Mike In Illinois Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Thank you to those who did and do serve and defend us all over the world. We wouldn't be able to take a few minutes to type a message on the Internet if not for your sacrifices for us.
Arkady Renko Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank the millions of Russians that died bleeding the Wehrmacht white in 1941-43 in order to make the invasion of France possible... 352156[/snapback] That was done a month ago, I think. Bush even went. The thanks of course should only go to those soldiers and not to the leadership that collaborated with the Nazis until they were attacked and occupied Eastern Europe for 50 years afterwards and killed more than 20 million of its own people by and by.
Dante Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank the millions of Russians that died bleeding the Wehrmacht white in 1941-43 in order to make the invasion of France possible... 352156[/snapback] Again, truer words never spoken. Every time I here some minority or nation whining how hard they have/ had it, I think of the over 20 million russians that died in the Nazi siege. Incredible that this piece of history is overlooked. You would think the only victims of WW2 were the Jews. Of course thier plight was unbelievably bad but it always has annoyed me how the russian horror is virtually ignored.
Dante Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Just wondering, did anyone else watch "D Day: The Lost Evidence" (I think thats what it was called) last night on the History Channel? Pretty interesting, captavating stuff. What a slaughter Omaha beach was. Their floating tanks sunk and they had no armour support because of it.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Again, truer words never spoken. Every time I here some minority or nation whining how hard they have/ had it, I think of the over 20 million russians that died in the Nazi siege. Incredible that this piece of history is overlooked. You would think the only victims of WW2 were the Jews. Of course thier plight was unbelievably bad but it always has annoyed me how the russian horror is virtually ignored. 352212[/snapback] With all due respect to the Russian tragedy, much of it was a self-inflicted wound of two parts: One, allying with a regime hell-bent on destroying them bought them little if any time and two, Stalin's purge of the brightest Russian military minds left the army under the command of congenital idiots. They were very fortunate Zhukov was still alive.
Wacka Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I thank God everytime that I remember the men who were so valiant on the fields that day (week, month ...)On a lighter note ... Did you notice he sought the blessing of God? Where was the ACLU to get him fired. Doesn't he know that he's mixing church & state ... Just shows how things have changed in this day. 352029[/snapback] There are no atheists in foxholes.
Crap Throwing Monkey Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Again, truer words never spoken. Every time I here some minority or nation whining how hard they have/ had it, I think of the over 20 million russians that died in the Nazi siege. Incredible that this piece of history is overlooked. You would think the only victims of WW2 were the Jews. Of course thier plight was unbelievably bad but it always has annoyed me how the russian horror is virtually ignored. 352212[/snapback] Best numbers I've seen (from reliable sources - PM me, I'll give you the list), put it in the 30-45 million range - but which portion of that is Stalin's direct responsibility, which is the Nazis', and which is arguably shared is indeterminate, at best. And though JSP's observations are correct, that still doesn't change the fact that the Western Allies never faced more than 30-35% of the German army. And even aside from all that...61 years and 2 days ago, Rome fell. In one week, it'll be 61 years since the Army and Marines hit the beaches on Saipan - an invasion as big and complex as Normandy with consequences as important if not moreso than Normandy's. 61 years ago this June 22, the siege of Imphal was lifted, which cost the Japanese an entire army and the initiative in the CBI theater. June 22nd is also the 61st anniversary of Operation Bagration, where the Russians utterly annihilated an entire German Army Group and eliminated more divisions from the German Army than the Western Allies even faced. But let's all pretend that D-Day is the end-all and be-all of the war. How many Americans even know about the fall of Rome, the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot, the Indians at Kohima-Imphal, or The Destruction of Army Group Center? We are a seriously ignorant !@#$ing country.
Crap Throwing Monkey Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 With all due respect to the Russian tragedy, much of it was a self-inflicted wound of two parts: One, allying with a regime hell-bent on destroying them bought them little if any time and two, Stalin's purge of the brightest Russian military minds left the army under the command of congenital idiots. They were very fortunate Zhukov was still alive. 352221[/snapback] More fortunate Vasilevsky and Shaposhnikov were still alive. Zhukov was a poser. And more fortunate still that the Russian people bought all that "Defend The Motherland" crap from a Georgian like Iosef Jughashvili. Never quite understood that, how a bunch of Ukranian kulaks exiled to Siberia bought into Russian nationalism as preached by a Georgian...
spidey Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Forces: You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world. Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely. But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory! I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory! Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking. 351877[/snapback] Who was the speaker of the above, this is a great sendoff to the many troops who didnt return or survive that day and the following days? Having been born on the 15th anniversary of this great day has always made it a special day for me. When people ask what my Bday is I always say I was born on the 15th anniversary of D-DAY( glad weather forced a delay to the 6th). Many people remember the date but I am finding way to many people who have no clue as to what day that was or even the year.
