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Jamal Bowman - embarrassing pathetic democrat sh!tbag loser

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Republicans Censure Rep. Jamaal Bowman Despite Laughable Protest From AOC




Rep. Jamaal Bowman has been officially censured after Republicans unified to punish the Democrat for illegally pulling a fire alarm during an important House vote. Bowman pleaded guilty in late October to the charge while still maintaining it was all a big misunderstanding. 


Notably, three Democrats voted to censure Bowman, though it isn't clear at this point who they were. Those names will be released when we get an official roll call of the vote. Also notable is that 191 Democrats (and 15 who abstained) did not vote to censure Bowman. 


That would seem rather hypocritical given their proclamations that being charged with a crime is not only worthy of censure but expulsion in the case of George Santos. Bowman's explanation that he accidentally pulled the fire alarm has never made sense. The alarm itself is emblazoned with huge letters that say exactly what it is. The removal of the signs is also a clear sign of intent. 





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On 10/2/2023 at 4:26 PM, John from Riverside said:

Has anybody found an article on why he actually did it

This is just confusing to me


Just look at his explanation he explained it all - it seems as though he was just as confused like you because it was all nothing but a big mistake he didn't know that a alarm would go off if the door was opened despite all the signage . 🤔 


The same as a kid in a school saying i didn't know the fire alarm would go off if i pulled the red handle on the fire alarm . Sorry my bad !!



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On 10/2/2023 at 9:26 AM, Pokebball said:


Well in life it said to lead by example & the example being set is one that Jamal has followed to a T ! He has as much confusion in his actions as his boss so should this truly be a surprise or just a given to act with out thinking through the consequences which has become the norm for this administration .


Maybe he just needs a better example as to how he is suppose to go about certain things & to not do something that would distract, hide, or cover up something others are trying to do . 🤔 


Let's all of us just say a prayer for the poor guy that this can be a lesson he learns something - hell anything from !! 

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It might be time for Rep. Jamaal Bowman to pull another fire alarm.


Today, Politico has a story about his reversal on the question of whether or not Hamas militants sexually assaulted Israeli women during the 10/7 attack on Israel. More than a month after the attack, Rep. Bowman told a pro-Palestinian gathering in White Plains, NY that those reports were a "lie" and "propaganda."






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31 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

Yeah, MTG's antics and histrionics pale in comparison to so many commies in congress.


Both sides have morons/POS's.

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1 minute ago, Doc said:


Both sides have morons/POS's.


Agreed.  But if you're a moron in addition to being a commie, as Jamaal Bowman very well could be, then that's tough to beat.  

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When you understand that Janaal Bowman and his campaign are communists/useful idiots you don't start tweets reporting the revelation that paid activists harrass and intimidate his opponents supporters with a "wow"


You start them with "of course"


For comparison...


Wow. Water is indeed wet.




Of course water is indeed wet.



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