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Chris Christie Enters The Race

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He used to be the future.

In the field of Republicans running for president, a growing group headed by Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, there’s nobody quite like Chris Christie. He was Trump before Trump. He was DeSantis before DeSantis. Pugnacious, unapologetic and politically incorrect, he was before “Bridgegate” a total GOP “rock star.” He talked big, and won big, too — and not just in a swing state but in a blue state.

Now he barely registers in polls, running behind Tim Scott, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy, and level with two current governors who aren’t even running (yet?). Still, with the announcement of his candidacy, the former two-term “Boss” of New Jersey, former 2016 White House hopeful and former longtime Trump confidant and pal instantly becomes maybe the most compelling challenger of them all.



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4 minutes ago, sherpa said:

Kamikaze candidate.

Aimed at Trump, and I hope it works out.


Either way, all better than Biden. 

I love that….Kamikaze candidate! 😂 You have to wonder if the DeSantis campaign didn’t hire Christie to jump in so Ron can stay clear of the dirty work. 

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22 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

I love that….Kamikaze candidate! 😂 You have to wonder if the DeSantis campaign didn’t hire Christie to jump in so Ron can stay clear of the dirty work. 

What's it they say about Karma?  Trump and Christie used to be close until he gave his son-in-law a role in the incoming administration.  Which he used to push out Christie as revenge for Christie charging and convicting his dad of business fraud while he was in the prosecutors office.  Don could have stepped in and commanded Jarrod to stand down but didn't.  Our former Governor, a big part of the 2016 campaign was banished.  Personally and professionally hurt by the event.  Now it would seem it's show time as an opportunity to return the favor presents itself.  As for Chris coming in to run interference for DeSantis.  I suspect its going to transform into something more serious if his typical no nonsense and plain talk style start to resonate with the voters.  As social and economic conditions continue rolling down hill at a faster pace I expect it will.

Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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1 hour ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

What's it they say about Karma?  Trump and Christie used to be close until he gave his son-in-law a role in the incoming administration.  Which he used to push out Christie as revenge for Christie charging and convicting his dad of business fraud while he was in the prosecutors office.  Don could have stepped in and commanded Jarrod to stand down but didn't.  Our former Governor, a big part of the 2016 campaign was banished.  Personally and professionally hurt by the event.  Now it would seem it's show time as an opportunity to return the favor presents itself.  As for Chris coming in to run interference for DeSantis.  I suspect its going to transform into something more serious if his typical no nonsense and plain talk style start to resonate with the voters.  As social and economic conditions continue rolling down hill at a faster pace I expect it will.


Oh yeah, for sure this is personal. Even if someone is pro-Trump, I'm sure they could admit he did Christie dirty, no matter what they think of him. 


I don't think Chris is doing this as some kind of favor to DeSantis, this is just purely for revenge. I'm not sure he has enough clout anymore to get that revenge but he's at the stage where he doesn't care, he's willing to torpedo himself just for the opportunity. 

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On 6/6/2023 at 1:00 PM, SoCal Deek said:

I love that….Kamikaze candidate! 😂 You have to wonder if the DeSantis campaign didn’t hire Christie to jump in so Ron can stay clear of the dirty work. 

He’s probably going to hurt DeSantis more than Trump. He could actually eliminate DeSantis depending on the calendar/states. Ron’s numbers are atrocious right out the gate so he needs to shake things up here and fast. Christie would be taking potential Ron voters.

Edited by Governor
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13 minutes ago, Governor said:

He’s probably going to hurt DeSantis more than Trump. He could actually eliminate DeSantis depending on the calendar/states. Ron’s numbers are atrocious right out the gate so he needs to shake things up here and fast. Christie would be taking potential Ron voters.

You might be right but that wasn’t actually my point. I think it marks a new era of campaigning if we find that candidates are actually hiring kamikaze candidates to ‘take out’ others in the race. I’m not sure whether it’s sad or hilarious. Kind of like a game of Survivor. 

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1 minute ago, SoCal Deek said:

You might be right but that wasn’t actually my point. I think it marks a new era of campaigning if we find that candidates are actually hiring kamikaze candidates to ‘take out’ others in the race. I’m not sure whether it’s sad or hilarious. Kind of like a game of Survivor. 


I think it's kind of funny. I don't even think Christie was a hired gun though, I think he's doing this just because of his own personal grudges...which makes it even better. 


I don't even think he's wrong really, Trump did do him dirty. 

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Just now, HomeskillitMoorman said:


I think it's kind of funny. I don't even think Christie was a hired gun though, I think he's doing this just because of his own personal grudges...which makes it even better. 


I don't even think he's wrong really, Trump did do him dirty. 

I couldn’t literally care any less about the tit for tat nonsense of these specific individuals. My point is a larger strategic one that would shift the way campaigns are waged both now and in the future. 

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13 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

You might be right but that wasn’t actually my point. I think it marks a new era of campaigning if we find that candidates are actually hiring kamikaze candidates to ‘take out’ others in the race. I’m not sure whether it’s sad or hilarious. Kind of like a game of Survivor. 

Christie could take a chunk of those neverTrump votes and they’re the votes that Ron needs to compete with Trump who’s still way out in front.

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17 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

I couldn’t literally care any less about the tit for tat nonsense of these specific individuals. My point is a larger strategic one that would shift the way campaigns are waged both now and in the future. 


I think someone would have to be a really good Kamikaze candidate to shift the way campaigns work. I'm not sure there are enough open-minded people who haven't already decided who they're going to vote for that exist for that to happen. 

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IMG_0294.jpegChristie doesn’t jump in as a “favor” to help unelectable governors from Florida. The dude has been waiting for this chance.

He was “born to run.”


He sees a weak field and can run as a moderate and that’s actually really smart.


Can a moderate win the nomination? Probably not. Lmao. Yup, this election is over.

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Christie is absolutely correct

“You think it’s because he’s some kind of investing genius? Or do you think it’s because he was sitting next to the president of the United States for four years doing favors for the Saudis?” Christie asked on Tuesday. “That’s your money. That’s your money he stole and gave it to his family. You know what that makes us? A banana republic.”


He leaves out the fact that he supported the shyster/mobster that  was president at one time.

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