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Couple a' points.


1) please do not regard these idiots as ambassadors for the animal rights cause. it is a good and worthy cause, which for some reason attracts deranged cultists


2) I regard as highly suspicious the use of the so-called "Animal Enterprise Protection Act" to prosecute these individuals. The previous posters were wrong - there ARE existing laws covering this - such as state law conspiracy laws and statutes. The reason this law is being used is that it empowers the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to prosecute these people, predicated upon the dubious notion that their conduct somehow employs interstate commerce (i.e., they used telephones/faxes/emails/mail in committing their crimes). This is YET ANOTHER BLATANT ATTEMPT by the Federal Government to usurp and expand its power, needlessly I might add. See: the 1970 Federal Drug legislation, which expanded Federal FBI power tenfold overnight. Be afraid, be very afraid.


I'm all for animal testing. My father died of lung cancer. if the death of a billion mice could have saved him, I'm all for it. We could test on inmates if you don't want to use animals :lol:

We could test on inmates if you don't want to use animals :lol:







We could have signed one of those convicts to play Left Tackle!!!


Why didn't TD Get 'er Done????

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