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#TrumpOnX: Musk Interview 8/12 To Take Place On Trump's Account @realDonaldTrump

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2 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:

Are you having a mental breakdown? 

No.  What color crayon are you eating as you typed that?

1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:

Hey buddy. Take a minute to chill. Take a breather. Nobody is gonna hurt you here. It’s ok. You’re going to be ok. 

I said that I didn’t experience any issue with Twitter during the spaces event. I said that I was skeptical that the issues with the spaces event was due to a DDOS because they routinely have issues with big spaces events. 

You’re the one who is trying to pretend I said a bunch of things I clearly never said. I don’t know why you’re doing that, but I understand that listening to a very old man slurring his words might cause some cognitive dissonance for you. It’s ok though. If you log off of the internet for the night, everything will still be ok in the morning. 


Really?  So you were able to access the interview at 8:00 when it started?  Serious question.

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“I see you broke every record in the book with uhh stho many millions of people. And tshat’s an honor. We view that as an honor. And then uhhh you do want shilencshing of shcertain voices”


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5 minutes ago, phypon said:

Really?  So you were able to access the interview at 8:00 when it started?  Serious question.

Can you read? Are you actually capable of reading? Or is that too far past your cognitive abilities? Because I’m really starting to wonder. 


I was on Twitter when the spaces started. I was not trying to join it because I do not hate myself. But I had absolutely no issue with Twitter during the time that the world’s biggest losers were complaining that they couldn’t hear their Dear Leader. 

I did not claim that Twitter was working for everyone. I did not claim that everything was perfect for all. I simply said that I wasn’t experiencing an issue and the history of big Twitter spaces lead me to think it was more likely an infrastructure issue than a DDOS. 

Dear lord man. Find some self-respect. 

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2 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

Can you read? Are you actually capable of reading? Or is that too far past your cognitive abilities? Because I’m really starting to wonder. 


I was on Twitter when the spaces started. I was not trying to join it because I do not hate myself. But I had absolutely no issue with Twitter during the time that the world’s biggest losers were complaining that they couldn’t hear their Dear Leader. 

I did not claim that Twitter was working for everyone. I did not claim that everything was perfect for all. I simply said that I wasn’t experiencing an issue and the history of big Twitter spaces lead me to think it was more likely an infrastructure issue than a DDOS. 

Dear lord man. Find some self-respect. 


I guess you don't understand how X wasn't working properly for over a million people.  X was working just fine though according to you.  Get a life, dude.  You look like an idiot.  You literally denied that there was a problem with X and now you are trying back away from that.  Tell your imaginary friend that nobody likes them.

1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:


Oh, so now you are saying that it WAS a DDOS attack.  Dude, get a life.  

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31 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:


If she was only allowed to talk more.  But….




You saw a few of them up there on my lap before. And how good was Dana? Was Dana good? I mean, wasn’t he good? You know, he was on probably the only vacation he’s had in about — maybe ever. Because he works. But about 10 years, with his wife — very far away. I won’t tell you where, but very, very far away, beautiful place.

And my people called and he said, “Yeah, I won’t be able to do it. This is many, many years. I promised my wife. I can’t do it.” And they came and they said, “Dana won’t be able to do it.” Because he was my first, second and third choice. I said, “Well, you know, that’s too bad.” But I understand, he’s away and it’s good. It’s good for him. And that was it. About 30 minutes later, she came back in: “Sir, Dana just called; he’s going to do it.” And his wife, she said, “You can’t turn him down. You just can’t do it. You have to go.” That’s a good wife.

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100 million people listened to this 


They absolutely need to ask themselves…..



There’s nothing more annoying than an opponent that has unlimited supply of energy.  

It’s annoying 
It’s intimidating 
It’s frustrating 


And quite frankly it causes the type of envy that words can’t describe.  

Your enemies are hoping you slow down. 

They secretly hope for you to get sick or something happens to cause you to slow down. 

Here are 10 questions to help with your decision of who to vote for? 

1. How many interviews has Kamala done?

2. How many 3 hour podcasts have Obama, Kamala or Biden ever done?

3.  Why not? 

4. Is it because it’s risky?

5. Do you as a voter prefer one that’s willing to openly speak on a LIVE with zero scripts or teleprompters, or would you prefer all being calculated and scripted?

6.  Who would you like to have negotiate on your behalf for the investment you make (taxes)?

7. Whose energy would you like if a war breaks out in the middle of the night? 

8.  Someone who only works 6 hours a day or someone who’s the real life energizer bunny? 

9.  Who do you trust doing more good with your money (taxes)?  

High taxes = money to the govt 
Low taxes = money in people’s hands

10.  Who do you think our enemies want to see win the election? 

A leader who’s relentless and constantly moving or one that’s low energy and flip flops half the time? 

Vote accordingly.




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2 minutes ago, phypon said:


I guess you don't understand how X wasn't working properly for over a million people.  X was working just fine though according to you.  Get a life, dude.  You look like an idiot.  You literally denied that there was a problem with X and now you are trying back away from that.  Tell your imaginary friend that nobody likes them.

I haven’t changed my position at all. The fact you think I have gives more ammo to my theory that you can’t actually read. 

Get help. 

