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1 hour ago, Westside said:

I don’t see that trend continuing much longer. They won’t put up with the pedos on the left grooming their children.

Muslims typically voted R .. that changed after the “War On Terror” and many Republicans attitudes towards them during that time.  

They were never a natural fit on the left.  

We’re going to start seeing that shift back.  

Edited by SCBills
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2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

I always appreciate your commentary Lehnerd. I am curious about your son’s diversity gig and what it entails. This is all a foreign concept to me. I ran a large company for decades and it literally looked like the United Nations in our many offices. We didn’t need a DEI program. We hired and promoted the best people at their respective jobs. Is that not true where your son works?

Thank you, the feeling is mutual.  You’re the architect of many sound arguments. 

The company my son works for prides itself on its forward-thinking approach to employment.  It’s a big part of who they are, and whether it works or not is probably in the eye of the beholder.  My son volunteered for the role locally (NYS and into parts of New England), he thinks it’s an important part of his career.  In his role, he’ll schedule discussions, work on projects that outreach to LBGT employees, things like that.   He’s a good planner and a creative thinker, plus he has a good heart, so it suits him.  

He’s not involved in hiring, but I’d suggest the company thinks their package is all about hiring  and retaining the best people.    


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4 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Thank you, the feeling is mutual.  You’re the architect of many sound arguments. 

The company my son works for prides itself on its forward-thinking approach to employment.  It’s a big part of who they are, and whether it works or not is probably in the eye of the beholder.  My son volunteered for the role locally (NYS and into parts of New England), he thinks it’s an important part of his career.  In his role, he’ll schedule discussions, work on projects that outreach to LBGT employees, things like that.   He’s a good planner and a creative thinker, plus he has a good heart, so it suits him.  

He’s not involved in hiring, but I’d suggest the company thinks their package is all about hiring  and retaining the best people.    


I’ve got to assume we have/had any number of LGBT employees. But I never thought once to ask them, nor do I think it’s in any way my place to do so as their current or future employer. Seems like it’s absolutely none of my business. 

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4 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

I’ve got to assume we have/had any number of LGBT employees. But I never thought once to ask them, nor do I think it’s in any way my place to do so as their current or future employer. Seems like it’s absolutely none of my business. 

I agree, but I don’t believe anyone asks anyone anything.  If someone chooses to share, they do. 

It does lead to some cringeworthy moments though.  Apparently one senior vp was looking to dive deeper into a conversation with a virtue signaling mindset, and it became quite uncomfortable.  

Deek, you’re talking to a guy who didn’t like getting shaken down on United way corporate appeals many years ago, so I get your perspective.  Times change, and it’s not my journey. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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13 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

I’ve got to assume we have/had any number of LGBT employees. But I never thought once to ask them, nor do I think it’s in any way my place to do so as their current or future employer. Seems like it’s absolutely none of my business. 


Agreed. It's simply not appropriate. If someone wants to share their personal life in a professional setting, great.  If not, so be it.


I will say, the longer you keep your personal life separate; the more suspicious your colleagues become - it's only human nature. 


I think that's why DEI is important - it sends a message that your workplace is a safe place to be yourself.





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On 6/7/2023 at 12:55 PM, Big Blitz said:



The Catholic Church is a 2000 year old institution currently home to over 1.4 billion people (over 15 percent of the world’s population) - and it’s paid the price for its cover ups and scandals.  

Financially, and it’s reputation has been damaged.  The latter of which I’m sure it’s enemies will want to carry on …. forever.  

They’ll do what you’re doing as you indirectly defend society looking away either out of apathy or fear as the “powers that be” tell us that kids can be trans at 3, it’s ok to have books about homosexuality in elementary schools, and that kids can transition without parental consent as young 11 maybe even younger. 

Since literally no one is left that gives a rats **s whether you’re gay or straight, we’re making up pronouns and identity and calling anyone that opposes the anti science lunacy, a bigot that should be shunned from society all for political purposes, or some horrendously warped virtue signaling.  

This is as we’ve been telling you for years - straight out of Mao’s China.  


What corporation or company is benefiting from promoting any of this?  This isn’t about money or marketing your brand to a new generation - let that sink in for a minute - they think the younger generation will buy your beer or shop at target because it promotes a pride line or message.  That is an absolute joke.

No they have just been coerced by powerful lobbies via government and thru our financial institutions all tied to it all tied up globally, that anyone with any grasp of history will tell you is something straight out of Mao’s China 2023 version.  


Back to the Church - that’s all this ultimately is.  Anti Christian fanatics that see it as an enemy to their political and social agendas.  That’s why the pride flag is an ever expanding array of colors of liberal causes.  

And that’s what people on my side have to understand when they interact with someone that has 2 doctorates and is telling you that being a woman is a vibe.  They’re too far gone almost completely due to a hatred of religion and *gasp* the patriarchy!   

Call it out.  You’re a bigot that gets forced to apologize in front of the media (Toronto Blue Jay policy).   


The Catholic Church has not paid the proper price for its cover up and scandals...it literally is STILL protecting Priests that abused children today, as we speak. Some are still on their income with money from an institution that isn't even taxed. 


