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Taser 01 / Lady with an attitude 00

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If I were the cop, I wouldn't have pulled the TASER, especially with another cop next to me, because of the threat of a lawsuit primarily. 



this is not how i want law enforcement in this country to be hindered


let's just say there was some hypothetical situation where someone's life is on the line and the cop faltered because there was a chance of a lawsuit from some strange angle...if it's your family member, you'd better hope the police don't think twice because someone might get "sue" happy

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this is not how i want law enforcement in this country to be hindered


let's just say there was some hypothetical situation where someone's life is on the line and the cop faltered because there was a chance of a lawsuit from some strange angle...if it's your family member, you'd better hope the police don't think twice because someone might get "sue" happy

Every situation is different. Like I said, there were 2 cops and 1 woman, and the cop had ample time to size-up the situation.

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It's not a black, white, red, or blue thing.  It's a lack of respect thing that's pervading this country.  If I were the cop, I wouldn't have pulled the TASER, especially with another cop next to me, because of the threat of a lawsuit primarily.  Now had she pulled something like a knife or a gun, that's a different story.  But I don't know if this is something that's being taught now to the officers and is acceptable.  I guess we'll find out.


Except you're not a cop and you weren't looking at what he was. That's the beauty of the whole thing. You're making a judgement on a guy when all you can see is what he's doing - not what the suspect is doing.


Just as you worry about the taxpayer's money, the cop worries about his ass. One cop gets killed because he waits one second too long to elevate and that's one less second the rest of us get the next time.


It all goes back to common sense and respect. The guy with the gun on his hip and the badge on his chest automatically gets respect - even if he's a complete prick. There are times to STFU and color and times to fight.

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i noticed in both videos that when they were finally subdued, the perps both said they were unable to put their hinds behind their backs.  anyone know why this is?  or were they just lying?


Motor control doesn't come back to quickly after you've been hit with a Tazer. Not fun.

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overboard in my opinion.... 2 big guys vs one fat woman, take her out of the car with force b4 tasering...



And put themselves at risk?!? What if she had a knife or some other object she could have used to attack the officer with. She was given ample oppurtunity to comply with the requests made of her.

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Hell, he shoulda billy-clubbed her. She only broke like six or seven laws including:



Driving with a suspended license

broken tail light

cracked windshield

resisting arrest

assault on an officer


Yep, shoulda clubbed her. But I guess a taser'll do :w00t:



You bleeding heart liberal... :lol:

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IMO she deserved it and was amply warned. Let's not forget the other reason why she should have been charged as per a very old Stan Freberg satire on the Jack Webb Dragnet series -- a 412.


"And, I've also got you on a 412."


"A 412 (screams the culprit, a dragon), "What's a 412?"



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If you haven't read the taser story on the board yet, check out the following:


Taser Link


Did a google search and came up with some interesting links regarding this incident that happened in Aug of 04.


First one is a link to a page where a Police Training Officer goes over what Office McNevin did in the original video and backs McNevin's actions.


Police Training Officer Comments


Other links from the google search:


Google Search Link

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Well then, let's hear from a cop.  Anyone?



Well, I am not a cop. But in Phoenix , about 3 weeks ago, a cop was killed during a "routine traffic stop". Turns out the car was a GTA and the kids just shot first. The cop was a 20 year veteran, and didnt deserve to die. I have NO PROBLEM with cops covering there ass first. Do what the cop says, dont get tazed. Sounds easy to me.... :w00t:

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Well, as one of the resident Police Officers on this board, I would like to comment.


First off, it sounds like the incident occurred near Delray Beach..........possibly Florida, which gives me some additional insight (since I work in Florida, as well).


Secondly, I am not sure what charges the Officer had on the subject (it was not clear from the video if she had a warrant for her arrest, or if she had a suspended license, etc).


However, when the Officer approaches the vehicle, the female subject clearly disobeys his lawful commands (Obstruction/Resisting Arrest Without Violence). which is a misdemeanor, at least to start with.


This type of resistance is known as "Active Physical Resistance" and the appropriate response is any and all force, up to and including "Intermediate Impact Weapons" (both terms come from a Force Matrix we have to know inside and out, to graduate from any academy or field training program).


