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For first time - 6 Southern states contributing more to U.S. GDP then the NE corridor

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3 hours ago, BillStime said:

What’s ironic is NJ is one of the top states least dependent on the federal government; unlike a number of those red states that are now booming! 

Time to raise taxes in those states now that they have industry and population to support their own! 




We did that to Disney and you Corporate Simps lost your ***t.  

3 hours ago, BillStime said:

@Chris farley- why should red states that are booming continue to be bailed out like South Carolina? A known welfare state?


Some of those states don’t have the infrastructure to support this influx. 

The locals are tired of their roads getting clogged up. 




Which states needed the most in bailout money thanks to the shamdemic?  

All to pay their public sector jobs.  

2 hours ago, BillStime said:

It’s time the booming red states pay their share - blue states have been bailing out their sorry a$$e$ forever.


Pay back is a bich



Taxes are punishment and about control thanks for clarifying.  

You morons in blue states can cut your taxes any time.  

But you can’t.  Because you have thug public sector union salaries to pay.  

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6 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:


We did that to Disney and you Corporate Simps lost your ***t.  


Which states needed the most in bailout money thanks to the shamdemic?  

All to pay their public sector jobs.  



Taxes are punishment and about control thanks for clarifying.  

You morons in blue states can cut your taxes any time.  

But you can’t.  Because you have thug public sector union salaries to pay.  


You are flailing all over like usual.

So blue states should continue to fund red states? Why exactly?


F that 

It’s against my religion to fund red states. That’s how it works now right?



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7 minutes ago, BillStime said:


You are flailing all over like usual.

So blue states should continue to fund red states? Why exactly?


F that 

It’s against my religion to fund red states. That’s how it works now right?



Are the roads that bad in Boston?

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Seems like a simple formula - maybe the dying NE corridor should just emulate the South that it destroyed in the late 19th century and was almost a full 100 years before most of it even got its Industrial Revolution.  

What a remarkable story Tennessee and the Carolinas are!   

Bill thinks history started when he was born.  Probably in 1999.  


And blue states funding red states is the dumbest worst most ridiculous talking points the libs float around to themselves to defend their high tax over the top regulation blue s*** holes and living in them.  

And now they’re coming for their pizza. 


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15 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Are the roads that bad in Boston?

They suck 

14 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Seems like a simple formula - maybe the dying NE corridor should just emulate the South that it destroyed in the late 19th century and was almost a full 100 years before most of it even got its Industrial Revolution.  

What a remarkable story Tennessee and the Carolinas are!   

Bill thinks history started when he was born.  Probably in 1999.  


And blue states funding red states is the dumbest worst most ridiculous talking points the libs float around to themselves to defend their high tax over the top regulation blue s*** holes and living in them.  

And now they’re coming for their pizza. 


A success story that can’t fund themselves?



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6 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Socialism is ok as long as it is on the backs of tax payers in blue states - soooooo on brand for @Big Blitz and MAGA.







The Speaker of the House for the last decade had been from deep blue California. I don’t recall this Beantown pothole problem of yours being on the agenda. No idea why you’re harping on it. It’s a dumb issue. Give it up. 

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4 hours ago, BillStime said:

@Chris farley- why should red states that are booming continue to be bailed out like South Carolina? A known welfare state?


Some of those states don’t have the infrastructure to support this influx. 

The locals are tired of their roads getting clogged up. 



I spend half my week in South Carolina.  The metro area of Greenville is the largest in the state and the city, along with its suburbs, are booming.  

Greenville is honestly one of the most beautiful downtowns ever created .. just absurdly gorgeous. 

Interstate 85 which goes down the east coast opens up to 4 lanes in certain parts of Greenville, they finished a big 85/385 corridor merge in about a year and .. so far .. have kept up with the growth pretty well.  

They house the North American HQ for Michelin and BMW Manufacturing.  

Columbia is the capital is pretty stagnant.  Mainly the state government and university driving population. 

Charleston is also booming, and similar to Greenville has matched suburb infrastructure with the growth.  The city is, and will always be, mainly a tourist focal point. 

Rock Hill, SC.. a popular suburb of Charlotte .. again .. seems to be doing just fine.  

Where is this angst you speak of?… beyond the old school locals who are sick of seeing NY/NJ license plates everywhere.  

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6 hours ago, redtail hawk said:

so sue me.  haven't had a coffee and it's buried below a graph.  but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.  the folks sipping bourbon and chardonnay near Charleston were almost exclusively from NJ so they're likely cancelling out some SC R voters....

So you're hooked on caffeine and  a graph with bright colors  distracts[you fro reading the article.

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This is why deep blue states are dead.  

They taxed and regulated and commie’d their way to death.  

Now they want the successful red states to do the same.  Btw, calling them “red” isn’t accurate as Democrats ran several of them for decades but we’re dealing with really stupid people here so let’s not make this too complicated.  



Now, commies want the “red” states to do the same thing they do in their failed deep blue dumpster fires.  


Not because of some magic formula that will make this country better.  

But because as low info Bill just said - “pay back is a b***h!”




Let that sink in.   


What low info Bill doesn’t understand is that investment follows people, skill, and good sound policy.  

He seems to think “red” states success is from Federal government funding.  


This is the consequence of low info public education.  

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36 minutes ago, SCBills said:

I spend half my week in South Carolina.  The metro area of Greenville is the largest in the state and the city, along with its suburbs, are booming.  

Greenville is honestly one of the most beautiful downtowns ever created .. just absurdly gorgeous. 

