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How Dems want to use the USPS to “fortify” 2024 election

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First - the Covid protocols that warranted these changes to our elections - essentially making them ripe for shenanigans and has eroded trust in them.  FYI, these were changes even Obama and Hillary opposed - granted it was around the same time they opposed gay marriage and could define a women….but still:



Covid-19 was the excuse Democrats used to radically transform our nation’s election systems in ways that make them less secure, less fair, and more vulnerable to mischief. Virtually all of the “temporary” changes introduced—ever-earlier voting, mass mail-in balloting, and lax penalties for fraudsters—have become codified everywhere Democrats rule unopposed….


NewDEAL wants every state to expand early voting and adopt no-excuse absentee voting—note that eleven of the fifteen states that require a reason to vote absentee are Republican-run—as well as automatically mail every voter a ballot without their solicitation. That is effectively adopting all-mail elections, something eight states currently do (only one of which, Utah, is Republican-run).


Democrats knew they needed private drop boxes purchased with “Zuck bucks” to hoover up all of those mail-in ballots in 2020, so NewDEAL recommends making them a permanent feature of all future elections. (The true goal is to turn USPS into a mail-in ballot collection machine, with drop boxes as a stopgap measure.)


NewDEAL also wants to weaken signature-matching requirements on absentee ballots because they “discriminate against voters who already face other obstacles to voting.” Any errors, the group says, can then be corrected with liberal ballot-curing laws.


But that’s not all—states, they say, should also extend the deadline for postmarking absentee ballots to Election Day, guaranteeing that ballot-counting will drag on for days or weeks after the first Tuesday in November. Eighteen states plus D.C. currently accept and tabulate ballots received after Election Day, in some cases up to 14 days later. They aren’t all blue states, either—North Dakota is engaged in a lawsuit with the right-leaning Public Interest Legal Foundation for its late-acceptance law.

The parties have known for decades that voting by mail is the least-secure way of conducting elections. That was a central finding of the 2005 bipartisan Carter-Baker report. Both Team Obama and Clinton protested a recount in Florida’s 2008 presidential primary because officials wanted to hold it via mail, with Obama campaign manager David Plouffe voicing his “real deep concerns” about the “reliability and security of a mail-in vote.”


One of the ugliest features of the 2020 and 2022 elections was the way counting dragged on long past Election Day, creating ample opportunities for mischief and secrecy. No one seriously thinks codifying these malpractices will encourage trust in election security—that was never the point.


Democrats have put all their resources into building a gigantic ballot-harvesting machine that can register and turn out tens of millions of voters each cycle. But this juggernaut relies on unreliable voters who fail to register or show up on Election Day. So operatives have staked everything on mail-in ballots, believing they can ensure those ballots are marked and counted, and each of these policies makes their job easier…





“Progressives” are angling to build an illegal supermajority on the Postal Service governing board, destroying what’s left of election integrity—but only if Senate Republicans let them.


Restoration News was the first to report on the latest front in election integrity: The battle for control of the U.S. Postal Service. Now that conflict is heating up.


In May, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) launched a new offensive to seize control of the USPS Board of Governors with the goal of transforming the $81 billion organization into the world’s biggest mail-in ballot collector. APWU protesters gathered outside the board’s quarterly meeting in Washington, D.C., to haranguePostmaster General Louis DeJoy—a Trump appointee—and demand Biden replace the DeJoy-friendly board with a “progressive” majority bent on firing him and expanding vote-by-mail.


Their agent of choice: Former Rep. Brenda Lawrence, the recently retired Democrat representing Detroit. Lawrence is a former postal worker and member of both APWU and the National Association of Letter Carriers. The other likely candidate is former Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), who passed the $57 billion Postal Reform Act of 2022 (with DeJoy’s help), expanding mail delivery services and postal worker healthcare benefits.


Either woman would effectively serve as the postal unions’ representative on the board. Both support massively expanding USPS’ vote-by-mail capabilities, as do all ofBiden’s board nominees, notably Republican Derek Kan.


But there’s a catch.


The 9-person board is limited by law to 5 members of either party. Democrats already control 5 seats: 4 by overt Democrats, and a fifth through the nominally “independent” Amber McReynolds. As we’ve pointed out, McReynolds is the former head of the National Vote at Home Institute, the activist organization responsible for the Left’s rapid adoption of all-mail elections in 2020, and an outspoken “progressive.”


Labeling her an “independent” is ridiculous on a board where partisan leanings matter.

There’s no reason Biden wouldn’t pick either Lawrence or Maloney to replace the outgoing Democrat Donald Lee Moak. But activists are angling for the President to also replace outgoing Republican member William Zollars, handing the Left an illegal supermajority of 6 votes—and the power to finally fire DeJoy.

The coalition’s top priority is filling both seats with governors who will “deliver a majority on the board,” “with or without Republican support” in the Senate.



Edited by Big Blitz
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