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For first time - 6 Southern states contributing more to U.S. GDP then the NE corridor

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1 hour ago, redtail hawk said:

ummmm..."great again" infers that it was once great, non?  When was it great?  Plenty of propaganda that uses white bread imagery of the 50's and 60's when US factories employed white working class at good paying jobs.  And racism, segregation, intolerance  were rampant  Those days are gone (except the bad parts from MAGA's).  Not coming back unless American workers want to accept Chinese wages.

Come on Hawk! How about going back to the era in which the black nuclear family hadn’t been utterly destroyed by ‘well intentioned’ social programs? Seems to me you’re cherry picking your history. 

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59 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Come on Hawk! How about going back to the era in which the black nuclear family hadn’t been utterly destroyed by ‘well intentioned’ social programs? Seems to me you’re cherry picking your history. 

Which part of what wrote do you specifically disagree with?  There have been some very bad social engineering projects but I would argue that racism and the prison/justice (eg crack cocaine very bad/snorting cocaine acceptable etc ) system have had much influence on black families....trickle down economics is also a failed concept.

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On 7/3/2023 at 12:19 PM, BillStime said:


It's not really a crusade - it's just highlighting the hypocrisy of the right biching about the "Biden" economy while select red states are "booming" and are still subsidized heavily by blue states... and people like @Big Blitzargues that blue states should continue to do so in order to keep their taxes low. BS.



Winner winner chicken dinner.  It's reminiscent of all of the Republican town officials in New York State whining when Cuomo threatened to cut aid to local governments after the Trump Tax giveaway reduced the SALT deduction.  They were all for the Trump tax plan and cutting state taxes, until Cuomo told them that it was coming out of their end.  I'm all for making the allocation of federal funds fair.  If that means we cut services in places like South Carolina that don't want to have their residents pay their fair share, then so be it.  

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41 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

Which part of what wrote do you specifically disagree with?  There have been some very bad social engineering projects but I would argue that racism and the prison/justice (eg crack cocaine very bad/snorting cocaine acceptable etc ) system have had much influence on black families....trickle down economics is also a failed concept.

And you would lose the argument…  you’re saying drugs are racist now?  🙄 

Fixing our society boils down to two simple things;


1. Stop enabling and glamorizing single parenthood and promote two parent households be it straight, gay whatever, but 2 parents (sorry pro lifers, this has implications) 

2. exclude people without children from having a voice in how they are raised. 

do that and everything gets better in a generation or less. 

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34 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

And you would lose the argument…  you’re saying drugs are racist now?  🙄 

Fixing our society boils down to two simple things;


1. Stop enabling and glamorizing single parenthood and promote two parent households be it straight, gay whatever, but 2 parents (sorry pro lifers, this has implications) 

2. exclude people without children from having a voice in how they are raised. 

do that and everything gets better in a generation or less. 

unsurprisingly, I disagree with every word.

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On 7/5/2023 at 6:45 AM, SectionC3 said:

Winner winner chicken dinner.  It's reminiscent of all of the Republican town officials in New York State whining when Cuomo threatened to cut aid to local governments after the Trump Tax giveaway reduced the SALT deduction.  They were all for the Trump tax plan and cutting state taxes, until Cuomo told them that it was coming out of their end.  I'm all for making the allocation of federal funds fair.  If that means we cut services in places like South Carolina that don't want to have their residents pay their fair share, then so be it.  

Ha! So in your version of America we’d distribute federal funds on a per capita basis? Okie Dokie

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On 7/5/2023 at 5:11 AM, redtail hawk said:

ummmm..."great again" infers that it was once great, non?  When was it great?  Plenty of propaganda that uses white bread imagery of the 50's and 60's when US factories employed white working class at good paying jobs.  And racism, segregation, intolerance  were rampant  Those days are gone (except the bad parts from MAGA's).  Not coming back unless American workers want to accept Chinese wages.


The only reason why it's not going to come back is because American's have become lazy & feel they are entitled to everything the is a huge reason why a lot of people want a influx of Mexican people because they are now what Americans use to be hard workers .


