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23 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:



I don't judge all those who wear the pride flag. In fact I was at the Nats game last night for pride night and got the screech pride bobblehead that I plan to give to one of my gay friends.


What I do want to see is loud and stern condemnation by  veteran leaders in the LGBTQ community of the sexualizing of children.


Such loud and consistent condemnation such as this insanity stops immediately.  That's it.


I'm not defending the Catholic church and how they have handled the priest scandals. You are saying that I'm defending it in an attempt to bolster a false equivalence. 


Again, when you can point to receipts with video evidence of representatives of the catholic church reading books with sexual content to 1st graders or on the record promoting that kids under 18 undergo irreversible sex change "affirming care" then and only then can you reasonably argue that there's any equivalence here between the LGBTQ religion and the church.


Well the first part is good, I'm glad you don't judge all who wear the Pride flag. 


The rest of this basically proves my point. You're being reductionary now and making this specifically about reading books to 1st graders or promoting irreversible sex change (which I agree both are very wrong and I'm against). You're saying you want to see a loud and stern condemnation of the veteran leaders in the LGBTQ community for the sexualization of children. Fair enough.


But this is the SAME EXACT THING, if not much worse, that the Catholic Church is guilty of. There ARE receipts of Priests sexually abusing little boys and received protection, room, and board from the Catholic Church, and yet people still go to that church, adorn their gear, and PROMOTE it. Why is it that in your eyes, the members of the LGBTQ community have to shoulder the responsibility of excommunicating the disgusting extreme MORESO than the members of the Catholic Church in excommunicating theirs?? There are Christian pastors who have done the exact same thing, where is the outrage from this side about that?


I'm not saying you're defending it, I'm saying you have very selective outrage and that it's politically driven. The Conservative media and the people that follow them are guilty of the exact same thing the Liberal media and their followers are. 


Are you denying that if someone went through your history, there would be lots of posts about Trans stuff but hardly any if at all about things that happen on the other side? I'm not going to do it, I'll just take your word for it. From all the people here like yourself and the others that constantly post about Trans issues from the Conservative side, do you think there was any talk here about the almost 700 kids that were found to be sexually abused by Priests in Baltimore a few months ago?


I have no issue saying that many of the leaders of the Left and Right or the LGBTQ+ and the Churches disgustingly protect their own in the face of some of the worst things humans can do to each other. Many people here will quote or post things from Matt Walsh who thinks anyone who even associates with Pride is disgusting...this is someone who publicly promotes the Catholic Church...the Church that protects KNOWN child abusers. I'm not saying you have used him...but how does this make any sense?? There's a clear double standard here. 


If you guys care about protecting the kids so much, why is it only from very specific things that only come from the political opposition? That's the disturbing part here, this isn't about the kids for a lot of you here, it's about political partisanship. 

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19 minutes ago, HomeskillitMoorman said:


Well the first part is good, I'm glad you don't judge all who wear the Pride flag. 


The rest of this basically proves my point. You're being reductionary now and making this specifically about reading books to 1st graders or promoting irreversible sex change (which I agree both are very wrong and I'm against). You're saying you want to see a loud and stern condemnation of the veteran leaders in the LGBTQ community for the sexualization of children. Fair enough.


But this is the SAME EXACT THING, if not much worse, that the Catholic Church is guilty of. There ARE receipts of Priests sexually abusing little boys and received protection, room, and board from the Catholic Church, and yet people still go to that church, adorn their gear, and PROMOTE it. Why is it that in your eyes, the members of the LGBTQ community have to shoulder the responsibility of excommunicating the disgusting extreme MORESO than the members of the Catholic Church in excommunicating theirs?? There are Christian pastors who have done the exact same thing, where is the outrage from this side about that?


I'm not saying you're defending it, I'm saying you have very selective outrage and that it's politically driven. The Conservative media and the people that follow them are guilty of the exact same thing the Liberal media and their followers are. 


Are you denying that if someone went through your history, there would be lots of posts about Trans stuff but hardly any if at all about things that happen on the other side? I'm not going to do it, I'll just take your word for it. From all the people here like yourself and the others that constantly post about Trans issues from the Conservative side, do you think there was any talk here about the almost 700 kids that were found to be sexually abused by Priests in Baltimore a few months ago?


I have no issue saying that many of the leaders of the Left and Right or the LGBTQ+ and the Churches disgustingly protect their own in the face of some of the worst things humans can do to each other. Many people here will quote or post things from Matt Walsh who thinks anyone who even associates with Pride is disgusting...this is someone who publicly promotes the Catholic Church...the Church that protects KNOWN child abusers. I'm not saying you have used him...but how does this make any sense?? There's a clear double standard here. 


