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On 4/15/2024 at 4:02 AM, ComradeKayAdams said:


In their partial defense, Justice, they’re being fed a steady dose of Zionist propaganda from corporate media and/or independent far-right media. Most here are likely unaware of the recent settler rampages in the West Bank.


Now seems like a good time to update my post on the ongoing genocide (page 183 of this thread; March 4). As a reminder to the readership, systemic reckless indifference to civilian casualties can constitute legal proof of genocidal intent. We don’t need to wait for Bibi to hold up a sign that states, “Hey everyone! I am officially committing genocide!” We don’t need a particular minimum number of casualties. We don’t need to see red-soaked, red-handed IDF hands holding Hutu-fashioned machetes. Not every genocide looks the same.


Further evidence of genocide:


1. The aforementioned systemic heedlessness toward civilian casualties: Euro-Med HRM can’t report as often because virtually all aspects of societal order in Gaza have collapsed. Nevertheless, the latest update on April 3 reports 37,676 civilian deaths and 3,280 combatant deaths for a historically unacceptable 9.86:1 civilian casualty ratio (for comparison: the overall ratio for WW2 was no worse than 2:1). This is the numerical consequence of indiscriminate bombing and AI programs like “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy.” There are also numerous reports of Gazans being killed despite waiving white flags.


2. Weaponizing famine: significant delays and restrictions (~70%) to food convoys, cancelling UNRWA, widespread destruction of Gazan farmland, and of course the World Central Kitchen murders that fit within this larger pattern of similar behavior.


3. Targeting health care workers: Never mind the near-complete eradication of Gaza’s hospital infrastructure; a frightening number of reports have been coming out of hospital staff members being deliberately targeted, such as those at Gaza’s critical Al-Shifa Hospital. The IDF have also destroyed most Red Crescent vehicles in Gaza, in addition to the Palestine RC Society headquarters in Khan Younis.


4. Suppressing war crime coverage: Al Jazeera was recently banned throughout Israel. Gaza has now set the record for the most journalists killed in one location within one year. There are also numerous reports of IDF bulldozers burying bodies before Gazans can get to them.


Poopiness…gotta get ready for work…later today or tonight, I want to post additional thoughts on the “intent” component behind Israel’s genocide. I’m sorry your people are experiencing this, Justice. I wish I could do more to help than write super lengthy posts that no one reads, in a sad politics subforum of a perennially disappointing pro football team.


You make some very good points. But I would like to dive a little further into what constitutes genocide in the Israel/Hamas situation.  In 1948, genocide was defined by the United Nations Genocide Committee.




It is defined as:



Article II of the Convention defines genocide as:

... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:


(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.


a - both sides are guilty of killing the other group.

b - also covers rape as a mental and bodily harm. Hamas is definitely guilty of this.  



This second prohibited act can encompass a wide range of non-fatal genocidal acts.[34] The ICTR and International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) have held that rape and sexual violence may constitute the second prohibited act of genocide by causing both physical and mental harm. In its landmark Akayesu decision, the ICTR held that rapes and sexual violence resulted in "physical and psychological destruction"


c - I believe this is the one most hang their hat on in regards to the open air prison. Israel could be said to be guilty of this.

d - Israel is definitely not doing this LOL.  Neither is Hamas.

e - neither side is doing this.


I can't say for sure there is or isn't. But if there is, neither side has clean hands.


Since the definition says any of the 5, it would seem to be 2 genocides going on there.


President Biden's Secretary of Defense, General Austin, says there's not a genocide going on.

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13 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


You make some very good points. But I would like to dive a little further into what constitutes genocide in the Israel/Hamas situation.  In 1948, genocide was defined by the United Nations Genocide Committee.




It is defined as:



a - both sides are guilty of killing the other group.

b - also covers rape as a mental and bodily harm. Hamas is definitely guilty of this.  



c - I believe this is the one most hang their hat on in regards to the open air prison. Israel could be said to be guilty of this.

d - Israel is definitely not doing this LOL.  Neither is Hamas.

e - neither side is doing this.


I can't say for sure there is or isn't. But if there is, neither side has clean hands.


Since the definition says any of the 5, it would seem to be 2 genocides going on there.


President Biden's Secretary of Defense, General Austin, says there's not a genocide going on.


