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Taylor of the Skins can't stay out of trouble

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This guy is a timebomb waiting to happen. He has in one year pissed his team off missing practices, getting in trouble with the team, being suspended for a game, wanting to already rework his contract, been in at least two and now a third criminal action. Yes the star athelete, what a wonderful role model for our children. :lol:



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This guy is a timebomb waiting to happen.  He has in one year pissed his team off missing practices, getting in trouble with the team, being suspended for a game, wanting to already rework his contract, been in at least two and now a third criminal action.  Yes the star athelete, what a wonderful role model for our children.   :lol:





He certainly brings a promising burst of sunshine to us Redskin-bashers - not that there isn't plenty of reason to gloat already.

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Ever notice how the Bills never run into these type of characters on their football team?




Maybe they have been smart/lucky enough to get away with things. Well, I take that back. Travis Henry, Eric Moulds, Jim Kelly and Cornelius Bennett weren't squeeky clean.

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Ever notice how the Bills never run into these type of characters on their football team?



But those type of thugs are what won J.J. Super Bowls. :lol:


P.S., I love AiC. Facelift rocks!

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