Today's youngsters think a hard days work is sitting behind a computer and doing what ever that requires & most schools have done away with any skilled trades which was a big part of education 50+ yrs ago now you can't get a kid to mow the lawn .


Add to that parents don't enforce any kind of consequences for wrong doing or laziness & welcome to the woke movement a bunch of spoiled ass over sensitive entitled brats that want everything given to them on a silver platter ! Instead of going out & earning a living by being motivated enough having more than 1 job they cry to raise the minimum wage it's a give me give me generation .


I'd be willing to bet at my age in the 60's i could probably out work many teenagers & 20 somethings because politicians have created a population of entitled individuals all standing with their hands out & voting for the one that will give them the most that's why when the debt ceiling vote came up & there were those that said that people getting gov't assistance needed to work for it the Dems & Libs baulked at the idea which is something that should have been happening all along .


But now they all sit around and buy chinese & let them own the US in most every way ... Trump was trying to bring some of the trade back by leveling the playing field but the entitled brats just B**CHED over any attempt he made because they would rather be lazy & entitled ...

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On 7/5/2023 at 8:34 AM, SoCal Deek said:

Come on Hawk! How about going back to the era in which the black nuclear family hadn’t been utterly destroyed by ‘well intentioned’ social programs? Seems to me you’re cherry picking your history. 

it’s a hard fact across all demographics that single parent households correlate with significantly higher likelihood of children committing crime. 

Then as you look across sub-cultural norms, you see the most successful demographics have the lowest rates of single parent households. 

people twist themselves in pretzels trying to obfuscate or refute these realities, it’s laughable 

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5 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

it’s a hard fact across all demographics that single parent households correlate with significantly higher likelihood of children committing crime. 

Then as you look across sub-cultural norms, you see the most successful demographics have the lowest rates of single parent households. 

people twist themselves in pretzels trying to obfuscate or refute these realities, it’s laughable 


Maybe if mass incarceration was stopped, there would be more 2 parent households.  65% of the prison population in the US is black.  Chicken or egg?

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12 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

Thank you.   


As far as what he says about Federal spending, he is correct.  If you total all tax revenue received, it is much less than government spending, hence the $32T national debt.  But the statement that many more red states receive more money than they pay in, and many blue states pay more in than they receive is also true.  


I am not sure what his reasoning is on high state taxes "justification".  The only sense I can make of his statement is that blue states tend to pay more of their own programs because they have higher taxes and budgets and red states get more help from the federal government because their state budgets are lower due to lower taxes, then that is exactly what subsidizing would be.  


Edit - I read it again and I suppose he is saying that the money they receive is just new debt, and not from any particular "state", but most of the country's debt is defense spending.  Over half of our annual budget is "defense" spending.  That should in theory be spread out evenly, so no state or citizen is more responsible than another.  Defense spending is 54% of our budget, with no other single category being higher than 6%.  If a state receives more federal dollars than it's citizens pay in, it is being subsidized one way or the other.

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47 minutes ago, cle23 said:


As far as what he says about Federal spending, he is correct.  If you total all tax revenue received, it is much less than government spending, hence the $32T national debt.  But the statement that many more red states receive more money than they pay in, and many blue states pay more in than they receive is also true.  


I am not sure what his reasoning is on high state taxes "justification".  The only sense I can make of his statement is that blue states tend to pay more of their own programs because they have higher taxes and budgets and red states get more help from the federal government because their state budgets are lower due to lower taxes, then that is exactly what subsidizing would be.  


Edit - I read it again and I suppose he is saying that the money they receive is just new debt, and not from any particular "state", but most of the country's debt is defense spending.  Over half of our annual budget is "defense" spending.  That should in theory be spread out evenly, so no state or citizen is more responsible than another.  Defense spending is 54% of our budget, with no other single category being higher than 6%.  If a state receives more federal dollars than it's citizens pay in, it is being subsidized one way or the other.

Yes, Levin can't be straightforward because then he'd be telling the truth...this sort of "reasoning" works on MAGA's tho because it supports their predetermined opinions.

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4 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

Yes, Levin can't be straightforward because then he'd be telling the truth...this sort of "reasoning" works on MAGA's tho because it supports their predetermined opinions.

Oh the irony! You are so clueless. Lol

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