Intermediate Impact Weapons is a fancy term for most of the "tools" on our belts, such as Pepper Spray, the Baton and the Taser.


Contrary to popular belief, the Taser is actually the best choice of the three. It is the most effective, which leads to immediate compliance and fewer injuries to the Officer(s) and the suspect(s). The effects are gone almost as soon as the five second cycle ends...........what is left is a desire on the suspect's part to NEVER feel that again (and I had to take a hit myself in order to carry it.....nasty to say the least).


"Hands on techniques", Pepper Spray and/or the Baton are less effective and have longer lasting effects, such as injuries to all parties involved (I have experience with them, as well). And, remember, if you start rolling around on the ground with a suspect, you are putting yourself in extreme jeopardy (namely, we have a firearm to protect).


Bottom line is the lady could have complied at any time. Instead, she chose to escalate the situation and the Officer handled himself well, right down to his verbalization techniques and the control he exercised. We are typically a "reactive entity", meaning we react to the actions of the suspects we are dealing with.


On a side note, the type of attitude she displayed is pretty common, especially where I work and live. I guess you just get used to it, after a while when you see it day after day. :w00t:








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This is a re-post of my reply in the other thread. It was buried pretty deep and I wanted to make sure this one was closer to the top (i.e. actually looked at!)





Well, as one of the resident Police Officers on this board, I would like to comment.


First off, it sounds like the incident occurred near Delray Beach..........possibly Florida, which gives me some additional insight (since I work in Florida, as well).


Secondly, I am not sure what charges the Officer had on the subject (it was not clear from the video if she had a warrant for her arrest, or if she had a suspended license, etc).


However, when the Officer approaches the vehicle, the female subject clearly disobeys his lawful commands (Obstruction/Resisting Arrest Without Violence). which is a misdemeanor, at least to start with.


This type of resistance is known as "Active Physical Resistance" and the appropriate response is any and all force, up to and including "Intermediate Impact Weapons" (both terms come from a Force Matrix we have to know inside and out, to graduate from any academy or field training program).


Intermediate Impact Weapons is a fancy term for most of the "tools" on our belts, such as Pepper Spray, the Baton and the Taser.


Contrary to popular belief, the Taser is actually the best choice of the three. It is the most effective, which leads to immediate compliance and fewer injuries to the Officer(s) and the suspect(s). The effects are gone almost as soon as the five second cycle ends...........what is left is a desire on the suspect's part to NEVER feel that again (and I had to take a hit myself in order to carry it.....nasty to say the least).


"Hands on techniques", Pepper Spray and/or the Baton are less effective and have longer lasting effects, such as injuries to all parties involved (I have experience with them, as well). And, remember, if you start rolling around on the ground with a suspect, you are putting yourself in extreme jeopardy (namely, we have a firearm to protect).


Bottom line is the lady could have complied at any time. Instead, she chose to escalate the situation and the Officer handled himself well, right down to his verbalization techniques and the control he exercised. We are typically a "reactive entity", meaning we react to the actions of the suspects we are dealing with.


On a side note, the type of attitude she displayed is pretty common, especially where I work and live. I guess you just get used to it, after a while when you see it day after day.



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I'm really surprised anybody could look at this thing and not determine that it was justifiable. When it comes to the police looking out for their well being it doesn't matter that this was a overweight chick, or a fully loaded gang banger, in this situation they must be treated the same to ensure the officers safety.


In a car their are tons of blind spots, and when a person refuses to exit their vehicle it puts the officer in jeopardy. This chick was defensive from the start, in hindsight it was probably because she knew she was driving with a suspended license. But in the moment the officer just as easily could have assumed her behavior was a result of her hiding something in the car.


Even once he knew the license was suspended her actions were still inconsistent with a person driving on a suspended license. I mean seriously, how many people would act like that in the same situation?


Bottom line is if you get pulled over put your hands on the wheel so they can see your not reaching for anything. Follow what the officer asks of you, and odds are you will either get your ticket reduced or they might even let you go.

