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Please HELP save Niagara Falls Air Base

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The effort to save Niagara Falls Air Force Base is well underway. The organizers set up a convenient way to submit a letter electronically to the Chairman of the Base Realignment and Closure Commission.


Simply go to this site http://www.nimac.org/letter.html and send a note via email. This literally takes two seconds - use the pre-written letter - hit Send letter via E-Mail - and you're finished! It's that simple.


For security and economic reasons, Niagara Falls cannot afford to lose this base. Please help.



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The effort to save Niagara Falls Air Force Base is well underway.  The organizers set up a convenient way to submit a letter electronically to the Chairman of the Base Realignment and Closure Commission.


Simply go to this site http://www.nimac.org/letter.html and send a note via email.  This literally takes two seconds - use the pre-written letter - hit Send letter via E-Mail - and you're finished!  It's that simple.


For security and economic reasons, Niagara Falls cannot afford to lose this base.  Please help.





As much as I hate to see bases closing, it's going to happen. You can right 10 million letters and it won't change their plans. It's unfortunate because a lot of Americans are going to be put out of work. I see it on Camp Lejeune which is one of the, if not THE largest Marine base population wise. We're losing MILITARY positions to civilian contractors. Our military is starting to dwindle and we are already stretched too thin. It's not a good trend. :lol:

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The effort to save Niagara Falls Air Force Base is well underway.  The organizers set up a convenient way to submit a letter electronically to the Chairman of the Base Realignment and Closure Commission.


Simply go to this site http://www.nimac.org/letter.html and send a note via email.  This literally takes two seconds - use the pre-written letter - hit Send letter via E-Mail - and you're finished!  It's that simple.


For security and economic reasons, Niagara Falls cannot afford to lose this base.  Please help.





What are the security reasons?

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If the base closes, what are they going to use that airport for? A huge 10,000 ft runway and acres of land for a few Cessna 172's a couple cargo flights and a charter maybe once a month? yikes, the NFTA will have to think of something.

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As much as I hate to see bases closing, it's going to happen. You can right 10 million letters and it won't change their plans. It's unfortunate because a lot of Americans are going to be put out of work. I see it on Camp Lejeune which is one of the, if not THE largest Marine base population wise. We're losing MILITARY positions to civilian contractors. Our military is starting to dwindle and we are already stretched too thin. It's not a good trend.  :lol:


It's not a sure thing - They made the BRAC list in 96 and one other year if I recall and it was the relentless effort of the local community that helped keep the base open. While it's a long shot that it will survive this round BRAC there still is a possibility.

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What are the security reasons?




At some point the organizers of this effort will need to make a choice between whether the energy and organizing used to try to save the base might be better spent trying to convert the base to alternate private sector use..


There are a couple of examples I have seen of large CA bases where the infrastructure of the base was successfully converted into an alternate use attracting the private sector and 5-10 years after the fact there was a better economic situation where th public had greater use of the resource and the jobs were fueled by multiple owners rather than the single source of the US government.


Its a tougher situation at Niagara Falls compared to the CA (and I think even a good Alabama transition) because their population base in expanding and ours is stable or shrinking.


However, we have little choice in that its a tough situation even if we win keeping the base open and working on other choices is the intelligent thing to do.


I perceive one of the keys in CA to the population boom is an immigrant population that is growing and at the base of the population growth. Immigration is a tough issue due to our fears of Al Queada terrorists. However, just as the foreign capital brought to Niagara-On-the-Lake in Canada from Hong Kong when they switched governments was a key to the economic rebirth of that region, Niagara Falls is well placed to capture capital from Canada which actually is growing as Toronto has a far more sensible method of regionalization than the NYS.


If you are interested in this issue, fight to keep the base open if you think you can win. However, if you also might (and I think will) lose this fight, you might take some precious time and energy from organizing to win and also organize to pursue alternatives.

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It's not a sure thing - They made the BRAC list in 96 and one other year if I recall and it was the relentless effort of the local community that helped keep the base open.  While it's a long shot that it will survive this round BRAC there still is a possibility.



That's true but in 96 we weren't spending millions fighting a war in Iraq... I hope you're right though.

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When I was in the Air Force one of the assignments I was given was being on the base closier team for Norton and March AFB's here in California....


I cannot tell you how much I hated those assignments.....I actually put the locks on the friggen biuldings after everyone was gone (among other things) and when I roll back through those areas I am saddened to see what barren wastelands they have become (March is a reserve base but nowwhere near what it once was...Norton is just horrible)


They wanted to put me in for a Medal for my work....I declined it. It just didn't seem right to me.

