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Talked to JP last night

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I would have gone to the restaurant and sat on his lap.  <_<



Excuse me, Did you say something? I was perusing the cheerleader thread. I'm torn between Nichole and Amanda, leaning towards Amanda.

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ok, found out the name of the place... apparently it's called "Mother's" and is either on or near Elmwood....


oh, and about "leaving him alone and letting him eat his dinner", first, she did wait till he had his plate cleared from his table and second, I already mentioned that i was the "annoying, pass the phone guy"... sorry, it was a cool story, but apparently I was way out of line... <_< Thanks for crapping on my parade...

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ok, found out the name of the place... apparently it's called "Mother's" and is either on or near Elmwood....



Mother's! Boy that brings back memories.... <_<


It's on Virgina Place between Virginia and Allen in Allentown. I used to live across the street, about 100 feet away (in a courtyard apartment that looked like it came straight out of New Orleans) when I was in my 20's and it was the best time of my life.


JP continues to impress this off-season! <_<

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Mother's!  Boy that brings back memories....  <_<


It's on Virgina Place between Virginia and Allen in Allentown.  I used to live across the street, about 100 feet away (in a courtyard apartment that looked like it came straight out of New Orleans) when I was in my 20's and it was the best time of my life.


JP continues to impress this off-season!    <_<



If someone's alchohol abuse impresses you, just imagine how good Todd Moranovich would be now! He's had years of seasoning!



Just kidding! I really like the kids' enthusiasim, and I think he comes off as very eager and sincere...I just hope to god it all translates into good performance on the field. Just wathcing the video of the uniform unveiling yesterday, he really seems to be embracing the sitution, rather than being skiddish about leading the team, as RJ and Bledsoe (to a lesser degree) seemed to be.

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Now, my one buddy couldn't stand the Losman pick-up and never really liked him. This phone call changed his mind. Losman EASILY could have told my friend's girlfriend to f--- off, or just ignored her. He was awesome. 



I'll bet cold hard cash the only reason this happened is your buddy's girl is hot. If she was a pig, or it would have been your buddy trying to get JP on the phone, it never would have happened. Viva la LOSMAN!

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Ok, I am dead serious about this and will swear on whatever you want (my eyes, swear to god, whatever).


Ok, so last night I was at my friends house having a few cocktails when his girlfriend calls and said that she was in the same bar/restaurant as losman (I will get the name of the establishment later today). The funny thing is, she didn't even really know who it was at first. She asked someone who worked there "Should I know who that is?" And the employee said "Yeah, that's Losman, the Bills QB"  Anyway, Bob (my friend) was like "that's cool" and the phone call ended.


Well, ever since we signed Losman, a friend of mine and I have argued about how you pronounce his name. (I say LOSS-man, he says LOUS-man). Anyway, I call my friends girlfriend and ask her to do me the huge "embarrass yourself, bother a celebrity while he's out" favor of handing him the phone and letting me talk to him. Of course, for aout 5 minutes she refuses. But I kept at it and she finally handed him the phone:



"Hey JP! You're the man!"

"Thanks, what's up?"

"JP, just wanted to let you know we'll be there every Sunday"

"Thanks man"

"Ok, JP, I need you to settle a bet, can you do me a favor and pronounce your last name and do it loud so everyone here can hear it?"

"Ready? It's JP LOSMAN" (pronounced LOSSMAN)


Me and the 4 friends I was with cheer, as we have had this argument for months


JP Laughed and said "Wow, someone must have just won quite a bit of cash! You guys are crazy"


I thanked him and again told him we'll see him in September.


Now, my one buddy couldn't stand the Losman pick-up and never really liked him. This phone call changed his mind. Losman EASILY could have told my friend's girlfriend to f--- off, or just ignored her. He was awesome. 


I will get you guys the name of the restaurant (and try to upload the picture phone shot she took), but just wanted to share this story.



Who's JP Losman? <_<

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This post got me thinking.  Imagine how cool it would be to be able to talk to JP or any Bill for that matter on a regular basis.  Call him up after the game and talk to him about it.  You could get tons of great insight.  The stuff they tell the press is so manufactured and fake it would be incredibly different to just talk to JP after a game about how he managed to put up 70 points on the Dolphins.



It would be great to talk with Greenspan as well to see if interest rates are going to go up. It would be double good to speak with Pres. Bush to get an idea if we are ever going to end the war in Iraq or to see if the economy is going to improve.

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Great Story.... :w00t:


I have been meeting quite a few college type athletes over the past 6 months....and come to find out that the guy I always say hi to at my gym was also a college athlete (He played at the San Jacinto Comm College right here in town...then went and played Semi Pro ball.....


We were talking for a good hour last Sunday...mostly about my son since one of the trainers there works with him and we are getting to know a lot of the San Jacinto College football players through him....


Come to find out Kyle Turley (Rams, Saints) and Mike Anderson (broncos) both JUCO'd at San Jacinto college and they were all on the same team.....


Since he stays in touch with those guys I just thought it would be interesting if Turley ended up going to the bills if he is cut......he says that Kyle Turley is a good drinking buddy but a mean SOB on the field

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It would be great to talk with Greenspan as well to see if interest rates are going to go up. It would be double good to speak with Pres. Bush to get an idea if we are ever going to end the war in Iraq or to see if the economy is going to improve.




Try talking to God. He always answers his calls, and carries a little more clout than either Greenspan or Bush. He also has accomplished some things prior to the '05 season, which is more than we can say about JP! :w00t:

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Try talking to God. He always answers his calls, and carries a little more clout than either Greenspan or Bush. He also has accomplished some things prior to the '05 season, which is more than we can say about JP! :w00t:



Piggy Park still open? Good sauce.

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I woulda asked if i could hang out with him so i could get him leftovers...you know that guy gets a ton of chicks, and it would prolly be easy to get "stuck" with one of his chicks friends...


kinda like LA and fabio :w00t:

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Piggy Park still open? Good sauce.



Yes, Maurice Bessinger's Piggy Park and his racist ideas live on. But there are better places for Bar BQ, and they don't carry the baggage.

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Yes, Maurice Bessinger's Piggy Park and his racist ideas live on. But there are better places for Bar BQ, and they don't carry the baggage.


wow I cant beleive racism still exists. I guess it is alot more prevalent in South Carolina. Truly sad

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Great story, Steve. Don't listen to all the jealous bastids who wish THEY had asked JP how he pronounced his name, heh. :lol:


I look forward to meeting you at the home opener, or maybe a preseason Garbage plate. :w00t:

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