I would refer to what Hamas has been doing as “terrorism,” not “genocide.” The difference lies in the power dynamics, the scale of application, and the nature of the political intent. Both Hamas and the Israeli government, however, are clearly guilty of horrific crimes against humanity. All involved participants should be removed from positions of power and brought before international courts of law.


Regarding your disagreement with definitional clause “D,” think about what a pregnant woman might need to successfully give birth to a baby: sufficient food (calories and nutrients), clean water, shelter (ideally with regulated temperatures), access to medical supplies, access to a hospital and a medical staff, safe and efficient transportation services, minimal stress and anxiety (i.e. no PTSD in a war zone), etc… If Israel is NOT deliberately imposing measures to prevent Gazan births, then they sure don’t seem too concerned about the welfare of the potential mothers, either!! But the pattern of humanitarian aid restrictions and hospital destruction, along with the reports of war crimes inside these hospitals, DO strongly suggest clause “D” genocidal intent.


General Austin can say whatever he wants about the slaughter in Gaza, but the conflict of interest within his professional position is apparent. He serves Genocide Joe’s administration (and would behave identically under Decimation Don’s). The United States is unsurprisingly loath to admit its role as an empire funding a genocidal vassal state, just as Israel is loath to admit its role as a settler colonial ethnostate seeking territorial control and regional hegemony.

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If you want to call what Israel is doing to Gaza "genocide," you can blame Hamas for that. That's what happens when you use your own people as human shields, hide in schools/hospitals, etc. 

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3 hours ago, ComradeKayAdams said:


 just as Israel is loath to admit its role as a settler colonial ethnostate seeking territorial control and regional hegemony.

Religious state?

6 minutes ago, Doc said:

If you want to call what Israel is doing to Gaza "genocide," you can blame Hamas for that. That's what happens when you use your own people as human shields, hide in schools/hospitals, etc. 

Hamas is to blame for bombing aide workers who were clearly marked and in contact with IDF?

On 4/16/2024 at 9:04 AM, LeviF said:


Just like a certain demographic in the US, Israel is allowed (with significant help from mainstream media...wonder why) to project the idea that history begins with the reactions to their provocations.

What demographic in US?

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

Hamas is to blame for bombing aide workers who were clearly marked and in contact with IDF?


No.  And I never said they were.

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On 4/19/2024 at 10:03 AM, Tiberius said:

Religious state?


No, Tibsy, Israel is an ethnostate. Secular Jews benefit from the same apartheid state privileges as do practicing religious Jews (the special legal status of the ultra-Orthodox notwithstanding…even though that was very recently overturned by law).


The U.S. shouldn’t be encouraging ethnostates by funding them. Until there is a one-state solution with equal rights for every Israeli citizen within the country’s borders (albeit with special constitutional protections for Jews from tyranny-of-the-majority complications), I doubt the endemic violence and political turmoil there can ever inherently go away. Two-state solutions, in my opinion, simply promote ethnic segregation and can’t practically resolve the illegal settlement issues (among so many other issues).


Having said that…a two-state solution of two adjacent ethnostates is FAR preferable to the status quo! Ultimately, it is up to Palestinians and Jewish Israelis to decide how they want to live there…I’m just a silly New Yorker…with beautiful long hair…just like you, Tibsy!!

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50 minutes ago, ComradeKayAdams said:


No, Tibsy, Israel is an ethnostate. Secular Jews benefit from the same apartheid state privileges as do practicing religious Jews (the special legal status of the ultra-Orthodox notwithstanding…even though that was very recently overturned by law).


The U.S. shouldn’t be encouraging ethnostates by funding them. Until there is a one-state solution with equal rights for every Israeli citizen within the country’s borders (albeit with special constitutional protections for Jews from tyranny-of-the-majority complications), I doubt the endemic violence and political turmoil there can ever inherently go away. Two-state solutions, in my opinion, simply promote ethnic segregation and can’t practically resolve the illegal settlement issues (among so many other issues).


Having said that…a two-state solution of two adjacent ethnostates is FAR preferable to the status quo! Ultimately, it is up to Palestinians and Jewish Israelis to decide how they want to live there…I’m just a silly New Yorker…with beautiful long hair…just like you, Tibsy!!


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