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And Kid Rock, same thing. Called, he said, “I want to be a part of it.” I want to be a part, because, you know, Kid does this great song. Big, big monster song. I had no idea. You know, he became a friend of mine over the last 10 years. And, uh, he’s amazing. Everyone loves him.

I didn’t even know how big he was. You know, he has rallies. Thirty-five, 40,000 people he gets, every time he goes out. I think he’s making so much money he doesn’t know what the hell to do with it, you want to know ...

And then we have my other friend, and I’ve known him so long and we took that song and it was a big success. But we made that. I saw a chart of great songs to America. That was No. 1 on the chart recently. No. 1, so. That’s Lee Greenwood, very special, beautiful person. He’s a beautiful man.

But they all wanted to be here. They called … And how about the Hulkster? How good was he? You see that? Where is he? Boy, oh boy.


Right to Try, Right to Try is a big deal. We’ve got Right to Try. They were trying to get that for 52 years. Somebody’s terminally ill. And hopefully there’s nobody in this audience, but it does happen, a lot. They’re terminally ill and they can’t use our new space-age drugs and other things that we are way ahead with. We have the greatest doctors in the world. The greatest laboratories in the world, and you can’t do it. They’ve been trying to get that approved for 52 years, wasn’t that easy. The insurance companies didn’t want to do it. They didn’t want the risk. The labs didn’t want to do it because if it didn’t work, people are pretty far down the line toward death. They didn’t want to do it. The doctors didn’t want to have it on their record.

So I got everybody into an office — 52 years, they tried. Sounds simple, but it’s not. And I got them to agree that somebody that needs it will, instead of going to Asia or Europe or some place, or if you have no money, going home and dying — just die — we got them to sign an agreement. They agreed to it, where they’re not going to sue anybody. They can get all of this stuff. They’re going to get it really fast, and what’s happened is we’re saving thousands and thousands of lives. It’s incredible. Right to Try. It’s … great feeling.

Edited by nedboy7
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1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:

I haven’t changed my position at all. The fact you think I have gives more ammo to my theory that you can’t actually read. 

Get help. 

You really are a deranged individual.  You even posted Musk saying there was a DDOS attack.  There is no hope for people like you.  You are a walking contradiction.  

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7 minutes ago, phypon said:

Oh, so now you are saying that it WAS a DDOS attack.  Dude, get a life.  



You saw the classic Simpsons steamed hams bit and your takeaway was that there definitely was aurora borealis completely localized in the kitchen. 

If anyone knows this guy personally, they are ripe to join Amway.

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And we were having dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the Trump building on the Strip. And it’s a great building and the waitress comes over.

“How’s everything going?”

Really nice person.

“How’s everything going?”

“Oh sir, it’s so tough. The government is after me all the time on tips, tips, tips.”

I said, “Well, they give you cash, would they be able to find them?”

And she said, “Actually,” and I didn’t know this, very little cash is given. It’s all put right on the check. And they come in and they take so much of our money it’s just ridiculous. And they don’t believe anything we say. They’ve just hired, as you know, 88,000 agents to go after them even more.

And I said, “This shows the level of—”

You know, most people who go out they hire consultants.

They pay them of dollars.

But I said to her, “Let me just ask you a question. Would you be happy if you had no tax on tips?”

She said, “What a great idea.”

I got my information from a very smart waitress. That’s better than spending millions of dollars. And everybody, everybody loves it. Waitresses and caddies and drivers and everybody. It’s a large, large group of people that are being hurt badly. They make money, let them keep their money.



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3 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:



You saw the classic Simpsons steamed hams bit and your takeaway was that there definitely was aurora borealis completely localized in the kitchen. 

If anyone knows this guy personally, they are ripe to join Amway.

Not sure what you are even saying here.  You might want to check your post and READ the tweet from Elon Musk himself that is included in the X post you linked to where it says that there was a DDOS attack.  Do you read?  Seriously, man.  You're not doing yourself any service here.  It's your own post for God's sake...

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6 minutes ago, phypon said:

Not sure what you are even saying here.  You might want to check your post and READ the tweet from Elon Musk himself that is included in the X post you linked to where it says that there was a DDOS attack.  Do you read?  Seriously, man.  You're not doing yourself any service here.  It's your own post for God's sake...

It’s too bad the Olympics didn’t have an event for Missing the Effing Point because you would have brought us home the gold to put us ahead of China for gold medals 

Edited by ChiGoose
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1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:

It’s too bad the Olympics didn’t have an event for Missing the Effing Point because you would have brought us home the gold to put us ahead of China for gold medals 

You're so ridiculous.  Really, you look like such a fool.  


- X is working fine for me! (over a million people are having problems, you know, the point of the thread)

- I don't think it's a ddos attack (posts Musk saying it's a ddos attack)


You need to stop.  Like, really.  X had tech issues tonight.  You said there were no issues on your end.  There clearly were.  I know you didn't watch the interview at 8:00 since it was delayed.  At this point, you are demonstrating that you have a mental disorder.  I'm not even saying that to insult you.  You have a problem.  A serious problem.  X had issues tonight, you can't deny that.  There was a ddos attack, you posted it yourself, you can't deny that.  Please stop, go touch grass, and take your meds.  

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