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If you want a dictator in 2024, vote for convicted felon Donald Trump. If you don’t, vote for Biden.

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2 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:


Nah……… but it’s a dictatorship in locked down California.

Full Democrat control - a once great state reinvented into an authoritarian utopia.  

ct and ny are californias babies, both creeping close.

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1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:


Nah……… but it’s a dictatorship in locked down California.

Full Democrat control - a once great state reinvented into an authoritarian utopia.  


43 states had some sort of lockdown during Covid - gtf over yourself.


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Just now, BillStime said:


43 states had some sort of lockdown during Covid - gtf over yourself.



It’s what they did after 30 days that matters - AND in the face of CASES! that didn’t really fake arrive until December of 2020 - January 2021.  And then fake Omicron in summer of 2021 - remember he was going to let everyone die by not stopping the flu.  

Posters here gleefully reported all the fake CASE numbers in Florida that fall.  

Keep trying to rewrite history Billy we have all the receipts.  


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1 minute ago, Big Blitz said:


It’s what they did after 30 days that matters - AND in the face of CASES! that didn’t really fake arrive until December of 2020 - January 2021.  And then fake Omicron in summer of 2021 - remember he was going to let everyone die by not stopping the flu.  

Posters here gleefully reported all the fake CASE numbers in Florida that fall.  

Keep trying to rewrite history Billy we have all the receipts.  



43 states


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Either you trust a an all-powerful central government with power concentrated in Wahington or you don't.  If you don't then you want control and power distributed back to the the States and localities which makes it impossible for a small group of people or interests to gain authoritarian or dictatorial powers.  Centralized authority is prerequisite for dictators.  And the trend in America has been to put more and more power in the hands of Washington.  Specifically the executive branch.  That's really it.  Nothing to do with either major party being good or evil.  

This is true.  Name one dictator that ruled without the ability to concentrate overwhelming power in a central location or organization?  They aren't any.  Break up Washington.  Then stop worrying.


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On 7/18/2023 at 3:32 PM, Big Blitz said:


Nah……… but it’s a dictatorship in locked down California.

Full Democrat control - a once great state reinvented into an authoritarian utopia.  

Billsy continues with his clown show. What Trump wants to do is eliminate the career civil servant “ expert class “ that run Washington in perpetuity .. aka “ the swamp” . These are unelected bureaucrats- who lean almost exclusively left. They are not a branch of government nor mentioned in the Constitution. Trump has the right idea and Billsy is petrified. What would us common folk do without the ruling class to tell us what to think, what our children will be taught , what type of stoves we can use and what type of fuel we’re allowed for heating our homes, running our cars etc. 

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It's Critical To Listen To Trump's Words Right Now


Authoritarians always tell you what they are going to do as a kind of challenge and as a warning, and people don’t listen until it’s too late.”


If Trump wins election again, he will “be finishing the job that he started, and by the way that’s not just destroying democracy internally,” she added. His other main aim was “to take America out of the realm of democratic internationalism and align it with autocracies. That will happen as well.”





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  • 4 months later...

He's saying it. And no dictator has ever voluntarily given up power. 





12/10/2023 07:29 AM EST

NEW YORK — The chairman of an Austrian political party founded by ex-Nazis, the conservative Twitter star behind the anti-trans Bud Light backlash and former President Donald Trump all walked into a bar.


On Saturday night in Manhattan, amid butler-delivered bellinis, sequined ball gowns and a five-course French service meal, characters from all corners of the Republican Party’s MAGA faction gathered for “a night of dinner, drinking, and love of country.”

Trump, the New York Young Republican Club’s 111th Annual Gala Keynote speaker, delivered.

“We want to liberate America because we’re in a country that’s in a lot of pain right now, a lot of hurt,” Trump told the crowd, during his 80-minute long speech. “This campaign is on a righteous crusade to rescue our nation from a very corrupt political class.”

On the heels of a reaffirmed gag order, a debate of largely deferential Republican opponents and near slam-dunk poll numbers for the Iowa caucuses just weeks away, Trump made his pledge for a return to the White House.

The former president also addressed his comments earlier this week where he said he would not be a dictator “except for day one” if he returns to office in 2025.

“[Peter] Baker today in the New York Times said that I want to be a dictator,” Trump said, referencing an article from the newspaper’s chief White House correspondent.

“I didn’t say that. I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill,” Trump said, adding that Democrats’ “newest hoax” is to label him a threat to democracy.

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On 12/11/2023 at 10:04 AM, Doc said:

Trump's trolling them hard with the "dictator" thing.  :lol: 



Media/Anti-Trump People List Things Trump Might Do If He Wins - the Raging Paranoia Is Hilarious


Democrats are at a crossroads when it comes to Joe Biden. If he's going to pull out for 2024, one would think it has to be soon. If he doesn't, his numbers right now are awful against former President Donald Trump, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. Trump's winning in five of the six swing states, with his lead increasing since July. Even CNN had to admit he was up in Michigan and Georgia by some significant numbers. 


You know the Democrats and the Biden team have to be tearing their hair out behind the scenes that Trump might win. So, it looks like the talking points have gone out. -- it's "Hitler Time" again! Oh, and not only is he going to destroy "democracy," but he's going to shoot everyone, too! This is pretty funny. Featuring people like Liz Cheney and Michael Cohen, you know to prepare for some real crazy takes. This is a festival of TDS. 



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oh look. its madcow and McCain using fear for political gain. yelling fire in the theatre when it doesnt exist.


I say this tonight, not for the gee whiz factor of me having Liz Cheney here tonight, me having somebody here tonight who you would never expect. I say this not for just the man-bites-dog weirdness of this. I say it because I think, in civic terms, in sort of American citizenship terms, I think it's really important how much we disagree…
It's important because that tells you how serious and big something has to be to put us, to put me and Liz Cheney, together on the same side of something in American life.”
-Rachel ‘Madcow’ Maddow, 




ADDOW: Is this as weird for you as it is for me?

CHENEY: It’s pretty weird, yeah.


CHENEY: It certainly is. Your intro brought back a lot of memories. And but — but I think that it just is a real symbol of how grave this danger is.

But I also — I was thinking as I was watching it, the power of the fact that somebody who is where you are in the political spectrum and somebody who is where I am on the political spectrum are able to say, this is a five-alarm fire and we have put that aside and be able to say, what are we going to do to come together to save the republic?


These people hate the republic and attack it at every turn.



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