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34 minutes ago, B-Man said:



 Israel will refuse to give visas to UN officials, says Erdan
SKY News ^ | October 25, 2023


Israel will not give UN officials visas to enter the country, its foreign minister has said as a row over comments made by the group's secretary general intensifies.


Israeli officials have been outraged over Antonio Guterres's remark that the deadly Hamas attack on southern Israel "did not happen in a vacuum".


Israel's envoy to the UN Gilad Erdan called for Mr Guterres' resignation, saying Israel must rethink its relations with the world body.


Now, he has told Israeli media that UN officials will not be granted visas to enter the country.


"We will refuse to grant visas to UN representatives. We have already refused to give one to under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs Martin Griffiths," he told Army Radio, accusing Mr Guterres of justifying a slaughter.


"It's time to teach them a lesson."


Israel historically has had tense relations with the UN, accusing it of being biased against it.


(Excerpt) Read more at news.sky.com ...https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-live-updates-gaza-latest-sky-news-blog-12978800




Israel is always made at UN. Especially when they have their eyes on settlement land 

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12 minutes ago, Justice said:


Lol Hilarious how anyone can believe this. Even when the owner of the building said and I quote “we had to pull the building”. Pull it! A demolition term! You can’t make this s^*t up! 


Complete nonsense.

You would benefit by doing reasonable research before posting stuff like this.

The "Pull it" comment was made when it was obvious the building was going to be lost and it was in reference to a fire fighting team.

All of this has been explained without dispute.

The only people who screw it up are people aren't aware of it, and the people who have never read the very detailed Popular Mechanics article with a number of structural engineers. 

You know, guys who have actual knowledge about this stuff.

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9 minutes ago, sherpa said:


Complete nonsense.

You would benefit by doing reasonable research before posting stuff like this.

The "Pull it" comment was made when it was obvious the building was going to be lost and it was in reference to a fire fighting team.

All of this has been explained without dispute.

The only people who screw it up are people aren't aware of it, and the people who have never read the very detailed Popular Mechanics article with a number of structural engineers. 

You know, guys who have actual knowledge about this stuff.

Hasn’t happened before or since. Idgaf who wrote what. You don’t say pull it when removing people. That building went down like a demolition. I’ve seen buildings burn for over 24 hours and not collapse like that.
 I know you have to believe everything you hear. You need it in your life. I get it. I really do. 

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8 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Good Lord, back to the thread.



Ben Shapiro’s addresses three comforting lies “provided in significant supply by the hard Left and its allies in the legacy media” regarding the Hamas-Israel war. The first is one promoted by Presidents Biden and Obama that I have noted a few times:


The easiest moral place to stand is in the middle.


Standing in the middle is comforting. It grants you the illusion that you are being evenhanded, that you see nuance and complexity where others see black and white. It is flattering to be in the middle — no one hates your viewpoint enough to make you their opponent, and yet you get to stand apart from everyone, tut-tutting both sides.


When it comes to Israel and its terror-backing enemies, the West has, for some decades, taken precisely that position.


Sure, Israel should be able to defend itself.

But not too much.


Yes, Israel has the right to exist.

But it must make concessions to those who seek Israel's destruction.


When Israel's enemies pursue the worst atrocities in four generations, it's difficult to maintain that position of studied neutrality, in which attacks on Israel are chalked up to political differences and shrugged away. It turns out that scenes of brutally massacred children, women and men tend to upset the moral stomach.

But then the stomach settles again.


All it takes to return to that sophisticated neutrality is a few false platitudes — a few comforting lies.

Three of those lies have been provided in significant supply by the hard Left and its allies in the legacy media.


The first lie is that Israel must be warned not to engage in human rights violations.


We hear this nostrum all the time: from the president of the United States, from the United Nations, from the media. The idea is that if Israel’s leadership isn’t reminded in the wake of the worst pogrom since the Holocaust, those rude Jews might carpet-bomb Gaza. The purpose of the lie is simple: to get Israel to stop defending itself at the first available opportunity. If you warn the world that Israel is likely to pursue atrocities, and then — as inevitably happens in war — something terrible happens, Israel can quickly be shoved back into the box of moral equivalence.


Voila! Status quo ante restored.


Of course, this lie is a lie. And it is a stupidly offensive lie, in the same way that it is a lie when the United Nations warns the United States about human rights violations. [The IDF] is a professional military that abides by the rules of war. [Israel’s] enemies openly cheer the death of civilians, both Israel’s and their own. By all rights, the entire political and media infrastructure ought to be using their supposed moral suasion on human rights to convince Hamas to release hostages and protect their own citizens. But, of course, there’s no real interest in that. The lie must be maintained. Israel has to be warned about human rights, because secretly, the Jews are just like Hamas.



