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Happy Birthday to buckeyemike

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Awww...I'm touched. Thanks all!


I LAMPed on Wednesday because I knew I'd be on very little yesterday. In fact, I just missed the first reply here.


I had a good day...went to a Japanese steakhouse for dinner (even had sushi!) and ice cream at Coldstone Creamery afterwards. And no ill effects afterward!


I got to listen to the Jim Kelly interview on Rome. He said he was taking Hunter to the hospital because he wasn't feeling well. It was a good interview. I didn't know he was co-owner of a Busch Series team.


My wife has a party planned for me on Saturday as well...it will be a good weekend. I even got the Red Green Six Pack DVD set I wanted.



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BTW, I just got back from my gastro doctor. Right now, I have no signs of Krohn's, but he wants to keep me on the Pentasa for the time being. The doctor does not want me to have another flare-up. I am eating normally and have gained 10 pounds back.


I will be weaned off of the Entecort within the next month.


Good news and a belated birthday present!



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