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Taser 01 / Lady with an attitude 00

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To all the people who think that the cops should have dragged her out of the car, maybe we should post some clips of officers being dragged down the road because they attempted to remove a suspect by leaning in. Maybe we'll follow it up with clips of officers funerals....


Bunch of liberal pansies.

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To all the people who think that the cops should have dragged her out of the car, maybe we should post some clips of officers being dragged down the road because they attempted to remove a suspect by leaning in.  Maybe we'll follow it up with clips of officers funerals....


Bunch of liberal pansies.



There was actually a story here in Raleigh last night on the news about a guy who did just that.

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!@#$ cops, i know i will get flamed for this, the girl probably did deserve what she got cuz i probably would have slapped her but i dislike cops and anything having to do with authority basically since most who have it abuse it, so ull never hear a word of sympathy from about a cop


my guess is you are b/n 19-21...if not grow the f up

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!@#$ cops, i know i will get flamed for this, the girl probably did deserve what she got cuz i probably would have slapped her but i dislike cops and anything having to do with authority basically since most who have it abuse it, so ull never hear a word of sympathy from about a cop




I'm not one to flame but you have to remember, the cops are there to enforce the laws that we live by. Without the cops, crime and criminals would be running rampant in this country. Crime is out of control for the most part as it is and police departments are understaffed to handle the criminals. If this cops turns a blind eye to a lady doing 16mph over the speed limit, what would prevent her from possibly doing that in a school zone and wiping out a couple of kids. The cop in the video was just doing his job enforcing the laws in which we all live by. He did nothing wrong handling the situation that she put herself in. She swung at the other officer and the cops have certain procedures they have to follow in those situations.

I saw a video in a class about an officer, in Georgia I think, asking someone he pulled over to please step to the rear of his vehicle. The officer asked the guy over 20 times to comply and he didn't. Next thing you know, the guy pulls out a rifle from the back seat of his truck and starts shooting the officer. He shot the officer 4 times, went back and reloaded, shot him several more times and then put the gun to the officers head and finished him off and drove away. He was stopped down the road without incident and when asked why he did that, he said the officer didn't show him respect. The officer had a wife and 3 kids with a 4th on the way.

That video is shown in training for most police officers around the country. The officer should have tazered the guy earlier but didn't. Just goes to show that they never know how a situation will escalate unless they control it from the beginning. This is why the officer in this video treated the lady like he did, it's part of his training.

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To all the people who think that the cops should have dragged her out of the car, maybe we should post some clips of officers being dragged down the road because they attempted to remove a suspect by leaning in.  Maybe we'll follow it up with clips of officers funerals....


Bunch of liberal pansies.



f.u. i am as liberal as they come and i don't think they should have done that. don't stereotype people.

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As funny as it was and as much as I think she deserved it, we can be pretty sure she got a nice "check" from the subsequent lawsuit.



I was thinking the same thing. I found an article on google saying she filed a lawsuit. However it didn't say if she won, lost, or if it was settled out of court.

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I was thinking the same thing.  I found an article on google saying she filed a lawsuit.  However it didn't say if she won, lost, or if it was settled out of court.



I hope she lost her case. It's stuff like this that clogs up the courts system and ppl looking for free handouts.


The lady was being an ass AND she get's paid for it. This is a bad example to show anyone.

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