Often, they do not ejaculate.


Pedophiles are about sex. This is their attraction. They do know that it is not a good thing for the victim, but they do not care. This is why they often kill their victims. It is part of the thrill, and provides an avenue of escape so they can continue to fill their desires.

There is NO cure for pedophilia. It is like trying to convince me that Raquel Welsh, in her younger years, had no sexual appeal. This is impossible, because she was the best looking human I have ever met (other than of course my wife and  cablelady  :lol: ). Therapists try to convince them not to hurt others, etc., but remember, this is their sexual appetite. The chances for success are not good.


Btw, although more than 70% of victims are male, pedophilia is NOT to be confused with being gay.


I would not care if Michael Jackson received the death penalty. I ask God to forgive me, but I might be glad.

That said, I would like some time alone with any parent who would willingly hand over their child to that animal.


End of Rant.....Sorry guys.



No rant.


Pathological adults and children alike exist. There are sorry folks that think no more of committing horrible atrocieies on another human than they would swat a mosquito or step on an ant. What is, is.


Such need to be removed permanently - there is plenty of failed attempts at rehabilitation. One can wonder why - the nurture vs. nature thing, but facts and deed are there, so they must either be eternally incarcerated or introduced to their Maker.

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Please allow me to spell out the difference in the 2 crimes:


I responded to the scene of an elderly "church lady" in Brooklyn who hacked her husband with a meat cleaver after catching him in her bed with a neighbor. This woman had NO police record, and was well respected in her community. In fact, she would mentor children, and imo, served as a role model.

She did not resist arrest, and was crying for hours. I actually felt sympathy for her. She was NOT a criminal.

This of course is only one type of murder, and is not to be confused with the sociopathic "Ted Bundy" thing.


Switch gears to pedophiles:


Rapists (who do adults) are said to be more about violence than sexual gratification. I have never attended nor heard of a training course that says otherwise. They want to humiliate their victims and "bring them down to their level." Often, they do not ejaculate.


Pedophiles are about sex. This is their attraction. They do know that it is not a good thing for the victim, but they do not care. This is why they often kill their victims. It is part of the thrill, and provides an avenue of escape so they can continue to fill their desires.

There is NO cure for pedophilia. It is like trying to convince me that Raquel Welsh, in her younger years, had no sexual appeal. This is impossible, because she was the best looking human I have ever met (other than of course my wife and  cablelady  :lol: ). Therapists try to convince them not to hurt others, etc., but remember, this is their sexual appetite. The chances for success are not good.


Btw, although more than 70% of victims are male, pedophilia is NOT to be confused with being gay.


I would not care if Michael Jackson received the death penalty. I ask God to forgive me, but I might be glad.

That said, I would like some time alone with any parent who would willingly hand over their child to that animal.


End of Rant.....Sorry guys.




Excellent post.


For those that say "murder is worse, as it is the end all, and victims of pedolphia are still alive", I ask you this:


Who is worse: a pedophile, or the father of the victim who goes and kills the pedophile? I'm not a parent yet, but believe me, if I had a child and someone molested them, they would be alive just long enough for me to get my hands on a gun. (and then of course shoot them in both shins and let them bleed to death in front of me).

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You assume that the majority of criminals regret their crimes. 




Amen! Violent offenders have no conscious and re-offend. Why not lock them ALL and throw away the key. I'm very serious here.


Living next to a pedo, murderer, rapist, drug dealer, should be treated on the same plane and have to acknowledge itheir presence to the neighborhood so all are warned. I see no difference in regards to the safety of my family!

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Excellent post.


For those that say "murder is worse, as it is the end all, and victims of pedolphia are still alive", I ask you this:


Who is worse: a pedophile, or the father of the victim who goes and kills the pedophile? I'm not a parent yet, but believe me, if I had a child and someone molested them, they would be alive just long enough for me to get my hands on a gun. (and then of course shoot them in both shins and let them bleed to death in front of me).



There was that case in Louisiana. Do you remember it? A karate teacher took a 12 year old (or thereabout) boy to California. The kid called home, and the father convinced them to return.

Upon arrival, the father was waiting at the airport with a shotgun under his coat, which was draped over his arm. Police were there (and heard cursing :lol: ), but the father managed to kill this scumbag.

He was arrested (no choice), and received thousands of dollars in the mail. The jury acquitted him in an hour or 2.

This was the greatest example in my memory of our justice system truly working.

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That's because we've removed forced labor from the penitentary system. Get them out breaking rocks in the sun and their tune will change.


No question.



Really, you have to be upset by a society that cares more for the rights of the accused than of the victim.




I have been upset about that for a long time. I will never understand how people could think that way.

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Yeah, and he's looking for REAL murderer right now.






That's why he got rid of all the mirrors in his house.


As for this poll, both murderers and pedophiles should be put to death. I do think that pedophiles should be put through a SLOW and PAINFUL death. Pedophiles usually have more victims and I do not think that they can be cured of their desire to molest children. In my opinion they are far more dangerous.

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