Interstate 85 which goes down the east coast opens up to 4 lanes in certain parts of Greenville, they finished a big 85/385 corridor merge in about a year and .. so far .. have kept up with the growth pretty well.  

They house the North American HQ for Michelin and BMW Manufacturing.  

Columbia is the capital is pretty stagnant.  Mainly the state government and university driving population. 

Charleston is also booming, and similar to Greenville has matched suburb infrastructure with the growth.  The city is, and will always be, mainly a tourist focal point. 

Rock Hill, SC.. a popular suburb of Charlotte .. again .. seems to be doing just fine.  

Where is this angst you speak of?… beyond the old school locals who are sick of seeing NY/NJ license plates everywhere.  

Sounds like SC can start funding itself!


You’re right tho - It is the same “old school locals” in SC, Florida and Tennessee complaining that they can no longer compete with wealthier Northerners and are getting out priced in the market.


Roads are going to require more maintenance and taxes will inevitably go up - as they should.


Its all cyclical. 

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11 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

This is why deep blue states are dead.  

Will keep this for posterity. 

11 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Now they want the successful red states to do the same.


Should blue states continue to fund prospering red states?


Yes or no





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22 minutes ago, BillStime said:

You’re right tho - It is the same “old school locals” in SC, Florida and Tennessee complaining that they can no longer compete with wealthier Northerners and are getting out priced in the market.

This is very true.  See letters to the editor and comments on news stories about this often.  There's also been some consolidation of rental properties causing near monopolies and raising rents.

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14 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Will keep this for posterity. 


Should blue states continue to fund prospering red states?


Yes or no





I believe someone earlier informed you of what is being funded by the federal govt as result of their responsibilities to states and their citizens. 

You want a yes or no, because you have no ability to understand (or a want to understand) what you’re talking about. 

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9 minutes ago, SCBills said:

I believe someone earlier informed you of what is being funded by the federal govt as result of their responsibilities to states and their citizens. 

You want a yes or no, because you have no ability to understand (or a want to understand) what you’re talking about. 

I’m guessing there’s a bad pothole outside his Boston townhome. Beyond that I have absolutely no idea why this is the ridiculously tiny ant hill he’s chosen to die on. Can someone start a Go Fund Me or just send him a bag of quick-crete? 

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On 7/1/2023 at 6:49 AM, BillStime said:

Then they should receive less federal funding - right?????


If they are booming - why should blue states CONTINUE to bail out these red states?

Because the feds like, and are building in those states too. Wyo is always listed in states getting more per capita in federal $. It's not because we're takers but rather that the feds have a shytload of lands and facilities here, including one of three land based nuclear bases in the country. The feds are spending 95 billion to upgrade our nuclear facilities in the coming years. You divide that by the 500k in the state, it really skews the numbers you are referencing.


We'd love for you to come spend some time in our park, with many bison. They're tame, you can even pet 'em.

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7 hours ago, redtail hawk said:

so sue me.  haven't had a coffee and it's buried below a graph.  but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.  the folks sipping bourbon and chardonnay near Charleston were almost exclusively from NJ so they're likely cancelling out some SC R voters....

That was the fear of some when we had rando polls showing Jamie Harrison was in a tie with Lindsey Graham.   Then Lindsey Graham won in a landslide. 

From my time in the SE… northern voters moving to Florida and South Carolina are doing so because they lean right and want to be around people who think like them, lower taxes and better weather.  

South Carolina is as red as it’s ever been and Florida went from purple to ruby red. 

Now Georgia and North Carolina are a mixed bag, with some people fleeing for politics, but alot of people moving due to job relocation.   When you have that, you have people who want their politics to follow where they were pseudo-forced to move to.  

Both states still lean red, and in Presidential elections will be lean R for anyone not named Donald Trump, but like PA, MI & WI, will have to be defended by the typically incumbent party. 

R’s should really examine Brian Kemp, as he is incredibly popular .. beat Stacey Abrams easily, and has shown R’s how to win suburban women and black men at a clip that makes them unbeatable in competitive states. 


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The thing of it is that Schumer, Pelosi, Jeffries, Newsome, AOC, Schiff, Hocul, Tibs, & BT won't learn a thing from watching good leadership that do things for & by the people to become more prosperous they will all continue to do the things that have proven to fail over the last 50 years + & try to get those states that are doing this well to fail also .


Which is also another reason why i moved to the south because you can't fix stupid ...



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2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

The Speaker of the House for the last decade had been from deep blue California. I don’t recall this Beantown pothole problem of yours being on the agenda. No idea why you’re harping on it. It’s a dumb issue. Give it up. 

You’re the one who asked about the roads in Mass lol 

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1 hour ago, SCBills said:

I believe someone earlier informed you of what is being funded by the federal govt as result of their responsibilities to states and their citizens. 


Can you tell us more specifically what is being funded in SC?



I will even help you out.



South Carolina | Spending Profile | USAspending


I will give you more insight:


How much federal funding each state receives from the government (usatoday.com)


12. South Carolina

• Net federal funding: $5,008 per resident

• Total revenue from fed. gov.: $59.7 billion (23rd most)

• SNAP benefit recipiency: 12.3 percent (tied - 19th highest)

• Median household income: $50,570 (9th lowest)


And to be fair:


48. Massachusetts

• Net federal funding: -$2,343 per resident

• Total revenue from fed. gov.: $78.7 billion (16th most)

• SNAP benefit recipiency: 11.7 percent (25th lowest)

• Median household income: $77,385 (4th highest)


If the state is booming - medium household income should increase and net federal funding per resident should decrease.




So, tell me, once again, why SC should continue to live off the federal government?


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