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Has anyone seen Cinderella Man? Reviews

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I haven't seen it yet and what's holding me back is RZ. I CAN'T STAND HER! I think that she is a horrible actress and she's tough to look at let alone be convinced that someone is falling in love with her. Ron Howard is becoming a Spielberg. Almost every project that he takes on is golden. I want to see it, but I need to mull over some "Real" reviews not Hollywood spin.



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I agree. I can't stand Crowe either. I think he's a pompous !@#$!


He's apparently in trouble for throwing a phone at a hotel employee over the weekend. If the report I heard is correct it connected with the guys noggin. Temper temper Russell.

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I think Crowe is probably an ass in real life but there are very few actors out there that throw themselves in the role like he does. Denzel Washington, for example, is a good actor, but he pretty much is Denzel in each movie.


RZ is usually annoying but I liked her performance in Cold Mountain.

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I think Crowe is probably an ass in real life but there are very few actors out there that throw themselves in the role like he does. Denzel Washington, for example, is a good actor, but he pretty much is Denzel in each movie.


RZ is usually annoying but I liked her performance in Cold Mountain.


I agree that Crowe is a moron, but he can act his ass off. He was amazing in a beautiful mind and Gladiator. I think that I'll give this one a shot.



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Crowe may be a complete jerk but he backs it up on screen. Likely one of the best actors of our generation.


The Insider - he is the movie. Awesome, real-life character. Makes you dislike and admirer the character at the same time.


LA Confidential - One of the best tough guy, 1940s, film noir characters. He was the best of a great cast.


Beautiful Mind - hard to think of anyone else (besides Hanks) who could make that movie go. You believed every stage of the character's life.


Gladitor - enough said. "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." (yes, I had to look it up :lol: )


Master and Commander. Completely underrated performance in a very underrated movie. Commanding presence, to say the least.


Cinderella Man - didn't see it.




Movie with Denzel -- a cyber-bad guy. One of the real good "bad guys" in movies. I think he could do a very creepy serial killer or the like.

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Thats just because Nicole Kidman is so hot, nothing else mattered. They could have put Rosie Odonell in that movie and I still would have watched it...happily. :lol:




Am I the only one that noticed Nicole Kidman seemed to get hotter as the movie went on?

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Thats just because Nicole Kidman is so hot, nothing else mattered. They could have put Rosie Odonell in that movie and I still would have watched it...happily. :w00t:



She looked like pure crap in Birth which was terrible outside of her short hair.

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Thats just because Nicole Kidman is so hot, nothing else mattered. They could have put Rosie Odonell in that movie and I still would have watched it...happily. :w00t:



She looked like pure crap in Birth which was terrible even ignoring her short hair.

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Crowe is really good in the movie. I went to see it last night and it was one of the best movies I have seen in a really long time. Through out the whole movie you get a really good feel for how tough the great depression was. Could you imagine in the dead of winter the power company turning your heat off?


Crowe may be a prick, but he acts his ass off in this movie. I walked away from the theatre feeling really good. It's an instant classic to me.



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The movie ought to have been titled "Please Give Me an Oscar. Pretty Please."


Ron Howard has always been one of the safest directors in the history of filmmaking, and this is yet another example.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not go too far!


I will go see this movie eventually.  But it's not a top priority for me like Star Wars was or War of the Worlds is.


Sorry Geek, didn't mean to offend! :w00t:



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