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Talk about a bunch of snooty bastards.


I'm a military/war buff.  I like to read everything I can on the subject.  I have stacks of books around my house that I can't fit in my bookcases about the subject.


That said, I can't remember once in my life where knowing a lot about wars has had one impact on my everyday life. 


Not once have I ever HAD to know what started WWI.  And knowing what started WWI has never and will never stop WWIII from happening.


Is it good to know your history?  I believe so.  But for no other reason than I think it's a waste to let our past be forgotten. 


America is not going down the drain because kids don't know their history.  It's going down the drain because of the adults who are running it, plain and simple.


Oh, and JSP, there ARE kids who tried to get into the military illegally after 9/11 (and some who succeeded).  Both because of age and because they illegal aliens (and I'm sure other reasons as well).  Just because our beloved media hasn't decided to inform you of this doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Man, I really wish I could go back to the good old days when everyone loved one another and everything was one great big Leave it to Beaver episode.


Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Lack of historical knowledge and the resulting ignorance of self sacrifice by others to build what we have is one of the reasons our society isn't what it should be.


I agree with your last statement that the good 'ol days aren't as great as they're generally remembered but in many ways they were alot better than today.

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I agree with your last statement that the good 'ol days aren't as great as they're generally remembered but in many ways they were alot better than today.



You got that right. There was a general civility to our society back then that just doesn't exist in today's "me" culture.

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.  Lack of historical knowledge and the resulting ignorance of self sacrifice by others to build what we have is one of the reasons our society isn't what it should be.



I agree with this statement when it comes to things such as civil rights, economy, security, etc...


I've never understood it when talking about war. Knowing the history of war is not going to stop war in the future. It may change the way they are fought, but it won't change the reason they start.


Seeing what happened in the camps in Germany may change the way we involve ourselves in war, but it's not going to change way wars start or who starts them.


As far as that goes, it really doesn't matter if Joe Shmoe working in a cubicle somewhere knows how to fight a war. As long as the leaders on the ground know what they are doing, that's enough.


I suppose you could make an argument that knowing the history of war could sway public opinion one way or the other, but since public opinion is (and always has been) so easily swayed by propaganda (government/media/PPP :w00t: ) what the hell is the point?

You got that right. There was a general civility to our society back then that just doesn't exist in today's "me" culture.



Unless, of course, you were black. :w00t:

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