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Bottom line is if you get pulled over put your hands on the wheel so they can see your not reaching for anything. Follow what the officer asks of you, and odds are you will either get your ticket reduced or they might even let you go.


Here's what else I do when I get pulled over.

Pull far over, get the passenger side wheels off the pavement. This gives the officer room to position his vehicle as a shield while he's standing next to yours on the drivers side.

Turn off your vehicle, take the keys out and place them in front of you on the dash. This way he can see them as he walks up, and knows you can't quickly turn the vehicle back on and take off.

If it's dark out, turn on your interior lights, so he can see inside the vehicle. This way as he's approaching, he can see if someone is hiding inside waiting to jump out at him.

Follow KzooMike's advice above.


In the last 15 years since I've had my first vehicle, I've been pulled over about 10 times for various things. Not one ticket when doing the above procedures.

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i finally got that video on a computer with speakers. and i have to say, it was funny as hell. she did not follow ANY of his orders.


Woman: "why did you pull me over?"

Cop: "you were speeding."

Woman: "but you were driving.".. :w00t:


she was asking for his name and "unit number" 10 times, in what seemed like a way for her to gain controle of the situation. she was talking about sueing in the first min.


Cop: "step out of the car please."

Woman: "im callin somebody." :lol:


it sounds bad cus shes screaming for a long time after she is shocked. but it sounds like she was just exagerating. (but im sure being socked does suck.)

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This is a re-post of my reply in the other thread.    It was buried pretty deep and I wanted to make sure this one was closer to the top (i.e.  actually looked at!)



Well, as one of the resident Police Officers on this board, I would like to comment.


First off, it sounds like the incident occurred near Delray Beach..........possibly Florida, which gives me some additional insight (since I work in Florida, as well).


Secondly, I am not sure what charges the Officer had on the subject (it was not clear from the video if she had a warrant for her arrest, or if she had a suspended license, etc).


However, when the Officer approaches the vehicle, the female subject clearly disobeys his lawful commands (Obstruction/Resisting Arrest Without Violence). which is a misdemeanor, at least to start with.


This type of resistance is known as "Active Physical Resistance" and the appropriate response is any and all force, up to and including "Intermediate Impact Weapons" (both terms come from a Force Matrix we have to know inside and out, to graduate from any academy or field training program).


Intermediate Impact Weapons is a fancy term for most of the "tools" on our belts, such as Pepper Spray, the Baton and the Taser.


Contrary to popular belief, the Taser is actually the best choice of the three. It is the most effective, which leads to immediate compliance and fewer injuries to the Officer(s) and the suspect(s). The effects are gone almost as soon as the five second cycle ends...........what is left is a desire on the suspect's part to NEVER feel that again (and I had to take a hit myself in order to carry it.....nasty to say the least).


"Hands on techniques", Pepper Spray and/or the Baton are less effective and have longer lasting effects, such as injuries to all parties involved (I have experience with them, as well). And, remember, if you start rolling around on the ground with a suspect, you are putting yourself in extreme jeopardy (namely, we have a firearm to protect).


Bottom line is the lady could have complied at any time. Instead, she chose to escalate the situation and the Officer handled himself well, right down to his verbalization techniques and the control he exercised. We are typically a "reactive entity", meaning we react to the actions of the suspects we are dealing with.


On a side note, the type of attitude she displayed is pretty common, especially where I work and live. I guess you just get used to it, after a while when you see it day after day. 





Great post Mike. Thanks for some informed insight. I have a brother in law who is a police officer in San Jose (was working on horseback and now, much to his chagrin, working boring airport duty) that I cant wait to show this to and get some reaction out of him.

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Come on.  He told here at least 3 times to get out of the car.  How many times do you tell your kids no before you punsh them? 


She was being an obnoxious B word. 


That's why no matter what don't piss off a cop or he'll tazer you.  :w00t:



Still.... not necessary to use force. She used no physical resistance from what I could see, did anyone else see the phantom punch on the cop? I didn't. Until somebody has been profiled or been taken advanatge of by a cop, you won't have sympathy for this woman.

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