spidey Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Best numbers I've seen (from reliable sources - PM me, I'll give you the list), put it in the 30-45 million range - but which portion of that is Stalin's direct responsibility, which is the Nazis', and which is arguably shared is indeterminate, at best. And though JSP's observations are correct, that still doesn't change the fact that the Western Allies never faced more than 30-35% of the German army. And even aside from all that...61 years and 2 days ago, Rome fell. In one week, it'll be 61 years since the Army and Marines hit the beaches on Saipan - an invasion as big and complex as Normandy with consequences as important if not moreso than Normandy's. 61 years ago this June 22, the siege of Imphal was lifted, which cost the Japanese an entire army and the initiative in the CBI theater. June 22nd is also the 61st anniversary of Operation Bagration, where the Russians utterly annihilated an entire German Army Group and eliminated more divisions from the German Army than the Western Allies even faced. But let's all pretend that D-Day is the end-all and be-all of the war. How many Americans even know about the fall of Rome, the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot, the Indians at Kohima-Imphal, or The Destruction of Army Group Center? We are a seriously ignorant !@#$ing country. 352366[/snapback] Thanx for the reminders but not to make this political maybe it would be good if this history was taught in better in both American and European Schools as well as the True History of the American expansion westward
Alaska Darin Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 American kids would be better off if we let the History Channel teach our curriculum.
pkwwjd Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 The numbers of casualties from other countries is astounding. IIRC, the US has only lost 1.3 million troops in battle. Period. All wars in 200+ years. The vast majority were in the Civil War -- as it was one of the few fought on or adjacent to our turf. 20+ million Russians? Either we know how to fight, or we know how to pick our battles. Human life is precious. This is definitely a distinctive of our country.
Zona Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Thanx for the reminders but not to make this political maybe it would be good if this history was taught in better in both American and European Schools as well as the True History of the American expansion westward 352670[/snapback] I was talking to some co-workers today. Ages 24 on up to 39. NOT ONE knew what event started either WW. Some even thought the Holocaust was to blame for WW1. I am not a War Buff, but I know most of the stats and events mentioned in this thread. It truly is a shame that more people don't learn from the past to help them live there lives. Damned MTV ruined the world....
Thurman's Helmet Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Who was the speaker of the above, this is a great sendoff to the many troops who didnt return or survive that day and the following days?Having been born on the 15th anniversary of this great day has always made it a special day for me. When people ask what my Bday is I always say I was born on the 15th anniversary of D-DAY( glad weather forced a delay to the 6th). Many people remember the date but I am finding way to many people who have no clue as to what day that was or even the year. 352666[/snapback] Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force
Thurman's Helmet Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 I was talking to some co-workers today. Ages 24 on up to 39. NOT ONE knew what event started either WW. Some even thought the Holocaust was to blame for WW1. I am not a War Buff, but I know most of the stats and events mentioned in this thread. It truly is a shame that more people don't learn from the past to help them live there lives. Damned MTV ruined the world.... 353076[/snapback] Doesnt MTV feature videos (Okay, MTV2) from a band called "Franz Ferdinand"? How many mtv flunkies even know who he was?
Alaska Darin Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 I was talking to some co-workers today. Ages 24 on up to 39. NOT ONE knew what event started either WW. Some even thought the Holocaust was to blame for WW1. I am not a War Buff, but I know most of the stats and events mentioned in this thread. It truly is a shame that more people don't learn from the past to help them live there lives. Damned MTV ruined the world.... 353076[/snapback] Tell them to turn off American Kareoeke and turn on the History Channel. They'll learn alot and it's almost never boring. Yesterday they did a ton of stuff on D-Day including the "Forgotten Massacre" that occured when a 2000 strong Panzer Grenadier Division overran 180 US Paratroopers at Graignes but not until after over 500 Germans were killed.
Thurman's Helmet Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Dick Winters (Band of Brothers was based on his unit) is on a lot and each and every time I see him speak its fascinating.
Bear Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Talk about a bunch of snooty bastards. I'm a military/war buff. I like to read everything I can on the subject. I have stacks of books around my house that I can't fit in my bookcases about the subject. That said, I can't remember once in my life where knowing a lot about wars has had one impact on my everyday life. Not once have I ever HAD to know what started WWI. And knowing what started WWI has never and will never stop WWIII from happening. Is it good to know your history? I believe so. But for no other reason than I think it's a waste to let our past be forgotten. America is not going down the drain because kids don't know their history. It's going down the drain because of the adults who are running it, plain and simple. Oh, and JSP, there ARE kids who tried to get into the military illegally after 9/11 (and some who succeeded). Both because of age and because they illegal aliens (and I'm sure other reasons as well). Just because our beloved media hasn't decided to inform you of this doesn't mean it didn't happen. Man, I really wish I could go back to the good old days when everyone loved one another and everything was one great big Leave it to Beaver episode.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Oh, and JSP, there ARE kids who tried to get into the military illegally after 9/11 (and some who succeeded). Both because of age and because they illegal aliens (and I'm sure other reasons as well). Just because our beloved media hasn't decided to inform you of this doesn't mean it didn't happen.353322[/snapback] I'd liek to read any stories you have re: this. Link?
Bear Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 I'd liek to read any stories you have re: this. Link? 353324[/snapback] No links...personal knowledge. I know two 16 year old kids and one illegal alien who tried to get in. One guy from S. America tried to get into the AF. He was caught before he made much progress. Also deported. The two underage kids both tried for the Army. One was caught right away, the other one slipped through the cracks and was caught about two months into his training. These three cases are the ones that I personally know about...I'm sure there were many more. Of course this isn't the early part of the 20th century, so finding these people out is much easier. During that time investigators were very busy, so the kid that slipped through was no big surprise. But getting past the backround/security checks would be damn near impossible. The fact that there aren't a buch of 15 and 16 year olds in Iraq right now has more to do with computer records than it does with the declining spirit of America.
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