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Taser 01 / Lady with an attitude 00

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Still.... not necessary to use force.  She used no physical resistance from what I could see, did anyone else see the phantom punch on the cop?  I didn't.  Until somebody has been profiled or been taken advanatge of by a cop, you won't have sympathy for this woman.



So what should the cop have done? Sat there all day asking her nicely to leave the car?



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Two hulking cops can't pull one woman out of a car without resorting to weapons? 





So you'd rather one of the cops go into the car and hope that the woman doesn't have a knife (or some other small weapon) to stab them with as opposed to using a non-lethal, non-damaging weapon? :lol:


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So you'd rather one of the cops go into the car and hope that the woman doesn't have a knife (or some other small weapon) to stab them with as opposed to using a non-lethal, non-damaging weapon?  :lol:



Only non lethal if she was not torqued up on the H or some good old fashion crack :D

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So you'd rather one of the cops go into the car and hope that the woman doesn't have a knife (or some other small weapon) to stab them with as opposed to using a non-lethal, non-damaging weapon?  :lol:



Common sense and PTR have never been seen together.

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Still.... not necessary to use force.  She used no physical resistance from what I could see, did anyone else see the phantom punch on the cop?  I didn't.  Until somebody has been profiled or been taken advanatge of by a cop, you won't have sympathy for this woman.


go hug a tree

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Two hulking cops can't pull one woman out of a car without resorting to weapons? 





Yeah, it can be done, but probably not without beating the living sh-- out of her. If that happened, the same weak kneed, wishy-washy pseudo liberals like you would be calling for the criminal prosecution of the cops.

I am sure that you get various types of thrills watching TJ Hooker re-runs, but it is a little tougher in the real world. I would like to see YOU try to pull that lady out of a car if she was resisting, without hurting her.

My guess is that you would get you ass kicked.

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Yeah, it can be done, but probably not without beating the living sh-- out of her. If that happened, the same weak kneed, wishy-washy pseudo liberals like you would be calling for the criminal prosecution of the cops.

I am sure that you get various types of thrills watching TJ Hooker re-runs, but it is a little tougher in the real world. I would like to see YOU try to pull that lady out of a car if she was resisting, without hurting her.

My guess is that you would get you ass kicked.


It's always amazing to me how critical people can be without ever having had to do it. As if it's so easy a child could do it.

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It's always amazing to me how critical people can be without ever having had to do it.  As if it's so easy a child could do it.



That is the life of a police officer, and sadly, now a soldier. I will even throw doctors into the mix. People watch ER, and feel qualified to judge the actions of a person with experience, and a mega-education.


These officers had NO idea of what to expect from this woman other than violence. She did attack one of them, an irrational act to say the least. She was in a car that could be used as a weapon, or to conceal one.


I am just glad that there are still upstanding citizens like you and others here to counteract the anti-establishment at any cost a-holes who would ruin the lives and careers of brave men and women who put their lives on the line for the very freedom which they enjoy.

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Still.... not necessary to use force.  She used no physical resistance from what I could see, did anyone else see the phantom punch on the cop?  I didn't.  Until somebody has been profiled or been taken advanatge of by a cop, you won't have sympathy for this woman.


someone stated earlier in this thead that, it is illegal to ignore or disobey a police officers commands.


they asked her to get out of the car. she refused several times. they attempted to remove her from the car. she resisted even more. (this must have been when she "punched" at the cop, when the 2nd officer went in to the passneger side)


the only other thing i can see the cops doing is dragging her kicking and screaming out of the car. (and remember that cops carry guns which can be reached by a suspect if they are both on the ground.)


she screamed alot, but she was only shocked twice for a total of 10 seconds. she screammed for a LONG time after the shocking stopped. but IMO, that was a little over exagerated compaired to what actually happened.

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Still.... not necessary to use force.  She used no physical resistance from what I could see, did anyone else see the phantom punch on the cop?  I didn't.  Until somebody has been profiled or been taken advanatge of by a cop, you won't have sympathy for this woman.



Well you have to take the whole situation into context. If the woman had been at least half way civilized, he would not have tazed her. Instead I bet they would have had a conversation and he probably would have just given her a ticket for the suspended license.


I have no sympathy for ppl being mouthy to cops. They have a job to do and if you break the law then so-be-it.


I speed all the time. I choose to do so and I have been pulled over many times, but if you are nice and cordial with the officer most of the time he will just give you a warning.


Again, I choose to speed and I have already told myself that I am willing to pay the consequences if I get caught. So if you start mouthing off to an officer and you have a suspended license (along with other things) prepared to get prosecuted to the extent of the law.


Finally, I'm not a cop, but if I was in that situation you are trying to assess how to handle the situation and some factors should be: 1) You have to take into account what she was driving and where this happened (we don't know where this took place), 2) What the person looks like and the demeanor they have toward you, and 3) when they find out if you have any current problems with the law.


She had a bad attittude that put the cop on guard to begin with and then when he found out she was driving on a suspended license that put it over the top and he needed to be on full alert because if someone is willing to do that how much farther is that person willing to break the law? So when she wouldn't follow orders, being told 3 times, you have to be very careful and protect yourself. I.E. She got what she deserved.


Stussy, sounds like you have a personal experience there. Would you like to share with the class?

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Still.... not necessary to use force.  She used no physical resistance from what I could see, did anyone else see the phantom punch on the cop?  I didn't.  Until somebody has been profiled or been taken advanatge of by a cop, you won't have sympathy for this woman.



And here it is. It's only a matter of time until it becomes a race issue.

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And here it is. It's only a matter of time until it becomes a race issue.



Exactly, because the fact that she was going 16 mph over the speed limit, broken winshield, busted tailight, and driving on a suspended liscence had nothing to do with the problem the officer had with her. It was all because she was black. Oh, not to mention the attitude she had, refusing to get off the phone or comply with ANYTHING the officer said. :lol:

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That is the life of a police officer, and sadly, now a soldier. I will even throw doctors into the mix. People watch ER, and feel qualified to judge the actions of a person with experience, and a mega-education.


These officers had NO idea of what to expect from this woman other than violence. She did attack one of them, an irrational act to say the least. She was in a car that could be used as a weapon, or to conceal one.


I am just glad that there are still upstanding citizens like you and others here to counteract the anti-establishment at any cost a-holes who would ruin the lives and careers of brave men and women who put their lives on the line for the very freedom which they enjoy.




Isn't the first rule of being a cop to ensure that you protect yourself? For some reason, certain people chose to ignore this and/or think that shouldn't be a right of police officers. Being a cop shouldn't require you to risk your life any more than necessary every time you have to deal with some POS like her.


IMO, you guys do a great job the vast majority of the time.

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Did you even listen to her mouth in that video?


Pulled over for 51 in a 35, broken tailight...she goes into "crap mouth mode" inside of 5 seconds...and she's being profiled?


Holy Crap...

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Did you even listen to her mouth in that video?


Pulled over for 51 in a 35, broken tailight...she goes into "crap mouth mode" inside of 5 seconds...and she's being profiled?


Holy Crap...


I'm sure he could tell she was an overweight black woman with an authority recognition problem from his point in the driver's seat OF A DIFFERENT CAR. :lol:

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Did you even listen to her mouth in that video?


Pulled over for 51 in a 35, broken tailight...she goes into "crap mouth mode" inside of 5 seconds...and she's being profiled?


Holy Crap...




I was profiled once. A cop pulled us over just because we were white kids driving through the black neighborhood in an expensive car. He told us to get the hell out of there and buy our drugs somewhere else.


I guess I should have mouthed off to him or filed a lawsuit, huh?

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