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I am good friends with someone who is involved with trying to keep the base open at high levels in Washington. Unfortunately, he thinks the chances are about 15% (based on past efforts by others in similar situations) to keep the base open. He's working hard on trying to convince BRAC however, but he admits it may be a losing cause. He says it was a miracle they got off of the list back in 1996.


Personally, I think that maybe it's right move to close this base and believe that the way BRAC works is beneficial to this country. Still, I feel for those adversely affected by the decision and all things being equal I rather see a base remain there.

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I am good friends with someone who is involved with trying to keep the base open at high levels in Washington. Unfortunately, he thinks the chances are about 15% (based on past efforts by others in similar situations)  to keep the base open. He's working hard on trying to convince BRAC however, but he admits it may be a losing cause. He says it was a miracle they got off of the list back in 1996.


Personally, I think that maybe it's right move to close this base and believe that the way BRAC works is beneficial to this country. Still, I feel for those adversely affected by the decision and all things being equal I rather see a base remain there.



Well, I'm sure that NYS government will step in a create a "state commission", staffed by civil service employees and Pataki appointees, to study possible uses for the base. They will then hire plenty of consultants to develop "master plans" for the base, followed by the creation of a "public authority" that will be able to issue bonds without taxpayer approval, followed by the base being "sold" to the Thruway Authority, followed by the Thruway Authority increasing tolls all over NYS to pay for the base. :lol:

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Well, I'm sure that NYS government will step in a create a "state commission", staffed by civil service employees and Pataki appointees, to study possible uses for the base. They will then hire plenty of consultants to develop "master plans" for the base, followed by the creation of a "public authority" that will be able to issue bonds without taxpayer approval, followed by the base being "sold" to the Thruway Authority, followed by the Thruway Authority increasing tolls all over NYS to pay for the base. :lol:



Has NYS government ever not sucked? I heard DeWitt Clinton was all right.

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Shut bases could get nuclear waste - How do you like this in your back yard?



Reasons to keep the base open:


As Niagara County's second largest employer with nearly 3,000 full and part-time workers, this would deliver another devastating blow to our region's economy.


The base site lies within close proximity to four major border crossing between the U.S. and Canada, along with the New York State Power Authority's Hydropower complex which harnesses the waters of the Niagara and supplies substantial power to the Northeast United States Grid.


While the base serves as a logistical backbone for the War on Terror, it is also strategically placed and fully expandable to allow the addition of a fighter squadron to further secure America's northern border and power grid infrastructure. It should be expanded rather than closed.


According to the Niagara Military Affairs Council:


Closure of Niagara would reduce the Air Force presence in NY by 40%, and eliminate the last Federal Air Force flying mission in the State. Since 1995, Niagara has been modernized with $35M in new facilities and lengthened runways which have improved the operational effectiveness of the wings.


We have also reduced our Base Operations Support costs by not less than 33% (to include a 25% reduction in utilities) to make the base one of the most cost-efficient facilities in the Air Force Reserve Command.


Closure of the base would also eliminate the ability to recruit and retain New Yorkers in a region in which the units have both maintained in excess of 100% manning rates.


Niagara Falls existing infrastructure can accommodate 8 additional C-130H model aircraft without any military construction.


Niagara Falls faces no physical encroachment nor air traffic control constraints and has acreage on the base and adjacent to the installation for expansion.

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If the base closes, what are they going to use that airport for?  A huge 10,000 ft runway and acres of land for a few Cessna 172's  a couple cargo flights and a charter maybe once a month? yikes, the NFTA will have to think of something.



Woodstock 6 ?



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I am good friends with someone who is involved with trying to keep the base open at high levels in Washington. Unfortunately, he thinks the chances are about 15% (based on past efforts by others in similar situations)  to keep the base open. He's working hard on trying to convince BRAC however, but he admits it may be a losing cause. He says it was a miracle they got off of the list back in 1996.


Personally, I think that maybe it's right move to close this base and believe that the way BRAC works is beneficial to this country. Still, I feel for those adversely affected by the decision and all things being equal I rather see a base remain there.




I know that there is some sort of standard canned answer for this question.....but do the folks that close these bases factor in what it does to the local economy to kill a base?


Norton was just handled horribly I think.....it was bad enough that I had to watch businesses that had been open for years and years force to close their doors when the base started going away to nothing.....but then I was transferred to a detachment just off the side of was once Norton AFB and I had to actually stay there a while longer......


The place where me and my wife actually met no longer exists.......:lol:

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Reality check: You people need to look at the big picture. Closing this base will certainly have an effect on the local economy but the reality is that alot of bases need to close both for strategic and economic reasons.


Everyone bitches about paying taxes but the minute the government does something that makes sense, the argument swings the other direction.


The strategic importance of NFANGB is negligible. Close it.

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