You turn it into me saying we should look the other way on the group that's pushing trans surgeries on kids when I have said about a million times here than I'm against that. But I also have the ability to call everyone out on all sides. If I looked up the history of your posts, am I going to see you calling out all sides or is it going to be at least 95% if not more directed at one side? I won't even do it, I'll just let you answer yourself. 


This is political for you, it has nothing to do with kids being sexualized because if it was, you would be attacking it on all sides. It's a simple as that. 


I'm not anti-Christian or Catholic, in fact a lot of my argument here is that we shouldn't judge anyone who wave a Pride flag and lump them in with the small group of extremists that are pushing agendas on kids the same way we shouldn't judge all Catholics or Christians by their church's corrupt actions that are probably driven by a small percentage of their entirety as well. 


If you did an honest critique of what the composite your posts look like, you would see a blatant agenda of calling out one side and having a blind eye to the other. I'm Independent. I think both political parties are corrupt and in some cases downright evil. I don't believe many liberals and conservatives even know what those things really mean. But the big divide and people blaming the other side while enabling their own side is EXACTLY what the elites that you claim you hate want from you. You are literally acting like their pawn. 

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On 6/9/2023 at 2:24 AM, T master said:


You may consider it hypocritical but i think those parents be it through their religious beliefs of not are teaching there children the "intended" version of life meaning the way things are meant to be & that being weather you are or are not a believer .


If you raise a child in that way & later when they are old enough to decide or follow their personal feelings towards someone of the same sex then go for it but for the gov't or even a parent to teach or believe that a child can make a decision about their sexuality at a age that is even before the age of recognition is just wrong .


A 2 year old can not make that decision but a parent can & in todays world have made children of both genders believe they are one way or the other or indoctrinate them to think in a different way before they can decide for them selves .


There was a father in Texas that was divorced they had a son & the boys mom was dressing him up in girls clothes because she wanted to have a girl the boy told his dad what his mom would do when they were at home & the boy was young to young to even know what sex was but the mother pushed him in one direction . If that is what happens i feel that is wrong .


If a child rom say birth to a younger teen is taught the intention of the human race that being males being with females then later have a interest in their own gender and can make that decision independent of a parent or a outsiders opinion & it is their own then i'm good with it .


But there are those that think it's not right to let a young child drive, vote, marry, buy a gun, but they can make a choice to about what their gender is or to change their body or their sexuality & as with other "Adult decisions" there are some decisions that need to be made at a age closer to adult hood .


One of the issues I have is this though, people keep trying to make anything about homosexuals into a trans conversation. I completely agree with not pushing kids on any kind of surgeries or even pushing a certain ideology onto them to push them into thinking they are something they may not be. I do believe that religious people do the same exact thing though, the conservatives just don't have a problem with that because they agree with that ideology. So for them it's not the indoctrination that's the actual issue, it's the subject matter. I think at that point they should just say that. 


Someone else brought this up about the "intended" way of things...you seem to at least be more practical about it when you say when they are old enough to follow their personal feelings they can go for it...OK, I don't really have a problem with that. I don't also think it's a problem if a parent simply doesn't push them in any direction and tells their kid it's OK to be straight or gay, whatever ends up happening. 


A question I have is lets say someone who has same sex attraction actually agrees with you or whoever else about the "intended" way of life, that if for example if it is a woman that simply is not attracted to men and does not want a male partner even if she acknowledges it was likely meant for her to be with a man. What exactly is that person supposed to do at that point? I don't remember any kind of seminal moment where I as a male chose to be attracted to females. It was just there at some point.


But what I do know is I would not be able to change it. If the script was flipped and it was the "natural and intended" thing to be with a same-gender partner, I would absolutely not be able to force myself or somehow change my attraction to males. I guess I'm just not sure what impact the whole "this is the intended way of life" spiel would have. 



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20 hours ago, BillStime said:


Agreed. It's simply not appropriate. If someone wants to share their personal life in a professional setting, great.  If not, so be it.


I will say, the longer you keep your personal life separate; the more suspicious your colleagues become - it's only human nature. 


I think that's why DEI is important - it sends a message that your workplace is a safe place to be yourself.





Thanks. I ran a large company of highly skilled professionals, most if not all with college degrees. It wasn’t a high school locker room. We had people of every nationality, political bias, faith and I’ve got to assume sexual preference. Nobody cared about ANY of this stuff and I definitely didn’t as their employer. The employer sets the tone. There is no need for a DEI committee. And if the employees believe there is, then they need to get a new employer. A committee isn’t going to fix it. 

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13 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Thanks. I ran a large company of highly skilled professionals, most if not all with college degrees. It wasn’t a high school locker room. We had people of every nationality, political bias, faith and I’ve got to assume sexual preference. Nobody cared about ANY of this stuff and I definitely didn’t as their employer. The employer sets the tone. There is no need for a DEI committee. And if the employees believe there is, then they need to get a new employer. A committee isn’t going to fix it. 

the difference is Now of days most are public and the investors demand DEI and ESG programs.



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3 minutes ago, Chris farley said:

the difference is Now of days most are public and the investors demand DEI and ESG programs.



Don’t believe everything you read or hear on the news. The majority of Americans don’t work at Fortune 500 companies. Most work at small to midsize companies all over the country. But…even large companies need strong employer leadership. Or as I used to say when distracting chatter sprung up “Get back to work!” 

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