If you guys care about protecting the kids so much, why is it only from very specific things that only come from the political opposition? That's the disturbing part here, this isn't about the kids for a lot of you here, it's about political partisanship. 

Yes, yes, we are outraged at the priests who have sexually abused children and we are outraged that the Catholic Church has covered up and hidden these crimes for centuries. In the same manner we are also outraged at the certain faction of the LQBTQ who target children. The reason people are responding more to that one is it's being in the public eye at this time. Don't you believe that people can be outraged by the abusers on both sides but may only respond to what is in front of their face at this moment?

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6 minutes ago, wnyguy said:

Yes, yes, we are outraged at the priests who have sexually abused children and we are outraged that the Catholic Church has covered up and hidden these crimes for centuries. In the same manner we are also outraged at the certain faction of the LQBTQ who target children. The reason people are responding more to that one is it's being in the public eye at this time. Don't you believe that people can be outraged by the abusers on both sides but may only respond to what is in front of their face at this moment?


That's not the issue, there should be outrage to the abusers on both sides. 


But the expectations the people affiliated with these groups on both sides has become inherently different. People who are affiliated with Pride in any way are being lumped in with the offenders much more than the Catholic who still chooses to go to and promote the Catholic Church. Look at some of these threads here themselves, anyone who is even just an adult gay person in a consensual relationship with another gay person is being labeled as perverse because of the extremists on their side. Who is doing that to Catholic Church members? I'm not saying people should, I'm saying there is a double standard here. 

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7 minutes ago, HomeskillitMoorman said:


That's not the issue, there should be outrage to the abusers on both sides. 


But the expectations the people affiliated with these groups on both sides has become inherently different. People who are affiliated with Pride in any way are being lumped in with the offenders much more than the Catholic who still chooses to go to and promote the Catholic Church. Look at some of these threads here themselves, anyone who is even just an adult gay person in a consensual relationship with another gay person is being labeled as perverse because of the extremists on their side. Who is doing that to Catholic Church members? I'm not saying people should, I'm saying there is a double standard here. 

 Yes there is a double standard in that regard if people are truly lumping all gays as promoting the abuse of children. I don't believe that is the case for 99.9 percent of the people who post here however.

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23 minutes ago, HomeskillitMoorman said:




But this is the SAME EXACT THING, if not much worse, that the Catholic Church is guilty of. There ARE receipts of Priests sexually abusing little boys and received protection, room, and board from the Catholic Church, and yet people still go to that church, adorn their gear, and PROMOTE it. Why is it that in your eyes, the members of the LGBTQ community have to shoulder the responsibility of excommunicating the disgusting extreme MORESO than the members of the Catholic Church in excommunicating theirs?? There are Christian pastors who have done the exact same thing, where is the outrage from this side about that?


I'm not saying you're defending it, I'm saying you have very selective outrage and that it's politically driven. The Conservative media and the people that follow them are guilty of the exact same thing the Liberal media and their followers are. 


Are you denying that if someone went through your history, there would be lots of posts about Trans stuff but hardly any if at all about things that happen on the other side? I'm not going to do it, I'll just take your word for it. From all the people here like yourself and the others that constantly post about Trans issues from the Conservative side, do you think there was any talk here about the almost 700 kids that were found to be sexually abused by Priests in Baltimore a few months ago?


I have no issue saying that many of the leaders of the Left and Right or the LGBTQ+ and the Churches disgustingly protect their own in the face of some of the worst things humans can do to each other. Many people here will quote or post things from Matt Walsh who thinks anyone who even associates with Pride is disgusting...this is someone who publicly promotes the Catholic Church...the Church that protects KNOWN child abusers. I'm not saying you have used him...but how does this make any sense?? There's a clear double standard here. 


If you guys care about protecting the kids so much, why is it only from very specific things that only come from the political opposition? That's the disturbing part here, this isn't about the kids for a lot of you here, it's about political partisanship. 



The Catholic Church is a 2000 year old institution currently home to over 1.4 billion people (over 15 percent of the world’s population) - and it’s paid the price for its cover ups and scandals.  

Financially, and it’s reputation has been damaged.  The latter of which I’m sure it’s enemies will want to carry on …. forever.  

They’ll do what you’re doing as you indirectly defend society looking away either out of apathy or fear as the “powers that be” tell us that kids can be trans at 3, it’s ok to have books about homosexuality in elementary schools, and that kids can transition without parental consent as young 11 maybe even younger. 

