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The Pride Flag / Month

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22 minutes ago, SCBills said:

That’s not what people mean (for the most part) when they say “leave our kids alone”.., in relation to TQ+ activists. 

That being said, yes, we should absolutely focus more on schools, churches and cartel activity to protect children. 


You have zero proof 

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8 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

I'm guessing this was done to troll.


It's not LGBT who are guilty of the most sexual abuse against children 

There’s nothing more effective than the old “We’re coming for your children” troll job.  🤦🏼‍♂️


These people are extremists and I’m uncertain why you would try and rationalize their behavior.  I’m quite certain that any reasonable, decent and loving parent would have the same visceral response to this sort of thing. 

Creepy af. 

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It's not happening...





Lol. Twitter disabled embedding the video when sharing, but it's totally appropriate to bring your kids to crap like this.


Yes, if you click on the link that takes you to twitter, you'll see completely naked dudes riding bikes with junk on full display.

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1 hour ago, SoCal Deek said:

What’s with the ridiculous extra little triangle of colors they’ve added to the flag? I thought the rainbow concept symbolized that EVERYONE was included….no? 


Oh that's the progress pride flag...


It's now includes everyone with special shout outs to people of color and the trans community by using colors traditionally associated with baby boys and girls...


So no big deal. Intersectionality. They're not targeting kids.




The black and brown colors of the Progress Pride Flag represent marginalized LGBTQ people of color, as well as those living with AIDS/HIV and those who died from AIDS/HIV complications. Since the AIDS crisis of the 80s, it was POCs that were largely affected by HIV and AIDs.

Quasar also added the colors light blue, pink, and white to represent the transgender community. The colors, which appear on the transgender pride flag created by Monica Helms in 1999, mimic the shades traditionally associated with baby boys and baby girls, as well as those who are intersex, in transition, or non-binary, respectively.


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12 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


Oh that's the progress pride flag...


It's now includes everyone with special shout outs to people of color and the trans community by using colors traditionally associated with baby boys and girls...


So no big deal. Intersectionality. They're not targeting kids.




The black and brown colors of the Progress Pride Flag represent marginalized LGBTQ people of color, as well as those living with AIDS/HIV and those who died from AIDS/HIV complications. Since the AIDS crisis of the 80s, it was POCs that were largely affected by HIV and AIDs.

Quasar also added the colors light blue, pink, and white to represent the transgender community. The colors, which appear on the transgender pride flag created by Monica Helms in 1999, mimic the shades traditionally associated with baby boys and baby girls, as well as those who are intersex, in transition, or non-binary, respectively.


So then it’s as ridiculous, as I said. The rainbow symbol by its very definition is meant to represent EVERYONE. Are there people who aren’t included in the term ‘everyone’? What an overtly political gesture! If your summary is true, that flag should NEVER hang at the Capitol. 

Edited by SoCal Deek
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11 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

So then it’s as ridiculous, as I said. The rainbow symbol by its very definition is meant to represent EVERYONE. Are there people who aren’t included in the term ‘everyone’? What an overtly political gesture! If your summary is true, that flag should NEVER hang at the Capitol. 

There’s a lot of other stuff that should never happen at the Capitol, but here we have people wringing their hands about some flag or flags rather than the January 6 festival of treason.  Wanna fly a pride flag?  Awesome.  Have at it.  I think it’s great.  Don’t want to fly that Fahd?  Cool.  No hard feelings.  That’s your right.  Seems like the American way.  And yet our Republican friends get all wound up about someone expressing freedom of expression and ignore things like insurrection.  

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Conservatives have been warning about the normalization of every sexual fetish in public for a long time, and we are always scoffed at as alarmists and prudes.


We are certainly not being alarmist–everything IS being sexualized, and the alphabet people keep telling us that everything is about sex, and the claims that children are inherently sexual beings since at least the time of Alfred Kinsey (a hero to many) documented the orgasms of babies based upon the experience of pedophiles (yes, he used pedophiles’ experience with babies and children in his research on sexual behavior in children).


As for prudes–a certain amount of prudishness is actually a good thing in society, although you can take it too far. This is because societies don’t work when people shove their own idiosyncracies in each others’ faces. Respect for others, not the constant celebration of one’s uniqueness, is a necessary grease that makes society’s wheels turn.


The Left isn’t embracing the mores of conservatives, yet they expect us to celebrate theirs. This isn’t asking for tolerance, but submission. And people don’t like to and shouldn’t have to submit to others, especially in matters that should be private.


The argument that we shouldn’t police what happens in people’s bedrooms is, in fact, a reasonable demand. The demand that we allow people to take their behavior out into the public is not just ridiculous, but a power play.


It is, in fact, just as oppressive as policing bedroom activity. We all have a right to our moral beliefs and to raise our children in a safe environment. That means respecting each other.


Parading around naked is not a sign of respect, or even a demand for respect. It is a demand that others submit to your whims. Wearing clothes is not an imposition, and not whipping your “partner” in public is hardly an onerous demand.


It is now a mainstream position of the Left that others must submit to their mores. They deserve every bit of pushback and scorn they have invited.



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2 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

There’s a lot of other stuff that should never happen at the Capitol, but here we have people wringing their hands about some flag or flags rather than the January 6 festival of treason.  Wanna fly a pride flag?  Awesome.  Have at it.  I think it’s great.  Don’t want to fly that Fahd?  Cool.  No hard feelings.  That’s your right.  Seems like the American way.  And yet our Republican friends get all wound up about someone expressing freedom of expression and ignore things like insurrection.  

Nobody’s ignoring anything Section. What’s been hung at the Capitol is the flag of a political party. Shameful! I’d imagine you’d say something similar if a MAGA flag was hung there….just admit it! 

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24 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

So then it’s as ridiculous, as I said. The rainbow symbol by its very definition is meant to represent EVERYONE. Are there people who aren’t included in the term ‘everyone’? What an overtly political gesture! If your summary is true, that flag should NEVER hang at the Capitol. 


Oh it's true.


Notice the original rainbow colors all represent concepts inclusive of EVERYONE. 


While the new triangle colors represent identity politics groups.



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57 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Nobody’s ignoring anything Section. What’s been hung at the Capitol is the flag of a political party. Shameful! I’d imagine you’d say something similar if a MAGA flag was hung there….just admit it! 

 No, it’s not a flag of a political party.  And, even if it was, its appearance there was accomplished peacefully.  By contrast, MAGA-themed flags appeared there through violence and treason.  I hear no complaints about the insurrection, and it seems to me that on the continuum of wrong the insurrection is far worse than the flying of a pride flag or flags. 

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1 minute ago, SectionC3 said:

 No, it’s not a flag of a political party.  And, even if it was, its appearance there was accomplished peacefully.  By contrast, MAGA-themed flags appeared there through violence and treason.  I hear no complaints about the insurrection, and it seems to me that on the continuum of wrong the insurrection is far worse than the flying of a pride flag or flags. 

So it would have been okay with you if they draped a MAGA flag on the balcony while Trump was in office? Cut the crap Section! Nobody, literally nobody is buying this anymore. 

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