Much more at the link: https://jewishworldreview.com/1023/shapiro102523.php





Awww the poor Israelis. The colonizers with European accents. The people who can’t even pronounce hummus but claim it’s there’s. They can never do wrong. All those illegal settlements that’s just their homes. God gave it to them! 

Don’t worry. They’re gonna get their billions and billions from the same people he’s saying are treating them unfairly. Can’t make this s^*t up. Cry cry cry. 

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4 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

“Ok”?! 🤣


@sherpa fields a couple low brow mocks, responds in detail as to what his role is was, making the mockerers the mockerees, and you come up with “ok”?  




I don't think it can comprehend most of it.


1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

Yup, you be needing this 




the reply kind of proved it.   it doesn't even comprehend your comment.








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24 minutes ago, Justice said:

Hasn’t happened before or since. Idgaf who wrote what. You don’t say pull it when removing people. That building went down like a demolition. I’ve seen buildings burn for over 24 hours and not collapse like that.
 I know you have to believe everything you hear. You need it in your life. I get it. I really do. 


"It" was the fire fighting team.

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It did occur in a vacuum? 


Israel’s U.N. ambassador, Gilad Erdan, called on U.N. chief António Guterres to “resign immediately” Tuesday, writing on social media that Guterres is “not fit to lead the UN.”

The demand comes after Guterres’s comments to the United Nations that condemned Hamas’s atrocities on Oct. 7 but also noted they didn’t occur in a vacuum, and he referred to the Israeli history of occupation of the Palestinians.



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30 minutes ago, Justice said:

The people who can’t even pronounce hummus but claim it’s there’s.

You must be the person behind the rebranding of Israeli Couscous as Pearled Couscous.

48 minutes ago, B-Man said:

The first lie is that Israel must be warned not to engage in human rights violations

Yes, Israel must be reminded. And Hamas must be decried.

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47 minutes ago, Justice said:

Hasn’t happened before or since. Idgaf who wrote what. You don’t say pull it when removing people. That building went down like a demolition. I’ve seen buildings burn for over 24 hours and not collapse like that.

You know what else "hasn't happened before or since?"


When heaven forbid  that happens again and the building(s) remain standing, you'll have a good point. Until then ...

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13 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

It did occur in a vacuum? 


Israel’s U.N. ambassador, Gilad Erdan, called on U.N. chief António Guterres to “resign immediately” Tuesday, writing on social media that Guterres is “not fit to lead the UN.”

The demand comes after Guterres’s comments to the United Nations that condemned Hamas’s atrocities on Oct. 7 but also noted they didn’t occur in a vacuum, and he referred to the Israeli history of occupation of the Palestinians.



[Talking to self] Shhhh. Can’t say they try to control the world. 

Edited by Justice
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4 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

You know what else "hasn't happened before or since?"


When heaven forbid  that happens again and the building(s) remain standing, you'll have a good point. Until then ...

The two towers I completely understand. Building 7? No f’n way. Not like that. 

6 minutes ago, B-Man said:




War crime but that’s ok. They’re only Palestinians. 

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Just now, Tommy Callahan said:

for real?


and the "inside job"


what next, flat earth and the ice wall?



Yeah and Iraq had WMDs and Israel wasn’t warned about the oncoming attacks. Wink wink. 

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2 minutes ago, Justice said:

War crime but that’s ok.

And it is perfectly fair and correct for the US to counsel others to avoid committing war crimes.



Anyone who has spent much time on social media recently will have seen people conflate the justness of the conflict itself with the justness of the way it is being conducted. Some have appeared to excuse the killing of Israeli civilians on the basis that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is wrong, while others appeared to dismiss the killing of Palestinian civilians in airstrikes on the grounds that Israel is right to defend itself from attack.

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5 minutes ago, Justice said:


War crime but that’s ok. They’re only Palestinians. 


I agree, using water pipes for missiles instead of for the Palestinian people IS a war crime.






Reminder: Hamas Runs a Police State Where the Party Line is Paramount






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4 minutes ago, Justice said:

The two towers I completely understand. Building 7? No f’n way. Not like that. 

You know and I'm just spitballing here, maybe Building 7 wasn't meant to hold up a bunch of debry that landed on it from another building while it's structural integrity rapidly deteriorated due to a worsening fire. 🤷‍♂️

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