Since literally no one is left that gives a rats **s whether you’re gay or straight, we’re making up pronouns and identity and calling anyone that opposes the anti science lunacy, a bigot that should be shunned from society all for political purposes, or some horrendously warped virtue signaling.  

This is as we’ve been telling you for years - straight out of Mao’s China.  


What corporation or company is benefiting from promoting any of this?  This isn’t about money or marketing your brand to a new generation - let that sink in for a minute - they think the younger generation will buy your beer or shop at target because it promotes a pride line or message.  That is an absolute joke.

No they have just been coerced by powerful lobbies via government and thru our financial institutions all tied to it all tied up globally, that anyone with any grasp of history will tell you is something straight out of Mao’s China 2023 version.  


Back to the Church - that’s all this ultimately is.  Anti Christian fanatics that see it as an enemy to their political and social agendas.  That’s why the pride flag is an ever expanding array of colors of liberal causes.  

And that’s what people on my side have to understand when they interact with someone that has 2 doctorates and is telling you that being a woman is a vibe.  They’re too far gone almost completely due to a hatred of religion and *gasp* the patriarchy!   

Call it out.  You’re a bigot that gets forced to apologize in front of the media (Toronto Blue Jay policy).   

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1 hour ago, HomeskillitMoorman said:


That's not the issue, there should be outrage to the abusers on both sides. 


But the expectations the people affiliated with these groups on both sides has become inherently different. People who are affiliated with Pride in any way are being lumped in with the offenders much more than the Catholic who still chooses to go to and promote the Catholic Church. Look at some of these threads here themselves, anyone who is even just an adult gay person in a consensual relationship with another gay person is being labeled as perverse because of the extremists on their side. Who is doing that to Catholic Church members? I'm not saying people should, I'm saying there is a double standard here. 

Most in this thread isnt about gays, is it? It's largely about the trans activists co-opting the Pride flag. I don't ever recall a Catholic or Christian flag sold at Target or being used to sell bud light. I do see the similarities that you are trying to draw. I just think it's too different to really compare.

Edited by Pokebball
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3 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



The Catholic Church is a 2000 year old institution currently home to over 1.4 billion people (over 15 percent of the world’s population) - and it’s paid the price for its cover ups and scandals.  

Financially, and it’s reputation has been damaged.  The latter of which I’m sure it’s enemies will want to carry on …. forever.  

They’ll do what you’re doing as you indirectly defend society looking away either out of apathy or fear as the “powers that be” tell us that kids can be trans at 3, it’s ok to have books about homosexuality in elementary schools, and that kids can transition without parental consent as young 11 maybe even younger. 

Since literally no one is left that gives a rats **s whether you’re gay or straight, we’re making up pronouns and identity and calling anyone that opposes the anti science lunacy, a bigot that should be shunned from society all for political purposes, or some horrendously warped virtue signaling.  

This is as we’ve been telling you for years - straight out of Mao’s China.  


What corporation or company is benefiting from promoting any of this?  This isn’t about money or marketing your brand to a new generation - let that sink in for a minute - they think the younger generation will buy your beer or shop at target because it promotes a pride line or message.  That is an absolute joke.

No they have just been coerced by powerful lobbies via government and thru our financial institutions all tied to it all tied up globally, that anyone with any grasp of history will tell you is something straight out of Mao’s China 2023 version.  


Back to the Church - that’s all this ultimately is.  Anti Christian fanatics that see it as an enemy to their political and social agendas.  That’s why the pride flag is an ever expanding array of colors of liberal causes.  

And that’s what people on my side have to understand when they interact with someone that has 2 doctorates and is telling you that being a woman is a vibe.  They’re too far gone almost completely due to a hatred of religion and *gasp* the patriarchy!   

Call it out.  You’re a bigot that gets forced to apologize in front of the media (Toronto Blue Jay policy).   


Just f'n admit you hate LGTBQ people and stop blaming it on your religion.



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3 hours ago, gobills404 said:

“Every accusation is a confession”


We’re reaching an absolutely comical lack of self awareness 😂

It’s funny because that particular wascal wabbit will use the line, take a solitary victory lap in the empty stadium of his mind….then lob an accusation 3.5 minutes later. 🤣

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17 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

It’s funny because that particular wascal wabbit will use the line, take a solitary victory lap in the empty stadium of his mind….then lob an accusation 3.5 minutes later. 🤣

Rinse and repeat. Based off their own logic they must be an idiotic, closeted homosexual nazi that wants to screw kids.

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