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Howard Dean - Fundraising Genius

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I dont understand why the dems are SO against individual social security accounts.  There is no explaination other than "Bush proposed it so we are against it". 


Individual Social Security accounts are the PERFECT solution.  The ONLY downside is the short term cost of implementing them, so those recieving benefits continue to recieve them.  They should be arguing on how best to implement private accounts and not whether to have them at all.  There are 3 options.  Privatize and solve the problem permanently.  Raise the retirement age.  Raise Taxes.  Perhaps a combination of all 3 would work to alleviate the problem.  Raise the age to 67.5, raise taxes a percent or so, and create private accounts.  I dont know.  People smarter than me should be working on this.  But the bottom line is that private accounts are the ONLY solution with a lasting impact.



Perfect solution? I think you're laboring under misapprehension. Creating private accounts does nothing to allieviate the problem of 17 workers/collector --> 2. Actually, it will accelerate the need for govt borrowing trillions to implement the private accounts. Check out what Hagel had to say about it, combined with the detail that not even the hardcore Repubs are using this argument anymore, b/c it's not true. Private accounts are just a side wish to saving SS.


The emporer is naked, JB. Don't compliment his clothes. :lol:

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The Dems have said they won't debate until private accounts are taken off of the table, b/c implementing them will cost $2T, which in this admin means it will cost $10T. I don't know, on one level it's akin to a parent saying that a kid can't get a car unless he gets a job first. They are trying to get it through that there are other, more palatable ways to resolve the problems SS faces. The majority of Americans seem to agree with them.



...and if we wait, it will cost even more. Costs to revamp the system will continue to skyrocket and sitting on your hands is only making the problem worse. There is no question that the system is going to fail. It is only a matter of when. The numbers currently are 2041/2, but those are only current projections. The only way, IMO, that you can save it is to scrap the system. Hell, even FDR, when he proposed this system, said that it needed to be at least supplimented with private accounts.


Waiting is increasing the cost to fix things. I wish the Dems could see that.

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Haha. :lol:  I only stay registered a republican and not an independent because I believe the most important vote is the primaries.  Lots of times its the primaries that determine an election and I want to have a stake in it.



The primaries are important. There is no question about it. Of course, if there were more independent candidates on the ballot, that would help, too. :lol:

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Perfect solution? I think you're laboring under misapprehension. Creating private accounts does nothing to allieviate the problem of 17 workers/collector


They can change it to solely private accounts and that will solve this problem. 1 worker - 1 collector. The additional benefit is that you can start to create wealth for your family. Your money can then be passed down when you pass away. Think of the benefits to the lower-income families.




2. Actually, it will accelerate the need for govt borrowing trillions to implement the private accounts.



Waiting will only make it worse.

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Looks like Dean is ticking off some Dems (Biden and Edwards).


Linky Thingy


Dean "doesn't speak for me with that kind of rhetoric and I don't think he speaks for the majority of Democrats," Biden, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Sunday on ABC's "This Week."


Edwards said Dean "is not the spokesman for the party."
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The primaries are important. There is no question about it. Of course, if there were more independent candidates on the ballot, that would help, too.  :lol:



I'm not so sure - I think political parties aren't the completely evil thing that people think they are and that they're needed in our society, but I also think that the way the two parties that dominate this system are is a joke. I wish there were more 3rd party candidates to scare the Dems and Republicans into being not stupid. :lol:

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I'm not so sure - I think political parties aren't the completely evil thing that people think they are and that they're needed in our society, but I also think that the way the two parties that dominate this system are is a joke.  I wish there were more 3rd party candidates to scare the Dems and Republicans into being not stupid. :lol:



I should have stated things a little better. I meant third party/Independent candidates, not just Indy's.


I have put my money where my mouth is. First, I ran my Presidential campaign. The message was that people need to look outside of the Rep and Dem parties. It was effective in the fact that I was able to convince people to not only look outside the Big Two, but to actually vote outside the Big Two. They may not have voted for me, but they were able to find a candidate they wanted.


I have also started working with the Libertarians. I am an officer in the Party not only on the county level, but also the state level. I am also the chairman of the Legislative Action Committee for the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. Right now, we are working on ballot access. We have joined together with the other third parties in PA to form a coalition called, shockingly, the Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition. We are working with Governor Rendell's Election Reform Task Force. The goal is to write legislation and get it passed, changing the laws in PA regarding ballot access. Currently, we need 66,000 signatures to get a candidate on the ballot. Currently, we have a lot of support within the PA General Assembly (the committee voted 11-0-1 in or favor for reform legislation). Our current task is to start writing the legislation, so that we can propose it to the committee.


Governor Rendell wants things changed. He sees a huge battle between Santorum and Casey for the Senate seat next year. If he gets a Libertarian on the ballot, they will steal votes from Santorum (helping Casey). Of course, he did everything in his power to keep Nader off the ballot in PA last year, because Nader would have stolen votes from Kerry. :lol:


We are working hard to get more third party candidates on the ballot.

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I should have stated things a little better. I meant third party/Independent candidates, not just Indy's.


I have put my money where my mouth is. First, I ran my Presidential campaign. The message was that people need to look outside of the Rep and Dem parties. It was effective in the fact that I was able to convince people to not only look outside the Big Two, but to actually vote outside the Big Two. They may not have voted for me, but they were able to find a candidate they wanted.


I have also started working with the Libertarians. I am an officer in the Party not only on the county level, but also the state level. I am also the chairman of the Legislative Action Committee for the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. Right now, we are working on ballot access. We have joined together with the other third parties in PA to form a coalition called, shockingly, the Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition. We are working with Governor Rendell's Election Reform Task Force. The goal is to write legislation and get it passed, changing the laws in PA regarding ballot access. Currently, we need 66,000 signatures to get a candidate on the ballot. Currently, we have a lot of support within the PA General Assembly (the committee voted 11-0-1 in or favor for reform legislation). Our current task is to start writing the legislation, so that we can propose it to the committee.


Governor Rendell wants things changed. He sees a huge battle between Santorum and Casey for the Senate seat next year. If he gets a Libertarian on the ballot, they will steal votes from Santorum (helping Casey). Of course, he did everything in his power to keep Nader off the ballot in PA last year, because Nader would have stolen votes from Kerry.  :lol: 


We are working hard to get more third party candidates on the ballot.




Awesome. :lol:


And that is pretty funny about your Governor with Kerry. Thats politics.

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